
Here's how these things work just in case you are thinking of taking a look.

You follow that link, your IP address is logged for looking at CP. You end up in a forum with links, your IP address is logged.

You visit the download site, your IP address is logged for looking at a download site with CP on it.

Then if you do want to download the files WITH CP IN THEM you have to sign up for a premium download account. For CP. With your credit card linked and your IP address.

Even if you are a sick fuck and get off on this vile shit you're handing the authorities a direct way to come get you as you are low hanging fruit. Enjoy your time in Federal jail, a sex offender record, limited job prospects and no more voting, and all your friends and family abandoning you.

Just fucking report this shit here and to c u t t . us/report/ every time you see it.
Glad someone is actually posting a warming but mods won't take the extra mile and IP this guy. He just won't stop. He must think this is funny.
Probably a chick. Just to fuck with us. Just hide the thread
white knight of fat girls does it . he need to block our website

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