
>>216411 (OP)
Waittttttt damn she’s actually showing she’s hotter than most the girls that tease for 6-12 months than finally show after getting tik tok famous. I’m actually surprised she’s showing of damn she’s a fucking 11
I haven't seen something like this in tits in a while. Nice.
>>216411 (OP)
Sadly (and obviously) , all those nudes are fakes
>>216567 The way I see the issue? Most of us desire the best, but many of us settle when it comes to girlfriends and wives. Depending it's entirely possible for a person to even feel forced to settle seeing no better opportunities around the corner.

So you ask why do they "settle" for transexuals then? There's no real reason to "fake" over reality. The best transexuals are the transexuals that are most like women, but it doesn't change the fact that a transexual is for all intents and purposes nothing more than a "fake girl". Having a transexual girlfriend may be useful to a person, whether we're talking about a male or a female person, but it's because of needs why somebody would settle for a transexual instead if a real girl.

A real girl's superior to a transexual when the pros and cons are considered honestly, but it's the pros and cons why they settle. A transexual girlfriend has similar pros and cons to a prostitute. Nearly identical, in fact. Why would anybody put up with the trouble of prostitution services? Because they have needs. When a relationship's desired the cons of being with a real girl or wife in today's world out-weigh the pros. The trouble of being with a transexual girlfriend is less than the trouble of being with a real girl.

Beneath all this there's emotional and psychological pressures brought on by society, but at the heart of the matter it's the governments fault. The government with a history of terrible law-making practices, that's what's truly at fault here. The transexual girlfriend will continue as the real superior choice, and until such a time as society chooses to change beautiful women everywhere will continue to suffer as a side effect, paying the price. It's all very sad, but yeah I truthfully doubt that any straight man would rather be with a transexual than a real girl. Sometimes life gets in the way, or other things arise that lead to that decision. Some girls can also be extremely evil and take advantage of society. It's complicated.
>>216615 (Cross-thread)

You have lost any semblance of a soul. If some babe wants to do a little dance for me to a song she knows and likes well enough to come up with a dance for it, chances are it will be sexy and fun.

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