
She's definitely doing the abbi lipo strat
I'm curious as to what she is trying to hide or avoid by showing her nipples at this angle in every picture. It is really odd to see and no other girl has gone to these lengths to avoid showing full body but her...
Maybe it cus her nipples point south, and she has very light areolas so she probably thinks she's helping by giving us an upward close angle.
i think shes hiding her waist
I wonder why people do even pay for shit like this. She's a dwarf, her videos are shit, she doesn't show face and angles n such are all a mess up. Stop giving her money lol
Just watch her older videos for her face
Start with the Yungfreckz threads, and other girls who don’t even show nipples. Then your argument might hold some weight.
Then again this is a sharing/pirate site so it will never make much sense
>>219632 Granted this model's content blows although there's been a few gold nuggets here and there. While Yungfreks' kinda bae, and has the type of breasts that are difficult to beat. It's a tough decision.
You really comparing a girl that shows tits on a tits forum to a girl that shows handbras with pasties and a crappy chest tattoo? Come on man
while I agree her content is dogwater, who gives a shit about her face lmfao she can even cover her eyes for all I care
maybe post it when it's in progress next time
With all those angles and stuff she's just trying or hide the fact that she's a dwarf.
I wish she would accept herself and just post normal pics, quitting the whole wigs masks and angles stuff. She's like the sexiest dwarf I've ever seen and i see no problem in that
She's couldn't be that short, she has to be at least 5'3" - which is short, but that's average.
Your right she's around 5"3 5"4 she's not 4"10 anyways her content sucks
I scraped her Instagram. A lot of the photos aren't as lewd as the ones usually posted here, but some are pretty good.

This oompa loompa shows her hairy butthole. It's in the coomer
I wonder why people post Insta pics on here like we can't just go on Instagram and see them or on any scraper and download them. That's not contributing, that's being retarded
amagree. this blog is full of youngsters and chyna's photos aim to engage tykes' brains.
I don't understand - why does this mentally retarded woman need a budget breast pump if she's not pregnant?

So she can be fake of course.
>bbw-chan users wringing their hands and gnashing their teeth over a woman they dislike

must be a day ending in "y"

You can induce lactation. That's how M-Cup Erin does it. I am not quite sure if she has ever been pregnant.
>>220296 Yes but I don't think it's that easy. She should see a doctor.
Idk why yall are hating? She is the only model that doesnt scam and uploads regularly. If you are not dropping content shut up

Uploads bait regularly, yeah.

Charges a shitload and then charges a shitload more for nips.

They are literally behind a paywall. Great for business, but shit for fans.
$45?!?!? FOR TEN PICTURES?!?!? Shes capping. Whos gonna be that desperate?
That's actually cheaper than usual
It would usually be 4 photos for $40 or around that much.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but 10 pictures for $45 is a "deal" in comparison to what she has charged in the past.
We need a hero
We need a hero
Imagine being so rich you just pay for this shit and fap like a boss
Don't even think the rich fap to this without guilt and regret.
No one wants to be a hero?
I rather have this video than the 10 pics
Can we have the 10 pics?
T e l e g r o u p
h t t ps. :/ /t. m e/ +f 6 6 Z r b V l B y x
l M j l h
What the fuck is this?
Get the one above and make 10 copies. You're good.
you guys are fucking awesome. thanks!
There was an old video she made where she was wearing I think a stripped shirt and pulled it off to show a white tank top underneath. Obviously a nonnude video, but anyway I can't find it anymore. Anyone got that old ass video?
I might, but it'll take me a while to find in my archives.
That's pretty good, but not quite. It's really old, before she had onlyfans for sure. Maybe before the site was even a thing. Even the video quality isn't that good if I'm honest.
Yeah that's the one, although it's broken up and out of order in that compilation. I feel like these older videos have become weirdly difficult to find.
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more pic
that one is a classic its a shame she dont play with them like that anymore. for some reason all she does now is hide her fingers and use one fingers to hide her nipple, i need to see sink her hands in them titties
Anyone got the link to REPORT MY POST? I accide tally left the group I need a reinvite.
Anyone got a link to the REPORT MY POST group?
Can we please have wins?
Whoa, yeah that's the exact one. I searched for hours and couldn't find it, so I thought asking here was the only chance I had left to see it again. Wish she made videos like that again, especially since she's willing to show her nips now.
is there an archive or gallery of this era of her?
Is anyone gonna update her coomer or is it still not possible?
I don't think anyone can update it yet.
No longer bumping?
Probably time for a new thread lol
I don't think she has posted anything new as of late.
Anyone get the new sunday video she sent out? It’s a titfuck one
Can someone re-up the bikini vids again?
Why are sharing her old stuff? She has new stuff that hasn't been posted on here yet.
because why not? this thread is almost dead anyways
"Ok, ok, I'll make you an HD Toyo video, don't worry. And I promise this one will make you cum a few times! Especially if you like big swollen tiddies and me waiting to be 💦 on"

We need a HERO!! 🔥🔥
Hard to believe how big her boobs have gotten, when her old photos with her new ones. She went from a G to M in just a couple years.
(69 KB, 718x800, 0cf82cb48af0ca464aa0c4c3fe556ce61208214ed74e0efc3310a31e31f555b6.jpg) (36 KB, 533x800, 2ec3db0e2f2b65108dfa144dbb2aeb85f17dd30ce77e4c8ed61c3d39944b5ece.jpg) (36 KB, 800x600, 7f204ad9ab67e6ed91553d1f8c35af83c309e441b717d9374d40a45218db7df1.jpg) (34 KB, 800x600, 9cf057059301f1aa71f7a824619cf9bc2f11178f28f1c0d88278d81020ddae2c.jpg) (33 KB, 800x600, 42e5320b92ad6cf23a78942edcb6654a9a23c67f6332576a2f79357f79bc8fdb.jpg) (43 KB, 708x800, 682b7686409804515b88ef14a36e146e43c2445d380abb8d53b248fef7ae2bc2.jpg)
She never followed through and released it.
Yes she did, someone just needs to pay for it
No, for every video or set she sells, she makes a corresponding post with the price and a cutoff point. She made no such post aside from saying she'd do it "next week". I'm enough of a sucker to have bought it otherwise, trust that I watched.
Is there nothing new from her lately?
a lot
damn, guess this thread isn't coming back to life. where are we gonna get content now
There's another thread.
How about any other tit pirate site on the internet? Dis cord? Fucking everywhere, why the same three poses she does over and over are wasting space here is a mystery

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