
Is there seriously no way to stop this shit??????
Nonces should be hunted for sport.
Here's how these things work just in case you are thinking of taking a look.

You follow that link, your IP address is logged for looking at CP. You end up in a forum with links, your IP address is logged.

You visit the download site, your IP address is logged for looking at a download site with CP on it.

Then if you do want to download the files WITH CP IN THEM you have to sign up for a premium download account. For CP. With your credit card linked and your IP address.

Even if you are a sick fuck and get off on this vile shit you're handing the authorities a direct way to come get you as you are low hanging fruit. Enjoy your time in Federal jail, a sex offender record, limited job prospects and no more voting, and all your friends and family abandoning you.

Just fucking report this shit here and to c u t t . us/report/ every time you see it.
This needs to be posted in every identified CP thread.
You definitely have my thanks, there are some people who don't see these honeytraps.
Please post that info in the other one too since there's a second one here. This really should just be a pinned thing even if admins can't respond fast enough everytime its posted.
I mean, why would you tip off the pedos?, let them be caught bro, anyways hope this thread is deleted soon

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