
First time using this kind of forum and fucked up the name: Her name is Nico1e Co1ina (you know what to change the 1 to). Does anybody else have any more of her videos??
So the mother is trying profit off her daughters tits?
whred you get the video?
Her vids are criminally expensive. If anyone actually has them I'd love it if they shared but I feel like it's unlikely anyone really bought them
Coffee AND milk from Colombia! Bring it on and let her granny have a go as well!
Forgot to say you are a star for posting those clips. What women will go to for money boggles the mind!
Is this the same girl who was getting piped right next to her sleeping grandma?
I think so, who has that video uncensored? >>219753
Think of the other forum that might talk abou this kind of stuff. If you google her name you'll find it.
Yes, she is. In the other forum you will find a couple more vids.
loads of crazy videos with her. some people just nuts for money...

Are speaking of this forum or another?
Wtf is that her mom? This is a whole new vertical
I always doubt everything. But after watching the vids on the other forum, I can say by the way the talk to each other, and the comments made on the vids. This might be real incest. Mother, grandma and daughter...
god i hate jerking off to this
Its like katieanders and her mom. Not a fan of this kind of content but tits like that make it hard to look away
That's Nicole Colina
>>219819 Positively disgusting. Is there a thread for katieanders on the board or a link?
>>219640 (OP) Videos such as this, disgusting beyond all that I can imagine, these women showing are exactly why racists hate black people. This' too much. I'm going to have nightmares now and hurl in my sleep. Why such uglyness exists, momma? These individuals are the most wicked ladies I've ever met, or either that or they're really, really, really retarded.
What do back people have to do with this? Why is race a constant theme in a lot o posts on this board?
>>219640 (OP)
Wait a min, so is this her mom sucking on her tits?

That's not her mom. That seems more like an acquaintance. Her mom appears in other vids
Based on her Twitter that definitely seems to be her mom.
It is not based on the videos. Other forums have 2 vids with her mom. Where she (N1col3) calls her mom. Another vid has her mom and this acquaintance together, this acquaintance tells the other woman (N1col3's mom): "Suck your daughter's tits, you did not breastfeed her and now you're sucking her tits". Would go on more details but I think this is enough
the "other" forum's thread was just deleted :D

Is it cos of the incest?
Yes, I was honestly fine with the grandma and mom cause they grown so do whatever if that's what y'all into but she brings her infant into some of her live streams, like come on. That shit ain't cool
>>219640 (OP)
It actually isn't. Legally that could be considered CP
I didn’t even know that, but yeah she’s a weirdo
I’m searching everywhere for this content you guys are talking about. I know it’s off that “other forum” but is there anywhere else I can find it?
On her twitter >>220244
What's her Twitter?

>>219640 (OP)

what's her IG?! I need to go rip it but google keeps feeding me the wrong girls
Those two first videos were oddly amusing. It has a really weird mix of hot and disturbing at the same time, that's probably where she aims lol
Anymore videos
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she made one with her m()M
>>220745 I think this isn't as sexy as her ducking her mom's breasts. Does anyone else agree?
A part of me was really hoping the incest thing was bullshit.

What the fuck is wrong with them?
>A part of me was really hoping the incest thing was bullshit.
Clearly these incest lovers're retarded niggers
This is not incest morons, it's about making money. As I said earlier, it is amazing what women will do forvthe folding stuff
>>220801 Lesbians who understands them?Lesbians' they're fucking crazy, dude
Even if it's for money it's still incest you retard. You gonna say just cause adam22 let his wife get pounded by a BBC for money that wasn't him getting cucked? You gotta be mentally handicapped for that dumbass comment
>>220853 You wana know what I think? I think you just enjoy saying the word incest. HAHAHAHAHA!

Fucking niggers
Bitch wants $130 for this vid
Wheres your proof to back up that claim that's not her mom?. Yes bitches get thirsty for $ , but I ain't never seen a bitch go this low.
>>220860 She's a pervert. Don't you understand? She's psycho.
Wierd ass fucking nigga

I don't think you're replying to who you think you're replying to.
It's called incest if you do sexual stuff with your family. Stop being willfully retarded
who cares, does anyone have more on her?
She sucked on her mamma's tit when she was younger, it's reciprocal
Can we get a gofiler on her or something please and thanks
sexual intercourse between closely related persons.

the crime of sexual intercourse, cohabitation, or marriage between persons within the degrees of consanguinity or affinity wherein marriage is legally forbidden.

