
here's a mega of seven videos, GH BJs, dildo - not bad:
she’s amazing. wow
Dick rock hard. Who is she?
She's porn star Brandy Taylore's daughter.
daddy is in jail, mommy is a prostitute, kimberley is a prostitute, what a lovely family! this is the american dream!
What's missing is if she resented her large breasts. I would love to watch it happen
It's what's left, dumbdumb
How tf ya figure she’s her daughter ? Bro is a stalker??
her mother promotes her. They're all white trash. Brandy has not uncommonly retarded pics of her youngest son between posts of her jacked on in motels. Very messy people
I'd fuck her just to piss all of you off then take pics with her while I kiss them cheeks. Tell her to put it on instagram while I laugh
i mean, you literally could. shes a whore
With tits like thay and being in her early 20s she should've just been a sugar baby.
>>209298 I doubt she's actual whore
Exchange of money for sex and filming it to skirt laws against prostitution. This is whore behavior. More power to her but let us be honest, this is a cursed bloodline. ,
She's a proper ho
Needs a touch of make up
(1.3 MB, 1336x2604, TrashyFuckHole.png)
Gave this trashy tramp whore makeup :-)
You should edit those other pics like the threesome ones.
There’s just something about big titty trashy women *chefs kiss*

Have they ever done a scene together?
I could be wrong, but I have reason to believe that most sane individuals would prefer her if she wasn't trashy, and possibly even virgin. I'm not evil though. I have, although, been accused before of a racist in the past by groups of cunts who only heard rumors and spread rumors of me but did not really know me. I patiently wait for their just reward.
>and possibly even virgin
Nah speak for yourself dude that shits always been borderline creepy.
You're clearly deranged, and what I said was most of us sane. What makes your comment sound deranged to me is the borderline creepy. I don't understand it.

I will say that if you are a man and have in any way a preference for women who have had as most sex partners as possible, then more power to you. I wouldn't say that you're borderline creepy, but I would think that you have bad tastes and that it probably doesn't end with women. More power to you. Actually, I would love to get to know somebody like you, if you were a girl. Too bad. I would prescribe less television or especially netflix, and more not failing at things. Let me know if it works out for you. I'll be around.
Fuck yeah!
She needs to do a pro scene. Her fucking vids are extremely lack luster tbh
Those pictures really pop
The make up is too heavy for my taste but it still looks like an improvement.

Could you edit a photo of her sucking 2 dicks
>>210283 What is the deal? The left is herbaby daddy and the right is their swinger cuck?
Yeah she I believe her and her guy swing and they do also meets.

I asked but you gotta meet her at either a hotel around her or at a couple adult stores. She doesn't do any far traveling.
My nword, muthafuckas think we're not going to find out. The mob we watching her closely.
(19 KB, 352x198, 26030c380cb1b9d20d0da3b8ed35ef6a.7.jpg) (15 KB, 450x337, -fantasia_1_hd_porn_movie_99__-2_tmb.jpg)

I mean she's pretty open about it if you follow her.

Heck her onlyfans has a picture of her being in one of those clubs where they have the hole in the wall and divide you. Like pictured

I hope she does more stuff like this and records is. She sounds very kinky and has potential but just not enough effort.
They follow her alright. Online activities aswell as offline they will watch her.
You sound like a creep but okay
That's just word on the street, brother.
These mid wits fire hose their entire existence all over the internet. I have little sympathy. In days of yore Darwin would have had his way and the same is true today.

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