
hope she takes a shower this year
now time to a digital room cleaning
Pictures you can smell! Eww, gross bitch
She looks like she got 4 nipples wtf
The fucking state of this site, man.

"She should get her tits out, what's her problem?"
>She gets her tits out

Jesus Christ. See you in the next thread!
I'm convinced half the guys here have a mental block that makes them love cooming but hate looking at women. One moment its begging for wins, the next its nothing but faggotry and whining
Yeah this is genuinely embarrassing. And these threads are just gonna keep getting nuked because of it.They were begging this chick to come back for years and now everyone’s brain has just devolved after her return. Definitely some closeted men in these threads
You jealous ugly mtuherfuckers. Shes hot and her tits are some of the best. Her growth spurt is phenomenal. You cant hate on her about anything. Btw all big titty I mean macro size tits women get the tit zits. It happens. Cant wait to see those humongous boobs in her mouth
Id happily fuck her tit zit. If shes not4u u do not belong here
>>20282 (Dead)

Oh for sure! we are jealous of the incredible talent of no taking showers. Don't you realize that how big those udders may be doesn't make up if the bitch smells like vinegar and has dirt, bad odor and rashes all over her body including the udders? You and guys like you defending these dirty lazy bitches are nothing than poor simps, face it you idiot!!

She is the daughter of a wealthy aristocrat.
yea,sure she is. And im the Pope

You may just be a Pedo, but I doubt that you're part of any royal family. Pedo for you is simply a happy accident.
I'm the pope and Kaities dad is jeff bezos
Yep explains why she's stripping for coin instead of being married off to another high class.

I can believe her family is well set off but I don't believe she's anything special. She's just a hoe that's trying to make some extra money. My recommendation would be to lay off the junk food so it'll clear up.to zits and if not that then maybe either a little make up or photo editing to hide it.

I'm looking through pics of different girls and none of them have fresh zit pops on their forehead and being all red.
All it seems like this girl wants to do is be lazy, get high and stay dirty

I could use some of Jeff Bezos money. I would have sex orgies until the day I died.

>be lazy, get high and stay dirty
You literally gave me a boner. If only her and I were both older we could live the perfect life.
Lol pitch her the idea and maybe you both an be street bums together. Then you don't have to do anything and can stay dirty the whole time
Nice job. You should maybe manage her or be her life coach.
The person calling her dirty has nothing better to do is sit in their mother's basement and be a FUCK FACE. They need to go on Snapchat and get some illegal drugs and overdose and die. HAHA HAHA
Y'all realize every girl y'all see with acne like that ain't a meth head or dirty right? I had a gf with huge L cups and she had acne even tho she showered every day pretty much. Sometimes it's allergies to something or even their period cycle causing them to have spots, y'all virgins should really educate y'all selfs.
Honestly her onlyfans is meh. Her old stuff was WAY better than what we got for free. Not saying she is not good just the content is severely lacking.
If you dated a chick that took a shower "everyday pretty much" that bitch didn't shower everyday and was fucking dirty. Its her shitty diet that causes that, her meth is probably flaming hot cheetos.
Bed bugs are way more disgusting than no shower though
Bro America has the lowest birthrate in the world and you pathetic lot look foolish and should really stfu and stop fucking up for real. She has big titties so what she has pimples and is naked on the internet if she wants to live a perverse life of depravity that is her own choice and as part of a society your duty is to stand up for her rights and live her just as any other fully clothed woman.

>and love her just as any other fully clothed woman.
Vote for me beautiful girls.
Lmao wtf is this thread? Ya’ll gonna make her close up shop before the end of month 2 😂
>>202762 (OP)
bruh, its not the thread that was toxic, its this girls hygiene. It's no joke bro, that's what people are discussing.

Just look at this person, she looks like exactly what she isn't. She isn't poor, and is clearly not taking care of herself.
>if she wants to live a perverse life of depravity that is her own choice
And she is to be judged for such depravity, it is what it is.

>as part of a society your duty is to stand up for her rights and live her just as any other fully clothed woman
Well, you go marry her after she's showing herself on the internet, and face the ridicule of everyone for marrying an OF girl. It's a tale as old as time, girl behaves like hoe and can't find a good man.

>You cant hate on her about about anything.
This looks like she's not showering, is tired and not sleeping and not eating well, and just generally not taking care of herself. Just look a the dark circles under those tired eyes. On top of that she doesn't even have the respect for her audience to comb her hair or look decent. Her look is literally what she is selling, and hygiene is attractive to most people, actual health is attractive to the majority.

I like big/fat/bbw girls as much as the next guy on this site, and I will celebrate that openly, but there's a difference between a big girl who showers and makes herself presentable, and a big girl who looks like she smells and can't maintain basic hygiene.

bruh, guys, gentlemen, she's LITERALLY exposing herself on the internet, for free and for money. That invites judgement, because that is natural and true. If you don't want to be judged, it's a simple solution, don't put yourself out there.

I'm not gonna cry because someone responds to me and calls me an idiot, or disagrees.
(42 KB, 600x800, Dildo on desk is a nice touch.jpg)
She should've just bought some zit cream in the weeks leading up to her OnlyFans opening, just sayin'.
Go signup to pinup axhole
Cmon guys you are overdoing it is losing the fun. Yeah she looks like no showering and meth boobs, just joke a while, have fun and move on to the next pair of tits.

You bunch of autists are pretending to know all her personal life based on 2-3 photos and a few craters kek.
What does she get a hotel room to make content?

There's a dildo in the background of that bed pic, did she ever use it? That's the shit i wanna see.

Does she still have a flat ass?
You're funny, but I still see her or you posting nothing but these meth pics of her in a motel.

I completely agree, the fun is draining from following this girl. Although I think that is because she's honestly stringing a bunch of simps along, and those same simps are defending their emotions and butthurt.

Its really a sad situation that so many men are so weak that will follow this succubus. As I said before, its not the thread that's toxic, its her, and its also the weak men defending her.

Have some self respect, gentlemen.
As I said before, its not the thread that's toxic, its her,

Hit the nail on the head my friend. Anyone who has personally talked to her will tell you exactly that. Shes not a nice person inside
Lol meth tits lmao she doing drugs on her tits ? Who was she dating and did they kick her out and shes using Onlyfans as a lifeline. Is she doing prostitution too? How much she charging? Never thought we'd see katie doing bad. She should be honest and make a gofund me. Could get up to 100k if ppl sympathize
All of you are ass, and if I was a cute little girl I would be afraid of nutters too. They're ugly.
Idk where the meth thing came from she obviously doesn't do meth and clearly isn't struggling.

Although i would say shes struggling to make content. I think shes thinking too hard about this. Her old candid nudes were hotter IMO
Speaking of, wish shed do a few squats to get somewhat of an ass

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