
Incredible body and boobs. Thanks for sharing. Would love to see more.
I also could stand to see some more, thanks OP!
She should do measuring video. Her tits are incredibly hot and dense
She would make so bank of she started a manyvids and pornhub page too
Any PPVs?
She puts out good content but man she will post good for like a week and then she won't post again for like 3 weeks. It's crazy
Reupp videos
Thanks bro, how come so many of them are inaccessible though?
Mega, please...
(6.3 MB, 608x1080, 461032.mp4)
Anyone have the original res of this? This is low res off camwhores or something. Iā€™d check the gofile but nothing will load, servers are overloaded or something
Thank you so much! What is the point of approaching women anymore when you have content like this.
Very unhealthy way of thinking. You should definitely get a wife. Keep content at a minimum
Not so big as she wants them to be.
What? Her tits are huge.
(35 KB, 414x220, nikon.jpg)
can't be explained if you don't know the basics.
(1.7 MB, 272x240, shameless.gif)
Those are really nice, but not the huge as certain dumbs assure...
You seem to believe that people are unaware of lense choice. Look where you are.
I think she has an absolutely gorgeous body
Sorry no fish eyes being used damnšŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ‘
Not in the gofile, anybody got this in HD?
Lucky bastard gets to smash her
Anyone got custom PPVs? Thanks
It's the original file no HD
Plug is as good as VixenVirago was back at her biggest in 2020. Different type of tits and body but quite similar at the same time.

Plug has sexier areolas/nipple without the mole.

Plug has better thiccness

VixenVirago has slightly better skin (or used to)

Plug has better legs with an hourglass shape

Only thing Vixen really has on this girl is the fact that she doesn't have any ugly tattooes. I can tolerate the hips tattoo it looks alright but the ones on the thighs and legs aren't great.

But ofc I can ignore them with a godlike body like that and her tits...

Overall this woman is way better than VixenVirago in 2023 and as good as 2020 Vixen
No one cares about your shitty opinion
Thereā€™s a longer version actually but Iā€™ve found it nvm
Can you post it? Thanks dude
Bro you stupid. Says only thing vixen has is no tatts..bro we can see vixen face. And what a beautiful face at that but vixen is immature into cosplay that means she wont be into the dick. Hoes like that are actresses all day. Plug is baddie even tho she loses major points for no face she still has top shelf sex appeal and the tits are second to none literal meat balloons on her body
Ngl she reminds me of Ʊudebanks
Has she made a titfuck video?
Vixen virago has bigger and better tits than her.
(163 KB, 1920x1080, 0h2h2032zzbk13z1fj443.jpg)
Even in your pics it's clear that Vixen virago has more mass in her tits than plug. You have bad eyes.
it's not a topic about vixen vitiligo, so fuck off
VV comments need deletingšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
This is a board for tits, and VV has the best tits in this thread. They should stay.
It's not the same for everybody. I would say - she should not be here, rather on Deviantart.
You fail to see the problem. This is not a VV thread. No one would post a picture of a dog here and expect it to remain.
(9.6 MB, 1920x1080, plug.mp4)
How does some faggot always show up to derail the thread by talking about some unrelated shit? If you wanna talk about some other bitch then start your own thread. I'm getting this one back on track
Yoursh@melessplug done a live stream?
Shame she doesn't have a pornhub or manyvids
You fail to understand my point. This board is for worshipping tits. This entire board. Therefore, even if this thread was made for a specific set of tits, if someone posts a better pair of tits here, like VV's, those tits should be allowed to stay without issue, because the entire board is for tits. Just look at the tits and be happy.

how about you fuck off making up your own rules. we have threads for a specific models because thats all the people in those threads want to see at that moment.

if i made a thread called vixen virago and filled it with shameless plug, thats intentionally misleading. how about i change the meaning of words while i'm at it, from now on left means up they are both directions so what does it matter. you jackass
It would be misleading to make a thread called vixen virago and flood it with pics of another model, but I didn't make this thread.

