
>>202563 (OP)
I get they are randoms but who is that first one? Wow!!
>>202563 (OP)
This thread is relevant to my interests. Thanks for the share, my dude. Any ID on 3 or 4?
Nope no clue. I just surf the internet turf for shat I like and then share . I will be sure to post more info next time
Please sauce of the busty girl with the white iPhone please?

lial3igh, she's pretty much inactive nowadays
>N cup now
>Pics from 2011

plz bro. supply.
Those done look like n cups bro
Not a fan of the Karen hairdo, but for tits like those I'll forgive anything, I'll go get my manager and let her scream at me
Her IG is lialeighbbw ... I have ZERO way to prove it but we hooked up and it was STELLAR. Absolute monstrous O cups that I let my head get crushed between for quite a while. Anyway, she's still around, just busy.
Yo if this story is true that’s dope. She escort through IG or something?
Haha actually no. We met legitimately on a dating site and she has a very sweet personality plus we shared some kinks, so I treated her like a gentleman should (like a human and not just a piece of meat or a fetish) and we've hooked up a few times, simple as that! Honestly, my life has gotten kinda crazy busy, which has been the bigger blocker in seeing her more.

How does that 1 copypasta go again ?

i also hooked up with her. can also second that she's very sweet. had a lot going on in her life that was making things difficult

2 of them. When men say that the kids are in the way what it really means is another thing entirely. I wouldn't personally try to be the hero and rescue a divorcee, but I don't see anything particularly wrong with it, especially if both parties come from failed marriages. What I can tell you is that when a girl is honestly in love with you then she will make it a point to not bring her kids around you, ever. You won't ever see them. She will not mention any of them. It will be as if they didn't exist, and the time that you 2 share together will be as some strange sexual fantasy that she has.

Men end up with baggage only because they want to. Girls don't want to dump mistakes from a past relationship, passing them onto somebody else that they truly love. They would rather not be with that person and save him from what will undoubtedly be a most horrible situation. Obviously, there are many different types of girls, and all things depending on the type of people that you allow to come into your life, but literally every girl with kids that I have met that had real feelings for me was unabashedly honest about trying to not ruin my life because of her kids. The responsibility in modern American cities, the financial discomfort, and the self inflicted unrewarding sacrifices that come with no cause is simply too much. Love happens sometimes though, and you should always be careful to use your better judgement. Honesty is always the better solution, and you can't control girls to keep them from making mistakes or control who they fuck, but it is always better to love and to lose, because it could be a whole lot worse.
Jesus fucking Christ. No wonder some people are serially single.
I didn't understand a word of this. What are you trying to say? Did she fall in love with you then want to ruin your life? Did she want to move in with you or something?
What he's saying is that women will not bring theirs kids around to keep the person they love or like around but it seems more fearful of being dumped then anything. Dating when your childless is hard and dating when you have kids is even harder. It's seems like he has a relationship with her and she was really starting to like him but her kids and her situation ultimately was what caused the end of the relationship

He said he was in a relationship with 2 girls who had kids and although they were divorced they kept the kids out of the relationship and instead pursued a fantastical "2nd life" type of romance relationship, as is the norm with young girls who are infatuated with a man and want hard cock and a toungue up their butt. If you want to know what it says then you need to experience it first or you'll have confusing questions. Get married. Sex is good.
It’s the woman and the kids that determine your fate. Everybody can be nice at the start. What you have 5 years down the road is what you really married and adopted. It’s a gamble. The woman I married would go to store and make homemade soup if I were sick. 10 years later she tells me to make my own soup and will get upset if everything is not put away. The mother who said….. she didn’t want to burden him with kids was just her wanting to hear…they are not a burden I always wanted to be dad. He really thought she was looking out for him. Lol

Man alive. I think they call that getting cucked these days......... Sounds like you got cucked, bro.

just dump that bitch and that's it.

NEVER give your full resources to another person.
You know there's thread for this sort of shit don't you?
All of you.
The guy who plays it tough with a woman who is his equal will last some years but most likely get a divorce at some point. You have to bend a lot to stay married. I agree you can have that take it or leave it attitude when dating.

>a woman who is his equal

I have the cheesiest grin on my face right now. Btw, before you respond, I've probably fucked more hoes than all of you combined, and I love beautiful girls, but this shit is just dad always wanted a son so he taught his daughter to be a tomboy retarded. No. Girls need love and respect same as everybody else.

The Devil wants you to believe that the government is supposed to protect girls because the Devil is a liar and the government is a consumist company that hungers for power, and if they really were man's equal then they wouldn't need specialized protection from the law to begin with. Your logic is as fragile as your tiny mind. It is an old American idea passed down from your father's generation, and it's demeaning, demoralizing, and has cultivated a culture of (wo)man-children and unemployed virgins/fat lesbian nurses with large sums of expendible income and no children.

Girls are not our equal. We are not the same. It is a man's duty to protect and cherish his woman, not the government. This is the readon why the US will conyinue it's failure trajectory, because the government thinks it's God, but the reality is that without God nothing is possible. No. You will lose, I will laugh, and you will lose some more. Hopefully 1 day before your death you learn humility, and how to surrender yourself over to Christ, if not how to love properly your children and wives.

TL;DR I hope you end up with a short, ugly, fat hoe with no tits, and no ass, and I hope she treats you like the sucker that you are for not appreciating women for the intricate beauty that they truly are, and for not smacking the shit out of them when the time came to smack them. Fucking pussy.
Cheesy indeed. This mafka done lost his mind.

Probably has a glass jar full of human nipples in the bottom drawer of his mother's fridge.

You do you, Nipsey Russel.

Get off his dick then, nutter-fucker. Stop copying the man's shit. You can't. You've got nothing. Your man's stupid
anime villain tier speech

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