
>>230594 (OP)
They didn't. She is lying to try and regain her following after her mistake.
yea now they look like they're resting on an invisible shelf
she chose obscurity. leave her there
I know it's sad but I'm glad her tits still look good, not as gigantic and amazing as before but some of these BR have been fucking awful. Still wankworthy huge tits, just a shame.
dumb as hell, nice face tho
Still look good?! They look fucking dreadful!
F in the chat for those titties
She was very sure about the reduction because it would be better for her career as a lawyer and now, although she does not openly admit it, it is evident that she regrets her mistake.
And she's not even a lawyer right now so yeah, what a waste.
so can someone just post more of her recent content? Please? this aint TiT....
Which any non-retarded person could've told you would happen. Yes let me leave my "job" where I make tens of thousands of dollars a month to do whatever I want all day and maybe post a picture of my chest online every so often so that I can get a 9-5 with the rest of the normies. Monumentally stupid decision and yet she had so many simps defending her
Her way of thinking was so stupid. Someone banned her from being a lawyer because she had huge boobs? So pathetic
She thought she would be a successful lawyer and so she cut off her tits and retired from nudity. Then she came back and I read comments from her on reddit where she said she didn't understand why men liked her so much before, but now she does. She also said that she knows she will no longer have the same popularity as before the reduction. And to try to convince herself, she said she was happy because now she could wear clothes that didn't fit her before. Sounds to me like she regrets it.
Many fans asked her not to do it, but she was obsessed with reducing her boobs. What a fool
Lawyers that are first starting out only make like 60 thousand a year and she made 400 grand in the first 6 months of her page. Sex work regardless of what people say will always be more profitable than an actual job if your popular and she's like mid 20s so she's still young. I see if sex work is not necessarily something you want on your resume but people don't understand if she would have kept her boobs for 2 to 4 more years she probably wouldn't have to work another day in her life. Ask mady gio when is the last time she had an actual job.
Her and Touki were literal unicorns. Its like ripping a winning lottery ticket.
well atleast touki still has her tits... right?
Here's a pre-reduction archive I uploaded a few months back. I'm still looking for the stream to complete this archive (videos are in source quality). I want to specify it's not the one currently floating around the web, as that has poor quality, but rather the one she announced is on her OnlyFans.

Always with the fucking clothes to justify reductions.
Clothes designed by men, sold by men in companies created by men. Gay men, mostly, but men.
It's infuriating how much women hate their own beautiful tits just because they appeal to basic sexual instincts.
still good to jerk off
>>230594 (OP)
I don't think you're going to get many people with her post stuff BR here. Just a lot of people pasting the same lament over and over and over.
greatest tits ever and such a beautiful face. absolute tragedy
Do say it again. I didn't quite get it the 10000000000th time.
Cock sucker trying to put you " inside" trying to be a wise guy.
Omg my boiler is fucked up
Go whine about unions in the simp thread.
Why cant I find one contractor to do my plumbing correctly. Why cant i find one to do my insulation in floors and walls properly
It's actually kind blowing, like it has to be considered mental illness on some level
I got depression from thinking about such perfect tits getting butchered
yes that stream, if anyone has the HD quality please do post it
hate to break it to you, but what you're looking for doesn't exist. turns out, she has been chopping up the footage to sell minutes from the show as regular PPV videos. and I think they don't have audio either
I believe that he is asking for the full, not screen-recorded HD stream from when she originally had it before her reduction. I guess that he hopes that someone purchased it off of her OF after it was done and could post it. I have no clue if that even exists myself.
Wow I haven’t either. Someone!?
You my friend are a true hero of the people!
First she ruined herself with those stupid tattoos and then she cut off her amazing tits. What a fool
search on google: big boobs morning stretching

enjoy champ
has she got many videos with her pussy properly out? could only see the one on the bed in that mega pack:

The crazy part is that the tattoos were not too bad and could have been hidden in a professional setting. She just listened to her intrusive thoughts and believed that her boobs were the issue when it was just that she wasn't as smart as she thought that she was. To be honest, her not realizing so much about OF or anything should have been signs that she had no idea what she was doing most of the time.
Show me on the doll where the bad lady hurt you.
He just did! Tattoos and tits. What? Are you slow or something?

This doll's broken. Time to find a new one.
I'm sure that sounded smart in your head.
There are other busty models out there, and I've moved on.

