
I shouldnt of picked him up on the side of the road that night he called me. Piece of shit mother fucker
Used & abuse me fucking sperm donor
Got porno all over the fucking place. Could kill this man you deserve this greatest in your presence. Keep your distance
God took her because you betrayed the one closet to you now u ask for forgiveness. You deserve shit. I see where my anger comes from now.
Im going to remember this shit for as long as I live. Done with you cock sucker
Im taking everything from you by force one way or the other. If our lives mean nothing to u. Misery & chaos is what you shall have. No bible verse will save you. A rapist pedohile wrote that book but u trust it more then someone who was there for u. Foolery.
Im your worse nightmare.
Treats his 1st & last born like shit. He wonders why ppl the way theyre with him. Fool fuck em
But he praises the false prohet of a son. Im going to fix all of that for I am the god of war & life
I could reck havoc & destroy this entire planet when I want. But you will feel earth quake shakes like no other just to remind you I am him. Him in human form. Then you will know god left to guide & protect this planet.
He is scared because he realize I remember thing he did to me physically & mentally when I was to young to understand now he is living in fear. As he should
Does a finger in the ass really explain all this mental instability?
No but nice chain. We are the watchers
Something else happened then.
Imagine having millions & cant one penny. Imagine that kind of pain & rage.
Oh I know the feeling kid. I was there once
No one told her he is rich? Makes sense why she think her shit doesnt stink her & them.
Sir. this is the tits forum, not a mummy exhibit. What the fuck is this?
The Crypt Keeper with tits.
i'd fuck her til she squirts dust

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