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Her thread was deleted. Post what you got gents, the drops were highly appreciated
Why aren’t we able to post vids anymore?
The thread wasn’t deleted numb nuts just scroll down with your brainless useless ass. My god I hate you people 😂
>>200776 Hey, I hate nutters too. I'm waiting for the day to find out my mom is a nutter so that I can disown her. Where are you from, friend?
She spawned you. I think it's very likely.

>She spawned me
I do doubt it, but if she ever reveals herself to be an enemy of the people, and a loving liar and deceitful femenist, or if I ever find out that she works for the Devil, I will take up no issue with feeding her to the lions den.

I'm a lover, but after God I love beautiful girls, and very few things after that. I show no mercy for the infidel, and being my mom does not make her more important than God.
You aren't well are you?
>>200799 If you saw the things I've seen, you wouldn't be well either. I've been better, but this appears to be as good as it's going to get for now. Thanks for your concern. If you can help me get out of this or perhaps throw some tasty pussy my way I would not turn down your generosity.
I'm sorry and I don't ever try and help, but. My first advice would be to get off the internet in general and avoid porn particularly. Find something to fill you life and make it worthwhile. Something positive and preferably material. This really isn't it.
>>200805 You're not listening, but thanks for the thoughtless and general advice as I'm sure it will be of help to some other anon.
Oh I am but pussy is an answer to a question that'll never be answered.
>>200808 So you would rather lie because you don't have an answer?
Lie? No one has an answer but I know pussy ain't it
>>200808 I messed up. When I said "a way out of this" you thought I was talking about this site or some moral support that I needed. No. I have seen everything save for aliens or demonic beings in the span of 13 years. If you know what the eye of Ra, mummy tombs, sercaphogus or statue, and an Owl talking gayishly all have to do with eachother, please do let me know.
Turning your back on the immaterial is a start. Or anti-psychotics.
>>200820 Yeah. That's exactly the problem. It's a fucked up time in possibly the worst country in the world. That is exactly why nobody takes these old retards seriously. But at least you tried so thanks.
You forget your meds today. Also get off this site, tired of your “nutter” comments.
>>200825 Westeners are some of the most evil nutters I have ever met.
Nutter is a western term. This shit ain't a buffet. You don't get all the freedoms and continue to beat your wife.
>>200857 Do I get to ask you to please speak proper English when responding to my post?
Yeah, how bout we get more content?

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