A lawyer who represents herself in the decision to chop meat out of her tits has a fool for a client.
>>230885 they even mangled her nipples...
Please tell me more about how you disapprove of this woman's actions.
Please tell me more about how you disapprove of this woman's choices.
Stupid ass hoe
How much she paid for one of those?BR?
How the fuck do you decode that?
I was gonna say wtf LMAO
Nature blessed her with huge tits with a perfect shape. Thanks to them, she made a lot of money in a short time. So she thought it was better to spend a lot of money to have smaller, ugly, scarred tits. It seems that nature did not also bless her with intelligence.
Women have this strange idea that men are suppose to accept them regardless on what they do and what they look like knowing damn well they don't even remotely do that shit.
Shes still a goodlooking women but for me it's either full nudity or iam not paying
I mean. I could understand her if she was just an ordinary woman next door with no online presence that wanted to be a lawyer and be taken serious, etc. Sure. But she had literally posted countless pictures and videos of her naked tits. The jig is up. Nobody is gonna take her serious after that. If you have money maker tits like hers and decide to dip your tits in the hoe game just go all in and make those millions. You can't open pandoras box and then try closing it and be a "serious" person. Her decision making skills doesn't seem that great.
Fuck breast reductions, my wife got one because she said she was gonna work out more and they were keeping her from that. Now she has small tits and got even fatter. I just want her tits to stick out farther than her stomach, doesn't seem like too much to ask.


what can i say, you gotta be the dominant person and basically give her an ultimatum because you are miserable
As a tits person, you really should’ve tried harder to prevent that
To drastically change your appearance in a direction that makes you less attractive to your partner, knowingly is incredibly disrespectful.
Haqhaha you fucking idiot
If this was in the ID thread then I'd answer you.
Are you in desperate need of a lawyer and are seriously considering her? Just stop man. Click on the next E whore and forget about her.
It's wild to me how nonchalantly these women will fork over tens of thousands for invasive body-altering surgery that makes them less attractive. Look at Siri. Bitch was out of porn for five minutes because she thought she was gonna be the next Mia Khalifa and she gets her tits chopped off, then a few months later she's back in porn as a fat bitch with frankentitties
offtop but anyone got that video? mara looks hot as fuck there
Yeah fantastic. We all know this.
siri is disgrace for what she did to herself
Why are we talking BRs and at that BRs of models this thread has nothing to do with?
Mod needs to delete this thread, yall bumping a hasbeen who doesn't have her big titties anymore is fucking sad
Content is fine but the constant bullshit about her decision is tedious. It's every fucking time and it's been said a million times.
Content is trash, take that shit to TiT were there's a BR category then you won't have dudes moaning about it but both of you are annoying
What's stopping you hiding the thread? Why do we have to hate what you hate? Weirdo.
Anyone have more of her post-reduction content?
Check her coomer. Someone just updated it.
Wow. All she does now is just talk about her pre-reduction days. She's down bad.
So she knows she fucked up.
what does she say? is it like "when i had giant tits i used to.." or more like sad reposting old pics of herself? i think it's pretty hot when they talk about having huge tits tbh
It's a lot of stuff like this
"Unreleased tings from my bigger titty days in honor of TBT 😏 I’m constantly getting asked if I miss the old boobs… and in short, the answer is no lol. New boobs are much more manageable, less painful, and sit up higher. BUT, I do miss the way such huge amounts of soft titty felt in my hands, how easily they could swallow a dick when tittfucking 🥹 and especially miss being able to hug my tits around my face "
A portion of her OF is still posting and re-posting images / screen shots or occasional un-released photos/videos from before the reduction.
holy shit can you all just shut the fuck up about what someone does with their life. Post some new shit, enjoy the old shit, and if you don't like her choices move on. There are plenty of bitches on the net for you to jerk off to. some of you dudes really need to get some actual pussy.

seriously, enough with the stupid commentary.
They just can't help themselves. It's very sad.
You're absolutely right but they won't listen.
Not that many tho. Once you taste unicorn, you dont want to go back to landwhales and butterfaces.
shut the fuck up faggot
i like huge tits and am upset when they are destroyed
you should be bothered when things you like are ruined for stupid reasons and allowed to tell your opinion to other people
go fuck yourself with concertina wire
its crazy seeing this girl only trying to bait likes with her pre-reduction content on ig and of.

probably the biggest regret she has in life considering they look weird af and still big/unconfortable, now added she cant take her top off because they just look odd.

sad shit these dumb bimbos do.

Where is this from?

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