
Mods should just ban these whiny faggots instead of punishing the entire thread. Banning the thread because trolls troll on it instead of banning the trolls is literally just letting the trolls win. It's literally the worst possible thing you could do. It's worse than no moderation at all.
This is why this site is trash, you can't ban anyone since there are no accounts and I'm sure most use vpns. This is why trolls and whiny little children never go away and instead we get threads deleted. It's usually the same ppl though who come on the same threads to say the same things. They're children.
someone update her coomer.party page
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Nah, man. We're just mad because this lazy bitch wants to get paid for doing next to nothing, and we're expected to appreciate it.

This took me about 10 minutes, with a free editing app on my phone. It's really bare minimum effort.
Thats why the most successful OF models are ran by men, women in general are usually lazy af.
poor simp. and remember: if you push katie's belly, you can have some cheese by her navel. yum yum! you're so crazy that you can eat that shit I guess...

It hasn't dtopped me before. I'll let you know when I die. Fucking idiot.
It's important to remember that behind every username and profile picture is a real person with feelings and emotions. Your comment may have been hurtful and offensive, and it's not okay to treat others that way. Before posting a comment, take a moment to think about how your words might impact someone else. Let's strive to create a more positive and respectful online community by treating others the way we would like to be treated.
This ain't kindergarten. Image boards will never be reddit.
Reup on vids? Plz

wow... aint gonna lie .. I would smash that happily!
Bad content might impact some customer too. Your comment works both ways. People are not asses just because yes. Not supporting any side, but just giving some perspective.

Bitch got fat, I like it. Hope she shows more.
fuck!!!!!! those udders are incredible! She’s hotter than ever! Thanks for posting. She’s a much much cuter version of Mara and Lexxxi
I wanna eat her belly button out
>>204403 (OP)
I want her to have a wash. I think she probably smells like cheese too.
I'd still smell and lick her cheesy tits. I'm lifting her tits up and licking her under boobs clean, I want Max flavor 😤
when you pick the scabs of can you save them? I'll send you my PO box.
You fools are hateful, and you need help. Leave these girls alone to do what they want.
Lick the underboobs and the underbelly and sink my tongue in her asshole for dessert
look how her skin shines... I'm sure if you touch her, it sticks... argh...
Suck on the boil thinking it's a nipple. Sweet sweet puss mistaken for milk. Mmmmmmm
You standards are low. She's incomparable to either. All three are extremely different in every aspect.
Subscribing to her OF will shrink if people discover this thread or others like it, that share her content. As a result, she has less money to produce more OF content. What is the LOGIC for sharing her content or any other OF models? There is NONE because you guys don't understand the consequences. NO content, NO thread, it's that simple.
Do I sound like I care? You see you rob me of my fun mocking her is akin to me robbing you of your fun. Jerking off to her. You don't care about my fun and I don't care about yours.
I’m convinced this is one or two simps that tried to get her attention online and she either ignored them or told them to fuck off and they can’t handle it

Bro you're trying way too hard to be like me but you don't have a soul
i think we can all agree that her comeback has been a let down, her free content from years back is much better and im not sure if theres anything she can do to change that
I can be a loser anytime. There's no effort involved.
Tits with or without meth. Hmmmm

You sure pretend very well then. Fucking idiot. Go do something correctly and I'll shut up. Until then I will be here making fun of your stupid fruit. You're a stupid nutter.
It's nutter guy! Hahahaha. The 80s want their insults back.

I wouldn't know

Fruit cake

I thought I made it uppppppp

Suck my dick you stupid homosexual nutterrrrrrr
You're obsessed with nuts and you want me to suck your dick? And I'm the homosexual? OK then.

No it was a reference to you consistently sucking my dick and copying me. You're here everyday for that purpose and despite how many times I askedyou to get off my dick you persist on sucking it. That is what my joke was... telling you to stfu and keep sucking my dick. You're a homosexual without a soul and you've copied your entire personality from others. You're pathetic. You make millions of dollars off of pretending. You're so stupid that you can't make a miserable movie script for a Netflix original without the use of data hoarding scrapers on the net and help from hackers. Your movies garbage and only old ladies watch them shits.

