
Anyone have the video?
She is never going to show more...
Seen it all before. All being nothing.
Is there a video of this?
your right she isnt ever going to show, but.... if we can find a disgruntle boyfriend out there somewhere.... lmao
I will make the porno art with you. It must be discrete. Purely confidential. I come to you. I will suck on your tits and make discrete art with you. My directing services is as follows. A small fee and some few minor requests on my own personal behalf. No penetration and purely discreet. You must be ready and willing to work long hours, and my travels must be payed for seperately. I can produce a full body of work within the year, and need only an NDA agreement and minimum pay. I will handle all of the arrangements for the shoot but they must be payed for in full or otherwise supplied by you. I work on my on hours which can be a hectic scheduke and so you will be working on my time. I look forward eagerly to working with you.
I hope she shot some videos of herself in the Hooters shirt.
There's a small clip on Coomer, but that's it.
so much potential and for what? never topless, pads and thousand of less than 1mn vids in her kitchen to say she's a problem with alcohol...
She knows theres power in imagination
I doubt she knows what day of he week it is. We've seen as much as she's ever going to show. If you pay for more of the same and I mean exactly the same then more fool you.
You virgins are real life angry at a girl for not taking her top off lmao
not angry, just disappointed
She was perfect 2 years ago, and I was her biggest fan. In 2023 she needs an 2.5 increase in size on each breast while still maintaining a reasonable degree of firm viscosity. It's not that competition is greater, but that the market changes habe caused a growth that's expansive, and these changes can be seen in today's more demanding porno market.
Angry? Have you seen the amount of giant tits here that do show something worth looking at?
It's virgin simps like you who Pay bitches like her to keep their tops on
we are, we want to see them so bad and she won't let us, fucking bitch
She had potential. Then she went crazy. Wouldn't surprise me a bit to see her sucking BBC in a phone leak. Don't use Linux, guys. This girl was a natural treasure before the evil went to her head. What I expect from her's to never get a boyfriend or get married and die alone and childless, with cats.
>Don't use Linux, guys.
How strange.
>>218721 It's been known to have leaks problems. Android uses Linux. Put two and two together. The government doesn't love you.
Yeah, I trust Microsoft and Apple implicitly. lol try again,
Android is linux. It's the play store and Gapps that spill all your shit everywhere.
Did I say trust Microsoft or Apple? One's a wealthy Jew from NY, and the other's a wealthy hippie that's probably bisexual and worships Satan. I'm not here to judge their personal life or their product's quality. I'm here to tell you the facts for your own personal benefit of security. You can easily download these Operating Systems and download tools to perform your own tests and see for yourself.

The Operating Systems I've been told not to use are coincidentally some of the most popular. Linux Arch, Linux Ubuntu, Debian, and Google Android phones (because of LG, Samsung, and a few other companies and their preinstalled apps) I haven't yet heard anybody warn me against using Windows or Mac, but I have 10 machines with most of these OS the difference's I use a firewall.

Here's the bottom line. They have everybody's nudes. If you've ever used Android phones they definitely have your nudes. I promise you. They have my ex wifes nudes and I can't do anything about that. They have all the nudes of every girlfriend I ever had and every girl I ever dated or flirted with. How do I know? Because they showed me. Don't let the same thing happen to you and protect your nudes. Don't let these niggers see the pussy that was given to you unless you want yo share it on the internet then that's different but what I'm saying is they're laughing at you. I confronted them and told them I don't hive a fuck. They wanted money to buy my nudes back. I told them to fuck off, then they sent undercover spies to follow my ex wife and ex girlfriend around before I noticed what was happening.
You have nudes and you have a smartphone. Your opinion on these matters is meaningless.
You are an idiot. Please do yourself a favor and never post anything again.
I saw her her areolas, there was a reddit post with a leak but it disappeared in minutes. Did anyone grab it?

There were two shots- both of them kinda from the same perspective at the seashell shot with her tits in your face. It looked legit, her nips were covered but drawn over but you could still see so much areola.
(271 KB, 1284x2769, IMG_3078.jpeg)
This one? It’s shopped
Damn it probably was then
There's only video where her boob accidentally pops out, but the quality sucks. If someone could get a hold of it and muck about with it, we would see her titty.
What makes you say it's shopped? Care to show the original?
Imagine how much better things would be if she posted stuff like this herself
That's a cap for one of the customs she made for me during covid. I posted a few caps on reddit but the post was deleted because I was trying to sell the videos. And no ahah, it's not a photoshops. I have 4 videos in total and paid a lot of money for them back then. She was much more active and responsive back in the day.

