
I hate her face
Nice, hopefully more hardcore content
(388 KB, 1080x1349, mady gio (8).jpg) (206 KB, 1080x1895, mady gio (4).jpg) (176 KB, 1242x2197, mady gio (5).jpg) (599 KB, 565x1166, mady gio (7).png)
Is she married or what? or does she just start fucking male pornstars for content?

I'd love to know the whole process of the slippery slope with these people who spend ages hiding their nipples and then 8 months later they're bouncing on a BBC in a hotel room
She never looked happy in her media before the point. Her husband is actually better off without her tbh. The epitome of a gold digger.
Not again this granny face… next!
it's true that she's ugly. but her body is a dream for losers and virgins who hate bbw and dream of a skinny big boobs girl. these guys never fuck of course.
She’s romanian and living in northern Italy near Varese.

Her husband is (was) Italian and - before her career - she was involved in a religious organisation (dunno if Catholic or Protestant).
Divorced her husband so she could go full whore. It's been fascinating to watch her speedrun the IG girl to porn pipeline. I'm pretty sure this time last year she was still claiming that she would never start an OF
https :// go file. i o/d /pn4 Sny
*yawn* *coughs*
BORING! Nothing but same old shit.
she WAS living near here, now she lives in Switzerland to dodge tax authorities. she's an all around scumbag :D
I'm just like everyone else and can't get over how her body and her face somehow have a 15 year age difference. 😂😂
According to her, she couldn't wait to do B/G and felt like her relationship was holding her back from her full potential. I wish that other girls (*cough, cough, Tally) did the same shit, honestly.
Real, tally is so hot but insanely boring
>>226987 fully agree. Her breasts have become filthy. From a pretty, prudish young girl, she became a dirty slut who gets fucked like shit by shitty partners.
any video of her while having sex?
>According to her, she couldn't wait to do B/G and felt like her relationship was holding her back from her full potential.

yeah fuck off ancap retard, get your illiterate ass to /pol/
Fuck u chuck. I make money then you
these titfuck and sex images have videos to match?
Lmao thats TBC😂😂
This is how you know someone has watched too much porn and it's warped their brain.
Either that, or the much less likely scenario that his dick is so big that anything that is normal or average size is "tiny" to him. 😂😂
How did you learn of this place?
Wow this girl really fell off. Shes now a total hoe fucking black migrant men who are currently invading Europe. What a shame.
you're delusional, that's an average male in greece or whereever the fuck she lives for ages
stop watching fake news
No the people of Greece are white. There are god knows how many Africans and middle eastern men flowing into European boarders. Maybe she believes in White privilege haha
People who live in Greece have brown and white complexions so your wrong as hell and to be honest who cares. Your never going to be able to fuck her dude
He's black are you delusional
Once again who cares.
Stop bullshitting then
Who's bullshitting? Do people buy her vids to watch her boyfriend? Is anyone on this board fucking her? So I mean this in the nicest way possible. Fuck off
Someone isn't white, which means it's about to turn into a tally thread
Why not irish? I offer u a beer & you still say no. Wtf did I just read
lmfao american schooling at it finest.

no one in the mediterranean area looks like this. that is BLACK. read a book you obese fuck
This motherfucker is black? Nigga please… he’s just good tanned, carmelized cornbread.
Jesus Christ, every time a white woman is banging outside her race these threads get like this. Where are the wins?
>no one in the mediterranean area looks like this. that is BLACK. read a book you obese fuck
Have you looked at a map? You do know North Africa is apart of the Mediterranean too right?
The whole continent is black huh? Staggering ignorance on show here.
Some of the most in depth discussions happen on this board
Thank you David Attenborough.
Mady still has some of the best boobs ever in terms of shape size and volume. A1
And you're an ofay crakker.
I have studied anthropology and I can totally confirm that that's a nigger
Man, dudes who were in the military for five minutes always think they're an expert on everything that happens in every branch.

If the guy's not an officer or similarly making decent money, how do you figure they afforded all these surgeries, plane trips flying back and forth cross-country etc in the first place? That shit isn't cheap! They've also moved a few times since she started but they seem to keep ending up in big, luxurious-looking houses.

And Brittany started off not even making money, just sharing her pics on Twitter and Instagram for pure exhibitionism. I'm sure they're sitting pretty right now with what she probably pulls in on OF, but the idea that she was some street whore and her husband is some chain-smoking bum is the sort of thing that's so retarded only a chanboard poster could think of it.
>all these surgeries
what are chances that her breasts are a part of this then? ive had a feeling she has had some minor work done to them. lost interest in her somethings up with them.

experts, weigh in. no not blind fapper fanboys.
>>226875 (OP)
Good she got that blown out meat kebab tucked away nicely. Doc done some good work there.
Now she is crying about heartbreak on IG. That OF lifestyle seems to hit back
I don't feel sorry for her because she had someone that loved her and she gave that up for sex and she wanted to make the kind of content that makes money which is fine its her life but I mean regardless of onlyfans she's not the only woman to give up a good man to pretty much do what she wants without having to take into account the other person's feeling. Fucking various goodlooking guys doesn't equate to love 99.9 percent of the time. She's got money and her body is smoking but if she's complaining about love she should have stayed with the last guy
That is called narcissistic pervert personnality disorder my friend
Are you sure it's not called your a pussy syndrome. It's also the truth.
They're fake. Three places to look for scars (where the implant was inserted): Nipple, armpit, and underboob.

If you look closely at any non-filtered photos or pause high-res vids, you can see a small but visible underboob scar. It was a very well-done job but it's clear she had work done.
that's a black dude, shit ain't mediterranean
seems like she is having sex with a fan in latest OF ppv but its way too expensive for what its offering, i wont be paying

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