My shit is sweet and sour. I make girls laugh, then ai make them cry. Suck my dick, nutter. You're a pussy and you won't do anything but hide behind your curtain of payed for K.G.B mob informants. I will fucking smack the back out of you.
See what I could do is make you look stupid for about 40 mins where after you'll delete all you messages. Like last time Remember? You fucking low IQ mo.

I honestly can not think of a more homosexual thing to do than what I literally just finished describing is what you do here and elsewhere daily. Even when transexuals copy at least they copy women. You copy men. You are a failure and a fraud, behind a facade of riches. The fruit thing? That was a reference to the Bible. Jesus said I will know you by your fruit. Your fruit is plastic.
You've lived it. Is it convenient that the camel cums and washes all that sand out your mouth after the act?

>You've lived it. Is it convenient that the camel cums and washes all that sand out your mouth after the act?
Don't worry about it. It's none if your business or your fucking problem. Worry about your own stipid shit and try to do things right or at the very least try to be less of a fuck up or if not then less if a hypocrit talking gossip, blaming, and judging others. Fucking idiot 101
I have smaller problems that my lover cumming in my mouth then spitting in my face.

Why are you telling me about your cum? Should I give a fuck about you and your lover? Fucking idiot. You have smaller problems? You're a fool.
Or was it that you read cum got all excited then forgot to?

Why not? Why can't I read.

I can read whatever the fuck I want to read. I'll tell YOU what you can and CAN'T do. Fucking stupid nutter.
I suspect it's a cum overdose.
You need the ability to read.

No it's a "You can't read my shit" prescription. Doctor's orders. You probably just forgot at your old age. You might need a spanking to wake your stupid ass up from crying so much. Don't worry though. It's only a matter of time now. Worthless prick.
Stop thinking about my prick!

That is incorrect, but understandably fom somebody with no brain and only the ability to deduce logic. Actually all I need is the ability to react when others don't respect my privacy. In the case of me and you, my guardian angel, you're both lucky and unlucky, because not only am I infinitely more intelligent than you could ever possibly hope to be, I am also growing progressively angry as I get bored of your stupidity. I am trying to make the best of all of this though, patiently, but my jokes aren't always satisfactory. I don't like it when my jokes arenot satisfactory. Any more stupid questions?

I'm talking about hackers, you moronic imbecile. They're real. They're working behind the scenes in coordination with other mob groups.
Faggiiiit.No questions. Get angry or bored if you need. I have time to burn and I'm in the mood to abuse an idiot.

Baby girl's still got it. Damn.

>I have time to burn and I'm in the mood to abuse an idiot.
Your incompetence makes me stronger. As I've stated before you will not disrespect my privacy or there will be war and I will claim my prize as your blood. YOU WILL NOT DISRESPECT MY PRIVACY OR I WILL MURDER YOU.
"Less money to produce OF content"?... are you retarded? All the bitch does is use her cell phone to record her pulling out her tits. She doesn't need a fucking production crew for that you mongoloid. She's not shooting pro shit. She's just taking tit pics in her bathroom. What the fuck is with all the spectrum on this thread? It's like a fucking autistic rainbow

>Some of the dudes that are into fat white sluts with huge tits are stupid.
>They're being stupid on the internet.
>It's making me mad.
I love that her leaks release almost instantly. I am subbed and was trying to leak but you guys are all over it. Keep up the great work fellas. This thread is as live as her OF.

These bitches got simps believing that uploading a photo is hard work. They put more effort into their Instagram pages!
Why this community is so toxic? I mean, i have mommy issue too but jeez...
Pointing out that she's freeloading off the back of her sex isn't toxic. You've been told that it is to better aid in you parting with your cash.
those things are MASSIVE! she’s incredible!
Wait qait wait, when did she start an OF? Is this it? Is there anymore?
She's still attractive - I like that last pic Lying on her back.

