
More on her please
It may be helpful if we knew the face or name of said hoe.
I wish I had that. This was posted on this board a while ago with no additional information so I was curious
I think it's kellyswishes
Whose that? Searching that up finds nothing
She was posting here. That's all
You mean kellyswishes was? I'm confused at the moment
The chick that op posted. That might have been her name. Can't remember for sure.
I don't think that's her
Looks like my girlfriend's tits lol
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Wow looks like people are still enjoying my pics lol. Here's one from a while ago.

And the the person posting. I'm pretty much unknown lol
Welcome back, Did you ever manage to turn up some bra pics for me?
And you are? I don't remember much from when I was posting before
This is going to end well.
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To the person who asked for a bra pic. This ones a bit too tight on me.
Lol maybe. I just like compliments honestly
>>217588 I think all females enjoy compliments and demonstrations of attention, kindness, and love. I had a gf that I would compliment almost daily and she never bothered to care if I was being honest or not. She would giggle everytime like a young girl even so after many years of marriage she would still bask in my demonstrations of affection for her rarely only when out in public ever feeling abashful. Sometimes I wonder how she was so sure that I wasn't closeted and just telling white lies.
I would say maybe just blind faith. If nothing else just hearing the words in general is pretty nice and could be left at that.

I think overthrowing about it would just become a stressor. I've done that myself and it's a headache.
>>217598 I have a headache right now, but I agree it's not something anybody should ever feel forced to do. I had other gf which I had much less chemistry with and it showed outside the bedroom where we were practicly strangers. I likened the feeling to being an old married couple except you've been dating for a few months time. It's surreal how much more "in love" I was when it was with the "perfect" girl. If that makes sense. We were good together and although the sex perhaps wasn't all that it sure made everything else better. I would get boners sometimes just from her looking at me or giving me a hug. I'm not sure what it was but probably had something to do with her body type as she was extremely tall and well endowed. I would say her personality was also perfect for me though and that it contributed greatly to my constant arousal and boners. Basicly everywhere we went we had to fuck outdoors for a quick break. Those were near the last of my best years of life.
Sounds like everything was great. That sounds like alot of outdoor sex. Yeah it's not always looks. Personality is a big factor for many. I know it is for myself.
>>217600 I wouldn't say personality so much so as chemistry being the "factor", because niggers don't have personalities. And outdoor sex was once a week for me when I was that age.
You know what gets a woman wet? Using the word nigger. It's a pantie dropper that never fails.
>>217607 You don't have to tell me that. Do you have any idea how many times I've been called a nigger while I was deep in some guts? Btw, I was indifferent about it. Everytime.
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Here's one from last night. Give everyone a tease
Would love so see your belly
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I'm shy about that but here's one since you asked. Hopefully you like it
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Here's something the did the other day for a friend. Not showing my face but I hope you enjoy.
Now that is awesome. Lucky friend

Very much. He enjoyed it alot.
I think I need better friends lol
>>217736 What you lost's God, loser.
Lol, just a friend with benefits type thing
Well keep up the good work. Nice to see some OC here

OC? What is that?
Oh lol. Gotcha, we will see usually I do it for my partners but occasionally don't mind sharing and hearing what people think.

I've been mote comfortable with doing it
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Here's one that was taken today.

What would you do if you could play with tits like these?
I'd be pretty fuckin happy
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Anything you would do in particular?

This pic was from a while ago. I liked the cleavage
I think grabbing handfuls and softly kneading them would be a good start
That sounds good, great start.
Some nibbling would be good too
Let's see your pussy
Kinda hard for me to take a pic down there. Big tits and belly.

Sounds pretty hot. Would feel amazing. What would be next?
Mirror or timer would work good
Need to see more of that wonderful belly.
I'm thinking Australian kisses
Aren't you kind. Most of the guys I've been with would've already whipped out their dick
Yeah you're one of those aforementioned friends aren't you.
Not my style. I prefer to enjoy it
Fair enough. Though they definitely enjoy themselves.

I was with someone who enjoyed that kinda play. Not exactly my kinda thing but I can understand the appeal
If you are a jam it in kinda girl, I'm good with that too lol

Sometimes I do like it rough lol all I meant is usually I'm already tittyfucking, sucking or on my knees.
Those are all wonderful ideas
Lol. Usually the tittyfuckinh is what does it
They are definitely fuckin awesome tits
Thank you. I'm glad you like them. I worry about their shape or the areolas. From my experience most people do not like large or odd looking areolas.
They are proportionate. Tasty looking nipples too
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You're sweet. You definitely deserve a tittyfuck ;)

Here's a oldie
Very awesome. If you ever wanna chat let me know. I promise I am normally slightly less retarded lol
You mean on here?

