
I got so many custom on her her tits are massive dm me on r e d d i t @ u/valueno6500
Just post it dumb ass
Make a reddit account? Hahahahaha
zamn that's a wide nose.
I see what's happened here. You've accidentally stumbled into the tits section of a bbw site. Have a nice day.
Real or morph? Seems real, but I don't fuckin trust any of these models anymore, especially not the African ones.
Stfu u bitch. No one care what you don't trust in these pictures. Stop being racists..

bet the girls you like got long pointing noses that look like rats from below
Who is she? Name?
Its Chiomas opponent? Hahh
The most beautiful queens in the world come from the motherland. Hands down! No competition!
It’s comments like this that make this bitch think she’s better than she is. She thinks she’s a God and is severely egotistical. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but this bitch is ugly as fuck in actual reality. She is nothing other than her two big breasts
When it comes to these Instagram egotistical bitches Big Chi probably comes in at last place she's not quite as bad as some of those other ones, but in my opinion the undisputed queen of egotistical definitely has to go to that bitch Chioma...I don't know if anyone remembers, but a few years ago when her boobs were a little smaller she use to be one of the most humblest, down to earth girls on Instagram but then her boobs hit a growth spurt and damn near doubled in size within a year's time and from the looks of it, they're still growing and that's when all the attention, clout, and money started pouring in and she took full advantage of it She started selling topless videos, got a few endorsement deals in Nigeria, she's verified on Instagram with well over 100,000 followers so that means she's getting some type of compensation from IG. So now with all of her newfound fame her ego to me is through the roof, she's staying in luxury hotels, eats at five star restaurants and everytime she goes live on Instagram It's just a setup for more clout and attention even by the outfits that she wears. It's always something revealing her chest or something she's literally about to burst out of, the pictures she posts on Instagram, majority of them are morphed to make her chest look even bigger than what it really is, shit just crazy man And her attitude stinks she really thinks she's some type of celebrity now...And by no means, am I hating on her. I'm actually a big fan of her and those huge tits I just don't like her egotistical ways and attitude now. Lots of attention is definitely like a drug to females
dude...this entire paragraph is egotistical. I can't believe I read the long ass post. go cry somewhere about it.
she ugly as SHIT tho...the tits are just blinding you
That’s called having sex appeal my friend. We’ve all fell victim to it. Same reason I like fucking fat woman even though they disgust me
what a drawn out way to simply just say "i'm a guy"
(1.3 MB, 828x1792, IMG_3671.png)
She started a private snap. $100. Im thinking about paying it. Snap: Cchi@n@like21

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