
Bro, it's a dude cut your losses now
Excuse me, I think it's a trans...
Not this again?

I've nothing against trans, but it's annoying when guys keep posting them as if they've just discovered the next big thing.
Why are you all hating?
That's unbelievable. If this trans then they wen't beyond the call of duty. This level of deciet is unnecessary just use your imagination already why does she look like she was born a girl

Doesn't make sense
What hormones do...
It's wayyy too much. This' dangerous what we're doing here. We're meddling with things that we shouldn't be playing with. This isn't trans. Don't play with God's creation.
>>217051 What does that word mean? It's your life I'm just saying it's not right using science to play with biology
It's a dude and those are some plastic shit.

It's a shame, I thought it was a girl too...
I wasn't replying to you and you have access to the internet do you not? Failing that I think dictionaries are still a thing.
Face looked decent so I thought it was a girl usually the trans faces 99% of the time you can tell they're men because they're not very "beautiful". It's very rare to see a beautiful trans, but it has happened before a handful of times that I've gotten tricked and thought it was a girl. Trans are mostly ugly in the face, with masculine features. Most of them try too hard end up looking like little boys. It's not really my thing. I just like to fuck women. I wouldn't date a trans because though she may have a nice body but at the end of the day she's just a fake girl. The sex's probably good as fuck though, they're probably good in bed, but then again so are the young girls. Get a young gf and try not to fall in love. It's impossible. She's gonna wrap you around her finger. Or like get a prostitute. They're good in bed too.

What the hell are you talking about loser I read the numbers wrong and yeah you talk like a bitch that's why you never got pussy
Lmao how you gonna get mad for being slow but also you clearly secretly gay and also a pedophile with that bs essay you wrote. Why you keep talking about young girls?

"I wouldn't date a trans because though she may have a nice body but at the end of the day she's just a fake girl. The sex's probably good as fuck though, they're probably good in bed, but then again so are the young girls"

Yeah you need to have your computer investigated immediately. 🚔>>217057

I don't know wtf you're talking about or wtf you just said, but I would so kick your fucking ass if I was your dad.
Whole tread is full of sex criminals.
Damn. Can't read or count? I guess that's what gets you all the pussy nowadays.

I'm solely here to let her know that I love her. I miss you babygirl.

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