The same thing happened here, i posted caps but i quickly realized I wasnt allowed to sell the vids here, so I deleted my post.
(13 KB, 150x150, VIDEO3.jpg)
Here's one of the custom videos she did for me. One of four videos.
Oh and sorry, looking again at the Snapchat screenshot posted earlier - yes that indeed is a photoshop, she was wearing nip covers so no visible nipples. But the videos I have are definitely more revealing that anything else she's ever done. Full body shots of her from the front with her boobs just hanging, wearing just nip covers, as well as shots from underneath exposing her total boob mass and upper body and parts of her lower body

Would you post the top left one? Looks great.
hey im keen on this anyway to reach you
Ok so I just went though the rules and there's nothing against posting my contact address so here it is:

yungfreckzvideos (at) gmx (dot) fr

Mods, I hope I'm not breaking any rules and if I am then I apologize. The rules say that it's forbidden to post a girl's email which is normal, but I didnt see anything about posting your own contact address.
Thank you Rob, you're one of the good ones.
so eum...you gonna post them or what?
Hi Rob, I sent you an email
You can post them on gofile (if you have them downloaded onto your computer), it'll be easier for you and us
Is that an email address?
Oh shit oh shit...is it finally happening?
Wow unseen content? Would love for that to be shared. Never thought there was better stuff out there
If you get them, you should share them with us on here through Gofile.
Wait, so why are we calling this shopped? That's not a pastie, that's an emoji. There exists a photo without the emoji, so that could definitely be real then
Yeah he's asking for 150-375 euros ($160-$400) its like you could just ask her to make you personal vid for that much
HAHAHA Rob likes looking when others share content for free but can’t share his own.
what a joke...
You've got to be really special to try to sell stuff on a site like this.
mf was sending preview pics here to sell the videos at 300+ bucks via email.

my god if anyone pays for porn he is already retarded but paying for pasties? holy fking shit
$300 bucks for a few clips!? That man is nuts.
Please post top left screencap
Not really.

I'd put good odds that Yungfreckz charged him $200-300 per custom video, since she charged around that same amount the last time she did customs. So he probably paid $800-1,200 for all four videos. And whether he's trying to recoup his losses or he really needs the money for something else, he's now charging a similar amount per video.

The only question I have is whether he's a private trader and he's showing proof of purchase to the person he's actually trying to sell to, or if this is open to anyone stupid enough to buy 1-2 minute videos at insane prices.
Sorry. I didn't realize he wanted $300 for all the videos. Still overpriced though, and odds are he won't recoup his losses.
Not interested in this thread till someone ACTUALLY posts a titty pic of her showing her nipples.
So, what would you want for it? Like an exchange?
Of course with a guarantee that it will not get anywhere. As a variant exchange for something of such equal value that both parties would not want this staff to go somewhere else.
What do you think?
You’re out of your mind to charge that much
I understand where you're coming from but I'm just doing business and it's worked pretty well. Not trying to be in asshole or anything. Sorry some of you think it's too pricey, it is what it is, some guys can afford this and have no problem with it.

I can easily afford it. It's not about price, it's about value. It looks like it's in the same boat as her usual stuff, no offense. Sure it's more pasties and she usually doesn't do those but still the videos are also painfully short for the cost. Hundreds for a 2 min vid is fucked.