The dictionary definition - not mine. Show us where she is fucking her mom, or vice versa
Its literally incest you slow mofo
>>220962 So fucking gross. This reminds me of that 1 time I woke up from my sleep to find my retarded mom literally sucking my toes.
Man, this thread on the OTHER site was active and full. We gotta step it up.
Man, this thread on the OTHER site was super active. We gotta step it up and do better.
What other site is it
They literally shut the thread down cause of incest tho unfortunately
Or she could've been a formula baby. Either way that was for nourishment, this is for sexual pleasure and making money, it's not reciprocal💀
That's SO HOT!!🔥🥵🔥
That’s so hot!!!! Anymore???
Anyone else got anything on her? Here's something I found: https://gofile.io/d/EnDKZs

I really want to see the one with her sis
I have some pretty solid links. Just don’t ruin this shit.
I found a link with 20+ videos on it.
That would be awesome if you posted the links.
^^^replace the 3’s with the 5th letter in the alphabet
Anyone know here webcam sites she uses and her name? Love to watch.
Where did you watch these live streams you speak of? I want to watch more family videos
I know it's fucked up and it's not something I'm usually into. But the idea her tits are so big that her entire family is just like "fuck it, I'm gonna suck them", like they're overcome with tit lust is kinda hot.
What's with the toothless old granny chuckling and leering? Is that supposed to be hot? I couldn't jack it because I couldnt stop laughing.
degenerate family

poor mans south american version of kardashians
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Curious, can anyone confirm who is who in these 3 videos?

It's my understanding that she allegedly had her mom sucking on her tits in a video and allegedly had her sister sucking on her tits in another video.

Is that in these 3 vids that were previously posted? If so, which one is which? My fucked up perverted mind is curious to know.

(These are the only 3 tit-sucking vids im aware of that have made the rounds so far)
Her mom is in the thread starter video.>>222059
Lol. The "unknown" is also her mother, she even calls her mom in that vid. It's same woman on the second pic, the old lady is her grandma
Crazy family
It's the fucking brady bunch of incest
He's not talking about the mom
>>219640 (OP)
Watched them with sound, seems like they are doing some request/custom vid, because the mom/grandma/older lady (shorting it to just "mom") asks "what does this one wants?" and the tit girl says "that you lick them, milk them, slap and play with them".
The mom doesn't look too invested in what she is doing, probably just caring to get done with the custom.

They might be making a bank out of it, or not.
We have a saying in spanish "for the money dances the monkey".
Still weird shit.
Im sorry yall ik i haven’t contributed nothing, its because i dont have anything. But does anybody got the full vids with her sister or cousin? Much appreciated
Seconded, sister and cousin videos please
fuck this is gone already!!!!!


Thanks for the clarification

I think the only one i don't have and haven't bewn able to find yet is the one with her sister. I haven't seen it posted here and ive searched everywhere i could think of

Anyone by chance have it or a link to it?
Still there. Just login. >>222323
I tried joining the WhatsApp group to buy some shit but my it wouldn’t let me join due to having an IPhone, apparently. Any more wins? She makes it tough as hell to actually get through to make the purchase.
So we’re just gonna let this legend die??
This' the grossest thing I've probably ever seen a Latina do. I hope nobody starts race warring because of this hoe. Clean your DNA. We're racial profiling now

You got the video with the "mother"
Is this thread getting killed or something? It was way more active than this before and I'm seeing comments get deleted.
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Anyone have this vid?
We need a hero for the sister video
Sister video is everywhere, man.
Go buy them. It's $100. She won't screw u over. I know personally
I don't have $100 to spend to watch someone suck a titty
The 5 minute one when the cousin & sister suck both tiddies at the same time is alot better but it's $200. That's worth it. Go buy it. You'll get the video. No funny business with her. She's pretty cool to talk to too
Sorry for yo luck broke boy lol
Yea the sister one all over the place just Google it
i love you guys no homo
Any update?
Lies. If it's true, all you have to do is point a direct link, and no, google.com or a search engine doesn't count. a16482
We’re really just gonna let this legend die? Let’s team up to get some content shared. Who’s with me??
That's such a shame, and a shame others would like about it, welcome to the internet lol
Seconded, some hero needs to come through and direct us to this
Someone's gotta have the video...

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