Lol no other way for me to find you.
If you click the links button at the bottom of the page is a super easy one
I'd just say it, but it trips the filter lol
I gotcha but I don't have one
Well damn. It's free at least
I know. Didn't have much of an interest though.
For what it's worth, you seem like a cool chick to get to know

Thanks, it was cool talking to you as well.
Another ine
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Another tease
Got any boob videos with sound?
There are videos but nothing I would want to share at the moment ;P
Holy shit. I like today
Thought I would show off the belly a bit
>>217913 I'm shocked a lady as yourself isn't taken.
>>217915 How foolish of me. Oh dear, to assume such a thing. I'm terribly sorry
Nah, you are good. I can understand. The relationship is pretty open and chill.
>>217917 I feel like I've must've said this before a hundred times on this board but I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't care. It's not over until the fat lady sings, and you're doing God's work. Good job.
Lol thanks. I'm just glad everyone has been enjoying it and being positive
>>217919 I feel like I've must've said this before a hundred times on this board but I don't care and I don't know what you're talking about. It's not over until the fat lady sings, and you're doing God's work. Good job
>>217919 I'm not sure but I think its you breasts. There's a secret terrorist cult that dabbles in scientific peculiarities such as these and consider themselves of highest importance, in case you're ever in the states. I hear they're very popular, but I didn't realize how crazy until recent years. You're just some hoe? Keep up the great work. With your breasts
>>217921 No I worded a sentence incoherently so I fixed it. I like to fix things that others break.
i love milk
>>217925 God willing, my dear.
Lol how much do you love milk?
>>217928 You don't want to know. You can't handle. Truth.
>>217928 Let me put it to you this way, if I had children it wouldn't be where I am now. I made a pact to my unborn children. This pact consisted of a simple premise, that in gratitude of God's gifts to me, my parents upbringing, and my perfect childhood. I would make sure that I wouldn't bring any children into this world unless that I could asure them a life of equal perfection if not better. I made thus pact with my unbirn children in my balls way too many years ago. I still hold steady in my fulfillment if that pact. I would love to start a family, but can't be in this place.
>>217928 In other words, is bad? Yes, things really look that bad.
>>217928 I still want to do what I can to help those I love and especially those of my hometown to doing what's right, but aside from that there's not much I can do, and this was settled long ago. Evil men have invaded my hometown.
Take your ranting back to schizo. We are here for tits
How much are you enjoying them?
Very much so. They look full and firm yet soft
>>217938 Wtf's wrong with you dude

Thank you. Have you used the pics?
Lol that's one way to go but that sounds painful
>>217945 Can you post more pics of anal?
Today was a good day lol
Which one did you look at the most when using them?
What an amazing belly! Might have to run to the bathroom at work…
Gotta love that pussy peek
Hehe thank you. Enjoy ;)

I have an idea what you were imagining. Not what I expected
There was a few but damn that was a good one lol
If you don't mind me asking, what were you imagining?
A few things but I don't think these poor buggers wanna hear it lol
I got a dummy email if you want that
Hmm.. rather not sadly.
Well then you will need to use your imagination
A bit disappointing but ok
Sorry. I'm a private kinda guy
I guess but it doesn't help me get off lol
Fuck it. Balls deep, tit in each hand and holding on for dear life
No problem. What did they think?
Hehe sounds like a good time. Usually must people fo that
nothing is painful with milk from a good cow
Gorgeous Tits. What's thee longest you've let someone suck on therm b4 you were like...ok move on?
Honestly a couple hours. I'm thinking 3 or 4
>Don't masturbate with your hand or put dicks between tits
4chan, 2023
You guys a joke
Ah lol, I was going to say. I think everyone loves having their ducks in between some tits
>>217999 Wrong thread. Ducks' delicious. So's duck sauce.
>>218001 What? You call dildos ducks? Never heard that 1 before. I was saying I posted in wrong thread.

Your tits' fine. Believe me, I like women.
It's all cool. It's all I have yo play with right now

Thank you
cum & duck sauce have a similar consistency.
Get yer egg rolls ready boys!!!
I would eat up every egg roll I could lol
Had some fun
Here for all
Thank you, nipples were quite hard
Yep they were played with a bit lol
Thought I'd spice things up and share a fun moment I had a while back
Opps it didn't go through
Well now I'm curious what it was

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