I swear, if everyone came together and stopped subbing for a while then she'd break down and show more guaranteed. She's making shitloads so that coming to a halt would force a change.
Anythinh new?
Why doesn't she show full length photos up? Because her body is like a barrel. It is ugly.
I'm confused. What's happening? She's finally showing the goods and these are just the censored previews?
Jk I have no idea either, probably pasties
That's her sister. I'd fuck her sister before I even remotely touched her
>>219857 Yungfreckz's at least a hundred times sexier than her sister. You're crazy. Are you sure you're not gay?
That's her sister? I was wondering why they looked like, but she has smaller tits. 😅
(56 KB, 750x1044, yeah-somebody-had-to-6tv0i1pj46.jpg) (152 KB, 1242x2688, new-content-bbs24t0qty.jpg) (312 KB, 1122x2208, nothing-but-net-43p3g4x21p.jpg) (32 KB, 411x809, J 5.jpg) (146 KB, 1242x2122, spillage-5zlv1i4bu4.jpg) (192 KB, 1242x1996, straps-5tk94mx0xo.jpg)
Yeah her sister used to have an OF where she posted actual content. She ended up deleting it and making her Instagram private the vast majority of her stuff now seems to be lost. She used to have videos too but they're long gone
Sisterly competition. The only way to be equal with freckz is to show it all. Otherwise we forget her
I can't imagine how many messages she got to talk about her sister...
How much for the video in the top right left corner? Plus how would we go about this? I have no clue how email transfers work or any of that.
You bout to get scammed dud. Don't let the horny take over your proper thinking
Y'all really out here giving this girl money for TikTok content that's crazy
I doubt it. Shes the more conventionally attractive of the two.
>>220022 Hmmmmm maybe. I guess I can see that, but honestly not by much. I feel like if I had to choose between the two it's a no-brainer.
YF is in bad shape. We here, are kinda into that but I don't think that many other people are. Most guys would have been thirsting in this girls DMs with no knowledge of YF. She wouldn't be on their radar.
You'd be surprised how many people are actually secret bbw lovers but can't cause they'll get shit on by the people around them. This is what causes them to just follow the majority so they don't get flamed
I don't think it's that many. Humans are attracted to, in the main anyway health and repulsed by the unhealthy. BBWs aren't healthy.
For you maybe. What about the average Joe?
>>220036 I'd say that I'm probably the most regular dude on this site, and the only way I would pick the girl with the small boobs would be if I was gay or if I hated huge boobs because I know some dudes growing up that thought fat was gross and they would make fun of girls with huge boobs.
On this site. You're missing that we're not altogether that common.
>>220073 Do you mean young unwed people who are childless as a minority?
You can and it's been pointed out.
Probably why she quit in the first place.
Let's be honest, if you we're sitting next to both of them, which one would you choose to take home and the answer obvious for some.
Whichever of the two clearly loves your dick. That's the non-reptilian.

Another sign of satanic evil's disengenouity and lying. These play into their keeping up appearances and sometimes a secret or hidden life (usually in the company of other reptilian communities).

Because their emotions are falseified they can have subtle hints of being forced or being overly extreme, and the emotion can seem faked even when it's not faked all depending on how powerful or accustomed the reptilian has become.

I don't believe these individuals to be coerced into psychopathic behaviours, but I do believe that they may in some cases be posessed by evil entities, although to be fair I don't know enough about the subject matter or care enough to get into spiritual aspects of these users among us.

One thing that I've noticed's that's quite the peculiarity's their possible enjoyment derived from speaking about God and the Bible albeit in a negative almost mocking connotation that's appearantly benign, but jokingly verges on blasphemic. Because of the way they tiptoe around certain subjects what I usually try to do is hold a real and spiritual conversation about God with them while trying to understand their personal beliefs as this has been my most succesful method of acknowledging how right with God a person might be. Even then a reptilian can stunt me by rwciting scripture or saying something like "Only God knows what's in men's hearts," which's of course a fact of reality but so's the fact that the intentions of their words aren't necessarily true or righteous even when I've deemed them so.
The one that will fuck me?
People here would take home fatty. Everyone else would take home skinny.
her material has always been bad but subbing to her has never as worthless as right now and it's clearly not changing
>>219953 I feel like that's part of why she quit Onlyfans. Because her sister is so overwhelmingly popular and they probably swarmed her shit with Freckz comments.
>>220290 any place where Freckz isn't there she's a mandatory take home. If Freckz is in the same room I would literally act like I never seen her. Lol
It is her sister. Missy had posted that side by side pic years ago.
(35 KB, 429x844, J 2.jpg) (57 KB, 1335x808, J 4.jpg) (36 KB, 653x808, J 6.jpg)
Her sis used to have a good video of her bouncing her tits but it seems to have been purged from the internet like much of her sisters content
Does anyone have a complete collection of her content that they can share?
Probably the only time she showed her titty.
I subbed to her of during a sale and this bitch wants $50 for a video under 2 minutes of her in mermaid pasties lmao lesson learned
Well, did you get it? XD
is the guy with the custom vids still around? Tried to send you an email

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