Just get over it and look at the tits bruh.
(112 KB, 1283x1040, 1283x1040_4be1e1cf161618f686467fecafa651be.jpg) (229 KB, 1080x1440, 69E707B7-F1C2-4AA1-97C3-C4FCDB2C367C-IRYbENFe.jpg) (303 KB, 1800x1350, 7B25130B-0077-4233-903B-9FE8A3907797-MPbGrXAs.jpg) (25 KB, 800x600, 3e9b600b188afe926bdd37db453cfb17e6bc21786e8013bcafeda07ce82c9dfc-XCAkfxfn.jpg) (1.9 MB, 3024x4032, 5bac6c41-cf8e-4431-ae84-6461ad88729b.jpg)
VV tits were brought up in conversation and her subsequent pics were used as a means to make a point that SP indeed has the bigger tits of the two busty future legends
(392 KB, 1358x1411, 1358x1411_c6085ceafd6ce0afbdcc1732300d6903.jpg) (312 KB, 1502x1934, regc5yw7vw681.jpg) (2.9 MB, 3005x3992, 3005x3992_b36dd1e05ef1cc4d111cddb8f2491c47.jpg)
Why are you explaining the context of the discussion to me? I understand why VV's tits were brought up and the discussion it spawned. My point in that post was that I can post VV pics in this thread to prove that she has bigger tits than SP without having mislead anyone, because I'm not the person who made this thread.

Anyway, here I go again. You can clearly see in these pics that VV's tits blow SP's out of the water in mass.
So confused its a thread about YSP haha not VV!
Why you guys both fighting they both got nice titties to be honest enjoy happy fapping hahaha

With onlyfans She can afford to buy some money socks now
No one cares. Why donā€™t you get that?

you haven't proven shit because you don't understand basic physics. unless there is an object that is identical in both pictures for reference you have no idea who is bigger from the pictures alone.

all you are doing is trolling and doing it badly. these bitches are not going to sleep with you because you defended their breast size in a random titty thread on some fuckin image board. go outside you fucking sperg goblin
If you don't care then it should be easy to ignore. Give it a try instead of replying to me next time.

I'm not trying, or deluded enough to think she will sleep with me because I argued for her online. This is just something I'm passionate about for one reason or another. Not all convictions are easily explained.
Make another thread about a different model if you wanna see them. Stop derailing the thread
It took multiple people for us to get to where we are currently. Me, and all the people who responded. Don't point the finger at me without pointing the finger at them as well. It's not hard to stop an argument, online or otherwise. You just have to ignore it. I can't very well argue against myself.

Ah the classic blame shifting of a retard. They didn't let me do what I wanted, so clearly we are all at fault!
notice how I didnā€™t quote you yet you knew exactly who I was talking about? no one needs to point shit because youā€™re the only one doing it. I really donā€™t give a shit what you talk about or whose tits are bigger, just make a new thread if you want to post a different model.
You're retarded. At no point did I excise myself of the blame. I said other people are to blame as well. Not everyone. Just some people. If that upsets you then I can only assume you're of the people I was referring to and are too retarded to understand how your actions have consequences and feed into other things.

Yeah, no shit I understood you were talking about me. Good job reading that entire post though and not seeing the point. I'll break it down for you again, but even slower this time since you've clearly got brain problems.

I did not spontaneously start posting about another model (VV). I responded to another person who mentioned another model. That is how I got involved in this. And after I posted once about another model (VV), I posted more about said other model (VV) strictly in response to other people mentioning her to me.

I was not randomly talking about VV or posting pics of her. I was not talking to a wall. I was involved with back and forth conversations about her with multiple people.

Clearly I wasn't the only person doing it, because I'm not the type of schizo who's going to sit down and have conversations with myself on a public internet forum. Other people contributed, so don't turn a blind eye to them just because they fought for the home team while I fought a for a different model.

Fucking moron.
ok buddy glad you got that off your chest better luck next time
Banning me doesn't make you right (or even work in this case, since I'm here calling you a retard again 5 seconds later).

Either way, I accept your concession.
Leave my long post up with the ban message but delete the one I just made, so it looks like you got me and won? Cute. Petty, but cute. Here's the thing, though. While I (normally) consider myself a perfectly rational and reasonable person, if you say the right things and press the right buttons, you can get me to turn into the most petty, vengeful motherfucker you've ever met. And guess what? You got the cheat code! Congrats. Well done. *claps*

Now though, let me tell you how this is going to go. You're going to delete this thread right now (sorry SP fans, it's seriously nothing against you I just can't stand this motherfucker so you guys are just collateral) OR stop deleting my post. Also, either way, you're never do this type of wise ass PR stunt ego flex bullshit again.

