
What was her problem anyway? I mean, she is the very definition of gorgeous. There should be no reason for her to achieve a great success in the industry. But every platform she was on, she would soon delete her account or they would get banned, without much content on them. Trying too many things at the same time, not putting any real effort on any of them with the expectation to become huge overnight (pun intended) seems to be a deadly combination.

Sad to see her go.
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You forgot to mention that she had a realllllly bad attitude. Everytime I talked to her on different accounts, she blocked me in less than 5 minutes for simply asking what her prices are, if she had OF etc.

If you didn't send her $50 right away the minute she replies to you = you're blocked.

She probably made a lot of enemies along the way plus nobody wants to reward someone like that
yeha it's 100% attitude.

I'm German and when she streams you can hear her cursing people out in Gemran once they leave or don't pay here

'No one has any money any more then ay?'

Things along those lines, all the time

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