I think the nihilistic outbursts are just reflecting that Chan sites are a magnification of the male id. It's like all dudes brains want to explode and scream "My cock comes first."
It’s the same 3 or 4 dudes going at each other. Idc free titties AND entertainment? Sign me up
Less talk more wins
I left home a while back. I do what I like fuck boy.
>using "incomparable" to mean "not comparable to"
While still a definition in the dictionary, "incomparable" is never used to mean that, meaning the definition is flagged as "rare." You should find a different way of phrasing it.

Also how are they extremely different? They're all 300-400 pound whales with massive tits and tum-tums that constantly get high.
Her fucking watermark is ridiculous.
bravo jannies
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You know she can do the same as everyone else... GOOGLE SEARCH and see this!!! People on this thread that want to share are NOT SMART at all.
Who fucking cares what is she gonna do about it
All I see is that many sites have her nudes. Both new and old. But this site isn't even listed as one of them. Seems she has problems to attend elsewhere.
Every single post she has on OF has been shared. She knows and nobody here gives a fuck. She has posted this thread on her IG multiple times.
this isn't getting taken down over and over my her, bbwchan is a dmca safe harbor, it's getting taken down because it's 99.9% bickering
who cares about that dirty blob full of bandages? look at her greasy hair, her shinny skin, her red spots and meth scars everywhere. huge boobs are not everything. she's totaly filthy and disgusting and if you're excited by that then you're a weirdo.
If you care about what some anons like in a small online fetish board, you are a weirdo too.
If BBC doesn't belong here then smelly and scabby doesn't either.
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At least is a girl.

What a time to be alive, this guy here looking for cocks on a board dedicated to women is dictating what or what not must be posted KEKW
Is female your only criteria for things that should be included here? Human trash is fine as long as it fit the bill? OK then.
You are here, so yes.
I see what you tried to do but it didn't make sense.
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O yes!! Im loving how she listens to us and follows through. This is her hottest vid thus far. Told yall haters she the truth and gonna always deliver. All hail queen katiecali baby!!!
Anyone got a mega?
I've jerked off to her for a decade now I guess, and keep coming back.
That video is 3 years old so she isn't listening to shit and you sound pathetic saying all hail.
>>205128 I hope thats sarcasm. Idiots like this are why OF is 99 percent 10 second videos or less
Hottest vid? Lol
Please stop with this disgusting zit covered pig
Lol wtf def not. Now i see why people keep calling you guys simps lol. Nothing wrong with lowering your standards a bit but like... come on lol how low are we gonna set the bar?
My bar is scabby unwashed women no matter her size.
You think we can get her to rub bacon grease all over them tits? They’d shine and glisten like a Mississippi tree stump in the moonlight.
Katie baby these are jealous women hating. Don't pay them any mind. Your fanbase was solidified from day 0 😊
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You didn't even spell her name correctly
Thanks guys she makes my cock throb each time she releases those massive meat melons
lol, everyone that's been trash talking just gulped... she's what you want, stop playing word games/ online... you are here commenting but still being cornballish
- what is this place?
- bathroom!
- never seen before, I make a pic just a moment.
That's more like it, those fat ass titties need to get sucked
Wait, what..!! Did I just read that right??

See if you can find the major irony pmsl.
I guess she needed the money
no, she's rich from daddy. she just needs attention.
How do we know that rich kid bs is even real? She doesn't fit the bill and I highly doubt she is. Judging by her IG shes been working retail. Alot of those pics are in a changing room.
She has the self awareness of water.
There are countless women who will work a shit job, just to appear like they don’t need a man to provide for them.
Daddys got money. A lot of money lol
Yes he does
Where? what proof you got of this. Ive heard this for years with no evidence smh
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She bigger than abbi now. What a woman
but abbi is clean, without zits, meth scars and not fat like a pig
You're on a BBW forum. This is where fat bitches are posted. GTFO
why does she have open sores on her tits?
Because she eats fast food off her tits and the grease clogs her pours and turn them into cystic acne that she picks at.