You can do that, or I can just show you the full, malicious extent of my pettiness and we'll just see how much fun you have.

Again, I am sorry to the SP fans who were enjoying this thread. I was perfectly civil and willing to bow out, but this motherfucker made it personal and, well, now you guys have to suffer for it.

Anyway, repost time!

The post you deleted: Banning me doesn't make you right (or even work in this case, since I'm here calling you a retard again 5 seconds later).

Either way, I accept your concession.
>Site is not happy

Okay, which one of you fucked up? And said the wrong thing? Which 1 of you.... stupid nutters... fucked up.... and said the wrong thing?
I accept your concession.
Yeah, because you clearly don't take this shit seriously at all, which is why you're trying to get the last word in.

VV's tits are still bigger.

i think you're just angry that your aspergers got called out. no one cares whos tits are bigger, we just want you to stop posting unrelated tits in a ysp thread, can you understand that you giant autismo?>>200504
It's almost like you guys are speaking another language using English.
>we just want you to stop posting unrelated tits in a ysp thread
Oh, you mean like this guy?
Because he's clearly posting unrelated tits in a ysp thread and you're not having a hissyfit over it. Only reason your asshole's getting puckered is because I'm supporting a different model. From the very fucking jump you and everyone here has been a massive fucking hypocrite about this shit.

bitch he is replying to your deleted comment that contained vixen pics you fucking dick head.

it doesn't matter either way. you are a cringe inducing loser defending a model who has no idea you exist. and i'm a giant retard for arguing with you.

congratulations, you autistics have managed to pull another fucking thread down to your spastic level yet again.
What does it matter that he's replying to my deleted post that contained vixen pics? I only posted vixen pics in this thread because other people brought her up and were discussing her.

Once again it's hilarious to me that retards like you think you're blameless in this ordeal. You especially when you chimed in here >>200499 seemingly for no reason other than the fact that you wanted to get the last word in and score a cheap shot. Oh but now you want to sit back, sigh, and say it's solely "autistics like me" who caused this shit as though you haven't been and aren't STILL an active participant and contributor to this shit. This shit would've been DONE if you hadn't brought made your retarded comment here >>200499 and weren't still fucking replying to me so shut the fuck up and stop pretending you're above any of this shit.
>>200516 I don't hack people's computers or do voodoo to them while they sleep. I exchange pics of hoes I've fucked.... And they love it when I show people. You, obviously, haven't fucked a beautiful girl.
You gave up before you have no retort for anything I said, and I accept your concession.

PS: I didn't start that fight. Someone else wrote a paragraph long post comparing VV to YSP. I responded to it, you lot responded to me, and here we are.

In no way did I "start a fight" here. I wasn't the one who interjected about VV. I didn't randomly start attacking and insulting people. I responded to one dude's opinion with my own opinion and you all responded to me, meaning you are just as culpable in all this as I am, just like you're culpable for helping to sustain the argument that is still derailing this thread. Grow the fuck up and take ownership for your actions and their consequences. No one put a gun to your head and told you to respond to me. But you did. And you still are. And that's why we're here. This thread didn't get derailed because I was talking to myself. It got derailed because I was talking with retards like you.
*You gave up because you have no retort for anything I said
Get back to the simp thread and your revolution.
How many bans is that now? 5 or so? And not a single one has worked? Crazy. Well, keep on trying, bitch ass janny. Maybe one will get through eventually!

You give up because you have no retort for anything I've said, and I accept your concession.
How many bans is that now? 6 or so? And not a single one has worked? Crazy. Well, keep on trying, bitch ass janny. Maybe one will get through eventually!

You give up because you have no retort for anything I've said, and I accept your concession.
What a hollow "victory".
Says link canā€™t be found.
She's a bit shit at replying. Been messaging her for stuff for over a week and no response
Thanks Any joi vids?
2nd that, would be amazing
(382 KB, 1565x1080, jj.jpg)
the dream image
Wow thats a nice change of pace. Wish there was BTS of her putting on these hot outfits
Try on content for an hour like clothing swim suits and lingeriešŸ‘
Nta arguing over whether Shamelessplug or Vixen Virago has bigger tits but does anybody have VV's hardcore b/g doggy video that supposedly exists? And can you post link? There's no thread on her up right now
anything new ????

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