
Tallyberryy, this is a bad idea
She'll tit fuck her boyfriend's dick and take pics but you can't see her nips. So fucking weird.
Already starting with the complaining
Yeah, I don't get that, either. Not sure what she has against that.
I dont get why you guys are complaining about a girl on the internet, especially when you arent even the one paying for her content. Shut up
You guys want to know 1 of the things I love most? I love when a porno starts with a hoe with a perfect 10/10 body, then it shows her face closeup and it's not the best, but then she starts acting nerdy, then she bends over and her ass ends up being a fake butt, and just when you're thinking that it can't get any worse and the porno begins a black dude enters the scene. Bro, I laugh everytime that shit happens. Everytime. I usually try to skip forward to see if there's at least an anal part, but I never jerk off. I skip it.
I appreciate the trouble you took to upload this contribution, although the material is crap, the content of this girl is embarrassing....
I completely agree with you. I have no idea why threads keep on being made for this girl other than to complain about why her content sucks. The constant back and forth is tiring. It would be better if threads were made AFTER girls post something worth the time and the effort.
If posters would stop posting the same 10 pics over and over them maybe we'd have somethign to look at rather than bitch about
"hide thread"
Because you guys that will restart them for no reason or she will restart them to get subs. I mean some of her stuff gets leaked on here but how many people have subbed to her shit because of the leaks probably quite a few
She has gonna on a hiatus on her onlyfans, so this thread is useless
Lmao Tally threads get erased quicker than Hillary’s emails
any sextape?
So at this point, seems that the only reason that her threads are made is to talk shit to each other, lol. There is a full thread already on the site for that. I vote to not make any more threads about this girl until her content is actually worth all of this , which at this point, is far from it.
Hey man just so you know, nobody cares about any of this stuff. We've seen it all 1000 times>>203326
She's knows that her content is to PG for a lot of guys. Hell Id be ok a with a fully nude shower vid but even that is to much regardless if she was planning on taking one anyways or not
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Finally! Now we can kill this thread off and dont have to keep posting non nudes of her anymore. Tho im sure theres a few of you whos gunna miss all the dick picks shes sent you
Lol you’re talking shit but clearly went to go look up her onlyfans 🤣. She literally removed it from all of her links and everything but you still looked it up
Can anyone see her insta or is it just me?
She bought a new house with her OF money and who knows what else. I'm sure she made a lot but she won't be able to pay the bills forever with her savings. Let's just hope when she returns she'll do nudes and better content because usually when these girls leave they comeback bigger hoes.
Or they come back and dont do any of that at all or even have an Onlyfans
I wouldn't care if she didn't comeback tbh cause her content was boring anyways and dudes would stop making threads on her and be autistic.
😂 bitch about to go on vacation with her man after scoring a quarter mill in 6 months. Non NUDE. She better come back with nipples or its anti tally.
Why would she do nudes when she is making bank not doing so.
Exactly, and it's for that very reason that making threads to this kind of women is not worth it, in a place where we all supposedly come to look for PORN, not content you can see on Instagram, but some idiots around here don't seem to understand that....

I wonder sometimes if this whole "hiatus from OF" is due to either a) a breakup, b) a stalker, c) the 21st century equivalent of sending the daughter away to keep her pregnancy hush hush. Hopefully not all of the above...

It's not "stalker" it's many stalkers. They expand over the years. When they are in an area they like to show their numbers. They like to say things like "The many" thinking it's cute. They are demonic. If you see a lot of people enter when you go to the bank look around you and you may kotice them. They like to get personal with their references. Styles of clothing, items bought online (to demonstrate that they know your online purchase history), and other personal details such as references to things from your childhood. It depends on how much they know about you what they can use to try to scare you by showing that they know your life history and your family tree.
Schizo alert. You sound like one of those people who thinks they're being gang stalked 😭
>>204334 gang stalk is very real, and it has had psychological trauma on its victims, presuming that they didn't end up being murdered/assasinated. You shouldn't make jokes about things that you don't know anything about. Why don't you instead go down to the police station and ask them if gang stalking is real, then do the victims some justice and ask them if it's linked to the illuminati and make a site with the information made available.
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The sad reality of many of this girl simps, who literally give money to this whore who is being pimp'd by her black boyfriend. LOL
Bro literally just took time to make a meme about her though…. This forum is interesting.
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tally berry - tnx. you re very helpful. i bought a new house and a new car. now i retired. you will jerk off, dumbs
I dont get why everyone is saying she bought a new house. She didnt lol, shes just moving to a different one. You guys dont even have conversations with her and are just making shit up.
Ladie, ladies! This thread is getting out of hand.
Bc she bought a new house
she can buy a looot of KFC menu for her lovely BF, who'll beat her soon...
And lots of watermelon. If her nigger beat her, she deserves it because she is a racial traitor.
She didnt buy a new house actually. She just moved into her other parents house.
No idea why you guys are so jealous and racist lmaoo. Your mad that black people are taking all the girls you want or are you mad that you have smaller dicks than them? I dont really get it.
Are you a nigger or indoctrinated goy?
Im black but its just weird, you guys always turn this thread into a racist thread for whatever reason. You dont find it weird that you’re taking time out of your day to make racist comments on a girls boyfriend on an internet forum?

