
Who, Miss Fortune? Oh noooo, what have I done?
I want to believe this is a teenage boy trolling but sometimes it's a 40+ year old man who white knights these hoes, both are pathetic tho.
And the beauty of it is that this board does not comply with DMCA. So, it does not even matter. Content and threads get nuked because of bickering and not at the request of the girl.
Her of is only $5. Stop being some cheap asses.
does it get rid of the annoying nigger noise plaguing all of her videos above?
just love jerking off to the soundtrack of explosions and gun fire and shit ass attempts at happy hardcore by some braindead groid
Dude shut the hell up. The music in her videos iam sure Is the last thing people are paying attention to.
It turns out that not everyone is a flatlander that only perceives in the visual dimension. That the aural component really does matter.
But I hope she sees your valiant attempts at slaying those who would besmirch her good name; I'm sure reward sex is forthcoming.
Leaving the thread now but just wanted to also say that her mannerisms are fucking annoying too. Looks like a farting dog. This shit isn't sexy.
So telling a guy that the music in her videos is the last thing.people are paying attention to is.a form of white knighting your an absolute embecile. I sign up for onlyfans so I can get.content i can get off to that's it. I dont need to meet any of these girls. It may shock you but some guys jerk off and still get sex on occasion.
Y'all just can't stop being racist even if your lives depends on it. Gah damn. No reason to be that mad over a hoe you gonna start using hard r
if crackers are so mad about what goes viral on tiktok you gotta start making better music yngmi
I am Mexican and I am mad too. And you are no Mayate--used "you" instead of "y'all."
and she posts literally nothing of note for free lmao. everything on there is on her twitter already, nobody's paying $5 just to look at the ppv menu
I dont get a link when I decode that, is there something i'm missing?
this lipsyncing shit is so retarded. am I supposed to be able to whack it to this?
moron zoomers
also she has no nipples

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