Do you think that she sucks the cystic puss out and swallows?
Bro she's had those sores for a minute. Is she okay what happened? I feel like they need bandages at this point
when you take meth, you can't heal very well anymore
she has big dogs that scratch her up, not meth like these dumbasses think lmao
She’s gotta be making ALOT of money. She not saying a peep about her shit getting leaked anymore lol

You would be surprised what some men would do for a tasty beautiful pawggirl's feces.

Why don't you make me?
Her bare tits? This doesn't make it look better you know.
White girls love their dogs. Most consider it a meme but if they only knew it's very much not a joke.
If she makes money is a good thing, that means she'll depend more on producing adult content and will produce more! You all should stop fucking arguing and enjoy her, she's one in a million
No, the simps will keep making her money regardless of how much content she puts out.
>lipo scarred belly button
>mutated lipo figure
Pick one
Keep the salt low. if youre frustrated with her content, keep it to yourself. just enjoy the free stuff that gets posted.
Impossible, these incels will nitpick anything, they look forward to it, what you're asking for is just far to much.
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fuckin excellent. you know the haters hating hard right now she has arrived again and she is conquering the balls of men all over once again hail queenkatie

This disgusting pig needs to conquer a skin care routine cus I have never seen a content creator with band-aids on her tits and is dumb enough to blame the dogs and have an army of simps to believe her. The queen is dead
I thought Nina was the queen. Must have made a mistake.
Worshiping a random naked woman on the internet that YOU pay for... Nothing wrong with liking her but jesus christ y'all need help.

Is she paying you in nudes to go around to every forum and hype her up?
Nina is still queen numero uno babe of big boobs. But kaitecali is queen bbw of them all
It aint simping if you mean it
We enjoy seeing the models that give us the most satisfaction. Your opinion is valid tho.
>It aint simping if you mean it
How do you work this one out?
Lots of water, soap and shampoo needed here! Maybe some bleach too. Eew and more EEWWW 🤢🤮🤮
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Boobs still nice and big
rather than soap, she uses filters to be clean. strange.
Filters are the new colognes.
Wow look how much they sit up while shes on her back. Best thing this year is her comeback and shes so much hotter from before. Turns me in each time I see her new content
Anyone have the wet t-shirt vid she just dm'd out?
I unsubbed tbh. The excitement has died down 🤷‍♂️
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Damn she was so flat back then
I realize that she's always been filthy.

Yeah I rememember making this joke infront offriendsin like 5th grade. Nice try though, loser. Stay American.
What a fancy word for a soap dodger.

It's a skin disease. Has nothing to do with how clean you are, moron.
She's hot but she's also a garbage content creator. Her vids are shit, her pics are shit, she has no idea about content quality or even good shots. She is just randomly posing bad pics and extra short videos, soon the likes will start to crumble and she'll complain and cry the pirates are leaking her shit. What a cunt. Nice titties tho.
She looks disgusting now. What a shame.
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I googled Hidradenitis Suppurativa, and smoking and obesity don't cause it, it just makes symptoms worse. She might not even have it. She said the scars on her tits are from her dog jumping on her. Also, Hidradenitis Suppurativa is painful. Who likes pain? She would be going to the doctor for treatment... DUH.
She doesn't smoke, retard. She eats edibles.
I still wouldn't doubt she smokes occasionally.
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What PPVs has she sent out on her OF?
someone get her to fart on a box of chicken nuggets
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It doesn't matter what haters saying this beautiful babe is a fucking goddess. Her tits look incredible in these vids and she looks cute eating that burger in other vid. But the real reason she has so many haters is because she's that B and she's starting to realize it 🤤🍆💦💦💦
oh knock that dick out your mouth will ya.
Yikes dude…

