
You do realize it's a guy with prosthetics right
Here we go again. First, he was never big, those are prosthetics. Second, that's a wig. Third, he probably gor bigger feet than you do
Jannies, hurry up and nuke this gay shit.
Is it really a dude? No way, how do y’all know?
oddly masculine features did not gave it away?
>>205896 (OP)
Nuke this thread!!!
That's a man in disguise!!!
I just thought she was an ugly af girl. Damn smh
Every few months I swear to God one of y'all suckers falls for this guy's bullshit. It's fascinating to read the comments under his pics from some of the saddest, loneliest, duped idiots on the internet claiming they find him so beautiful and they're in love. It's insanity in It's purest form, I'm old school too so I remember way back in the day when this guy had to pull some serious trickery to hide his face to fool people, now with snap chat filters and tik tok he can can practically do anything to trick you morons.
Maybe just share our knowledge and not try and destroy the man? Yeah? Bad Monday guy?

Maybe do the right thing so you don't destroy others and yourself in the process. Yeah? Probably no. Okay then stfu be homo somewhere else in peace. I don't care.
There certainly are a lot of homos on a site dedicated to hyper feminine women.
Destroy myself and others in the process? Wtf are you talking about? I'm genuinely curious what that's even supposed to mean. I'm just commenting about how frequently this fake weirdo gets posted here and how a lot of y'all need to open your eyes and realize this is a man. Also I'm a homo? How? But not being into a man dressed as a woman? I'll just assume you don't know what being a homo is? Idk maybe you're one of the morons who really truly believes this is a real woman, if so I'm sorry I've woken you up from your sad dream brother.
Man got fooled and you tore him a new one for it. You're an asshole. Just pointing that out.
You and him should immediately kill yourselves for being faggots instead. Why is this fucking thread still up, holy shit.
How do we know it’s a guy though? Full body pics in bra suggest otherwise?
I'm trying to jack off and I'm not a faggot so can you not post males in /tits/ faglord thanks fam desu
What the actual fuck is this shit!?

Hope mods ban your ip for posting this that cringe shit and ban the OP's ip too for being too idiot.
This is an obvious man that doesn't begin to resemble a girl. Prosthetics and photoshop.
this is a dude
Can this get moved to EE?

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