We're mad because we don't live in Russia to wealthy parents and have lots of money. Russia is where all the pretty girls live. Or in other places around the world, but not here. The backs only serve as to experdite the problem, but I do not consider them a threat of competition, and most of them that I have met have been kind to me in the south. The real problem is obviously not enough cool, young, pretty girls. It is a society thing, it is also a geographical thing, and it is also many other things combined, some of them of which the internet was supposed to remedy but we've all seen how that's turned out. The reality is that you do not need the internet to fall in love, you do not need the internet to get married, and you fo not need the internet to get a girl pregnant (usually unless a couple needs porno for their libido), but it's true that there are many complications in the modern world that push the most important basics of life into the back burner and it is not good or natural but they do so by design and on purpose because it benefits the overall system. The solution will not come from rich people or technological advancements, the solution lay inside the heart of the beautiful girls.
Oh ok but why bring any of that to a forum about a girl? Nobody gives a shit. Shes not even the one whos black.
I understand, you are glad that a nigger is the boyfriend of this girl, because you want the genes of white people to be contaminated so that you stop feeling inferior. That's a type of win for the niggers
Bro, i literally dont care about any of that. Im still trying to figure out why you guys bring this shit to this thread 🤣 The stuff your saying has nothing to do with tits and your insults wont change anything in the world either, so you might as well just shut the fuck up and keep this thread about tits

Because although she's not young or arguably beautiful she is the 1 who must choose. She must make a choice. The solution lay in the heart of the beautiful girl. The fate of humanity depends on her finding it in her heart to do the right thing. Society can try to help guide her, but in the end she will do what she wants to do, and we do not want to die by extinction, or have ugly wives. Not everybody wants a family these days, but what is ideal or good is a large beautiful family. How large and how beautiful I guess depends on you, but ideally I would want the best for my life in terms of quality and unfortunately that means a lot of things in today'z world.
No part of what you just said had anything to do with tits or leaks. Stop it with the unrelated paragraphs
No one cares. Shut up and down/upload. Nothing else matters.
relax my small white prince! stop to masturbate. find real fat girl with big tits
Because her content is garbage and that's the only thing you can talk about this girl, about her and her interracial relationship, is there anything more important? she doesn't even show her fucking tits, really how retarded are you trying to save a thread where literally the only interesting thing is the racist comments....

>find real fat girl with big tits
Too bad fat girl with big tits are rare and that this imageboard is 1 of the least popular sites on the net. Other than that, I agree. Huge white boobs all day with the occasional beautiful ass.
Hide the tread. Is it something you are capable of? Look at all that typing you did.....
If her content is garbage why would you even bother typing in here? Me personally if i thought someones shit was garbage im ESPECIALLY not going to go out of my way to talk about her boyfriend because i couldnt care less
Mod delete this thread again. Whether it's the simps defending her or the dudes hating on her one thing you have in common is you don't leak and are fucking useless.
Where''s your contribution fucko? Just fuck off will you, you pious fuck.
because I like to annoy idiots like you who like the shitty content of this fat bitch and her stupid boyfriend.

The reason I am here everyday is because of love. I love my country, my fellow countrymen, the old ladies, I live beautiful fat white girls, huge boobs, pawgs, and I can't think of a more fitting site for me to unload and unleash a barage of diarrhea upon a sick forsaken world.

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