
He wants to see more of her long cleavage, like we haven't seen it already.

I'm at the point where even if she bares her tits, I don't even care anymore. I'm almost certain her tits will be a floppy, unfirm disappointment
A bit like her face then.
her face looks like a psycho doll...
The first time I saw her, I thought to myself: "How can one woman be so fucking dull?"
It's not going to happen.
She sees all the hate she gets as well, she lurks in these forums regularly. She will never show anything
There isn't any hate but there isn't any interest either.

Would you like it that someone has the same thoughts about you?

Every human being is beautiful on his own way.
Not mutually exclusive.

I would rather they stop thinking so hard. They don't seem to be very good at thinking. I guess opinions are like assholes, some countries have a lot of assholes.

It is pointless and shameful!
Pointless? Mostly. Shameful? Entirely. I will delight in seeing the look on their faces once the time grows nigh.
70 thousand. and there is no wear.
even for free, it's a scam...
She isn‘t obligated to show us anything. She should have gone trough life without uploading anything and may even do a breast reduction.

So from this perspective I am grateful for what I got.
even fucked and owner of nothing, some people are happy...
All time along you were free to see more naked booba in the other threads.

But try to put it in this perspective: What would be the chance to see boobs like hers IRL and even got a nice peak, before it vanishes in a blury memory.
But here you got some images to dream and fantasize everytime you demand.

In comparison to others she may shows not much. But as our kind of folks graving for extra large women of every sort, we should have learned that our overall selection is scares. So make the best out of it and be grateful.
And Noones obligated to give her their hard earned money. She's could easily go get a fucking job like everyone else.
Is there someone forcing you to pay against your will?
This is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this board is now dumber for having read it.
No one is obligated to give her cash and she's not making that any less so is she?
He's right though. Just as right as everyone is that said nobody has to give her any money lol. Obviously. Her content is shitty and I doubt it'll ever change. Forget about her and move to the next big titty bitch
Does anyone else dream of sucking her boobs and breastfeeding from her? Like imagine if she had a condition where she couldn’t stop lactating and needed your help EVERYDAY. She donated milk but it didn’t matter cuz her tits are constantly engorged. Would you get too full? Could you handle all that cream? Like what if that was your only food source. Imagine just sucking and gulping her rich creamy milk down your throat…day after day.
News from her of? You guys argue wayyy too much
People actually pay for this shit? Wtf smh lmao
stop laughing at me... smh.
Some of us folks appreciate it. Thanks.
Don't use this word, faggot. It's been co-opted by the far left radicals. Otherwise, I sorta understand your position of not being ungrateful children like most other posters in this thread. But in any case, don't fucking type that word ever again.
So what the fuck does she show in her ppv?
Tiny bit more, but still just teasing.
Still? You STILL think you're going to see something don't you?
>>213634 It depends on what you mean by this.

That's not what "still" means in that sentence. No need to act dumb.
>>213645 Holy fuck this place has gone insane. Fuck all of you nipples.
Why would I act when you're doing such a damn good job.
>>213647 What The fuck are you nipples talking about? Do you not understand that I don't move a muscle unless God tells me to? We're polar opposites, and I don't give a fuck about you. You're going to die and burn, and you're a lying bitch.
Moved on from nutters have you?
>>213650 I loathe you. I don't want yo share the same precious planet with you, and everything about you disgusts me and makes me physically repulsed.
>>213653 No you're just too gay. Do you have to be so flashy in people's faces? Anyways, suit yourself.
Such mood swings. Are you actually a gash carrier?
>>213662 I will down an avalanche upon the wicked and I will show no mercy.
>>213662 Wait a sec. Are you implying that I am not filled with the Holy Spirit of God? I think I would know if I had a demon in me, young man. The funny thing about prayer is that God hears all the little voices like if they were crying angels.
I'm implying nothing. I'm calling you a tool.
>>213667 Oh okay. That's cool. I thought you were calling me gay or something.

It's okay. It's not easy to read or comprehend language when frustrated. "Still" doesn't have to mean awaiting something more or better. Here it means things are still the same, unfortunately.

Here's another example of usage of the word.
"The weather was getting colder, but it's still okay though".

Do I hope for more? Yes, of course. I'm sure you do as well. Am I expecting more? No.

Have a nice day!
I'd expect a pedant to be more specific.

>Have a nice day!
Oh you too!
Let's agree to disagree.

I see your point and respect how you feel and would like some time to think about what you said.

I see we have reached an impasse and I have nothing further to say at this time.

Let's take a break and come back and discuss it further when we are calmer.
What? Are you just being passive aggressive into the void?
She is very beautiful. I dont understand your whining about smile and other stuff.

Americans have they smile naturally, but we in other countries doesnt have that our dna 😄

She is great! So shut the fuck up! And enjoy that petite very curvy girl 😍
(126 KB, 673x1080, schnataa-1_0081.jpg)
Would have been a nice photo if she didn't crop her ass out...
Anything new?? Any New Pics or Vids??
New? The video?
Anyone has the new video?

Hi. I would be interested in working with you. I see your profile pics and would like to get to know you more if it's possible. I am available on weekdays and weekend nights and I believe that I could possibly help you make your content shine and not dull boring. Please give me a call. I can not star in the shot but am experienced from many years with photographic art, lighting, and practicly everything that isn't related to digital production. I work long hours when possible, and do so at my leisure. I request only to taste your breasts and your discretion. I do not invest in any exchange of costs and ask only a minimal payment and my transportation covered. Fully discrete and serious art professional work for hobby is my interest.
(10.0 MB, 600x980, 1.gif)
We are getting more and more finally

Love the man hands 10/10 wish they were manlier
Still everything covered. I'd bet she'll never release them!

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