FYI no one’s hating on Katie, they’re hating on simps like you who make it apparent that their whole lives revolve around this girl. It’s weird.
>>208707More Pics Please!! Of Her Massive Fat Titties! Unbelievable Juggs!!
Big Tits My God!
so is the new of real or not? :(
It's real, alright. The major sticking point is whether it's worthwhile. The extremists say "absolutely yes, she's the best thing ever" or "absolutely not, she's a nasty skank with no redeeming qualities". The moderates seem to center on it being rather boring, as of yet.
Bahahaha she’s so butthurt and scoping this thread out in the shadows smh lollll she prolly gets off by half the comments then so sad by the other half lmao
She doesn't seem butthurt at all.
dear katie, you're filthy and you take meth, that's all.
4chan? Smelly and stupid.
The comments on here and /s/ are stupid, that part I acknowledge, but I don't know why Katie bothers to keep on looking up her name & what people say about her online & react to it. Got nothing better to do or something? Why does what anonymous randoms shitpost about her bother her?
Vyvanse. That explains a lot
shut up simp. go get a job and lost some weight too.
She sees us for what we are. Don't be dilusional guys
You portray yourself as very enlightened, but you can's properly spell delusional.
She completely glossed over my chicken nugget fart idea 😔
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Hi there. I see you were trying to be clever but fucked it up. Would you like some help?
You portray yourself as very enlightened, but you can't proprlely spell can't.
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Was anything new posted on /s/ that wasn't posted here?
Where on /s/ I don't see kaitie results from 2023 in tbe archive
Need Katie’s fart nuggets
My ass is she bigger.
Don't compare this pig with Abbi.
>shilling for lipo freaks on a bbw forum
Pigs are better than lipo science experiments with frankenavels.
Hate this new fuckin trend. Hopefully they go the way giant fish lips did a few years ago.
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I'm sorry for the question, it may look rather dumb. But are we talking about Abbi? Abbi Secraa? I've never seen something indicating a tummy tuck/lipo as she never shows her naked body. What's happened to her?
Dude Abbi had a tummy tuck years ago. Why do you think she almost never shows her navel? IN the few pics where she does, the ones that aren't airbrushed you can see the clear evidence of circular stitching around her belly button.
No Pics in a Couple Days? Come On Someone drop Some Pics or Videos Focken Please! Much appreciated.
Shameless I say, I still want her. All day , every day.
Anyone want to take the hit and update the coomer? It's been dead for a month.

Though I get why, things seem a bit disappointing right now. Hell, I don't think there's even been an image yet where she's fully naked, let alone a video? That's a shock.
Yeah! this is 4Chan for Big Tiity Sake. Some one has to have her New Video? SO POST IT ALREADY!
Awesome thanks for sharing
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just posted some more pics on here a few mins ago of The Queen, keep cumming and busting a nut all over those lovely juggs! <3
Updates? Comer is so lame
I posted some pics but her OF has been rather "slow" as of late ....
Whats up with her been quiet
Thanks guys for making terrible thread worse. Love you all.
>>213800 someone drop the HOT vid released today plz
She doesn't do meet-ups, it says on her social media sites. What do you think we are... stupid? HAHA HAHA
I literally knew this girl in real life bro lmfao we live in the same town In jersey don’t be mad at me because you can’t get to her
NO! Clearly her Twitter says "NO meetups"! That means she NEVER meets up with any other humans whatsoever in real life regardless of occasion, BAR NONE!

It says it right there in black and white, clear as crystal English buster! Her existential lot is to remain in isolation like the milk cow she is, and to document then periodically publish updates on the exponential swelling of her udders with photos of intermittent potato quality.

She's in self-imposed solitary confinement with no remote chance of contact with another living being until her soshuls say otherwise. You think we're retards?? Huh, BUD?!? Heh HAHAHA HA

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