
freak. next
Almost nobody downloaded the video this chan really has no love for bimbos only for fatties
I saw u assholes pull the job post off indeed.com
The name of the website is "BBWchan." What the fuck did you think we were here for?
I've seen women on /tits that look like a stack of pancakes with no discernible tits to speak of. Stop trying to police it from the other direction.
No, fuck you. No one is trying to "police" anything you absolute buffoon. You are over here bitching that people on BBWCHAN are more interested in fat chicks than bimbos.

Why don't you go back to Reddit and follow the numerous big titty bimbo subreddits if you are so ass-blasted about people here not liking the same thing you like.
Don't like it? Hide it. As projected by you, this isn't reddit where you get things banned that you personally don't like
Stupid bitch feed it to much nitrogen

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