
(326 KB, 1536x2048, itskaitiecali96.jpg)
I make a big call to the leakers, its kaitie cali will do an onlyfans for Friday, it looks very promising, please, it will be shared here, please, be shared with the community
most excited i've been for anyone's comeback
Simp City , we need this
Do she be doing meetups though or escorting?
Katie still got that sex appeal. Very welcomed here around these parts
If stuff is shared, she will lose money. With less money, her content will be bad. All you simps are pathetic!!!
Should I play Soccer?
(956 KB, 203x361, Anonymous - Cute chubby girl with gigantic boobs - 0160tumblr_ngphbzxdGO1u5ctljo1_250.gif) (1.1 MB, 203x361, Anonymous - Cute chubby girl with gigantic boobs - 0162tumblr_ngphbzxdGO1u5ctljo3_250.gif) (1.0 MB, 203x361, Anonymous - Cute chubby girl with gigantic boobs - 0163tumblr_ngphbzxdGO1u5ctljo4_250.gif) (1.0 MB, 203x361, Anonymous - Cute chubby girl with gigantic boobs - 0164tumblr_ngphbzxdGO1u5ctljo5_250.gif) (1.1 MB, 203x361, Anonymous - Cute chubby girl with gigantic boobs - 0165tumblr_ngphbzxdGO1u5ctljo6_250.gif) (933 KB, 203x361, Anonymous - Cute chubby girl with gigantic boobs - 0166tumblr_ngphbzxdGO1u5ctljo7_250.gif)
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Im so hyped up for this fat titty cow's comeback, always had a feeling she would pop back up, she loves showing off those fat milk tanks
How do you know she's gonna make an onlyfans?
Don't complain when she stops because some idiot gives away her content that they pay for. Y'all will literally fuck up the thing you want most because you're to retarded to realize it. Don't share her stuff with the homeless beggars!

She announced it on her IG and made a Twitter account for promotion
Look at all these titsndtops white knights in here pathetic. Her content will be shared regardless of what you say. If not on titsndtops then here and if not here then somewhere else. It’s the fucking internet her shit is gonna get leaked get a grip. Tbh you sound retarded
Not really sure what the hype is for, there's literally hundreds of nudes already. These simps think because she got an OF her content is gonna be extra spicy or something lol. Same shit except now your filling her pockets and emptying yours.
This site.

I want boob content!

No, I'm not going to pay for it, only simps and betas pay for it. Let's just pirate the fuck out of it.

Hey, why has this girl stopped producing content?
Pay attention. It's almost always stalkers or family.
Post her Twitter @ right now then or someone do it cause I still think you're all lying about her "comeback"
She's going to be in the top percentile of creators easily. If she can't handle imageboards sharing stuff or people asking "wrong questions" she is going to fold like a tent when her family finds out she is doing nudes again.

Really need to see op thinking it's a matte for "well gotta go easy". Women don't piecemeal shit. If she is gonna show her tits for money she will. If she gets a hair up her ass an doesn't want to do it then nothing anyone here does or doesn't do will matter, short of trying to stalk her irl type shit.
Okay, but at what cost? The cost of doing business and the cost of production are seperate. Most models have no issues with making content for free, and I would imagine that it's more of a proudful entititlement than bankruptcy. I will tell you this, so long as there are sluts willing to let me fuck I will not ever pay a prostitute for vagina. Maybe for anal, or some really good head just because I would like to experience good head for once in my life and see for myself if it's such a big deal, but that is a differeng thing.
its the child-like mentality of "I'm not paying!" or "ONLY SIMPS PAY!" that ruins these type of comebacks. It's pretty simple, if you want to support her and a possible future career then put your money where your mouth is, if you will NEVER pay for anything and want everything for free, then just move on to the other millions and millions of woman on this planet and get over it. You haters talk a big game but you're the ultimate hypocrites... If you get her pics and vids for free, shes so lovely, shes perfect, shes a Goddess BUT if she wants to charge a small fee, shes ugly, shes fat, shes a dumb whore. She already gave the world SO MUCH FREE content years ago, asking for a small fee in the year 2023 isn't the end of the world.
She either produces or she doesn't. Nothing anyone posts here will have any influence on that.
She either produces content or she doesn't. Nothing anyone posts here will have any influence on that.
If Chyna Chase content gets shared, hers is 1000% going to get leaked. It's up to the creator to decide how to handle. That young Colombian slut "unoresidente" found out, got pissed and dipped. Marilyn Mayson gets depressed and goes in hiatus and then comes back everytime it happens to her. The leak is inevitable, how these bitches handle it is out of everyone's control. You begging for it to NOT leak because YOU payed for it makes you biggest simp. Katie retired years ago, her posting 1 win and disappearing again is already a victory. You wanting to archive her entire OF to yourself is what's truly pathetic. Try not jacking off for a day you moron and look at what you're asking of people. Not only people but men. Anonymous, unapologetically perverted men.
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My men and I will get our booty, the simps and cucks at titsintops will pay for it.
She will make millions with that body, you and countless others being a white knight won't stop the leaks.
You do realize retards have been posting about bbw-chan (and even how the base64 thing works) over at TiT, right? There's even an absolute idiot who posted the link to this thread over at the TiT thread for her.

Bottom line is, this thread/website is already infested with TiT simps who probably have told her about this already.
I was under the impression that it aids us evading google searches so it's not as easy for them to hunt out their material. I didn't think it was supposed to be some sort of uncrackable code.
I know that countless simps are on Titsintops and that this websites hurts their fee fees.
Their simping is even more insane, than you think. They begged her to jack up the prices on the her onlysimps.
I swear to god, these people are so delusional.It is like they loved to be abused and think their ass spreading gives him them a chance with these women.
I'm always surprised that TiT is still here and not closed for good. I mean, their mods are pedos, some of them harassed a lot of models too... where are cops??

She's probably going to make so much money that whoever gets the content from here instead of buying it isn't going to affect her that much.

juicy jade made enough money pretty quickly to chop her tits off. and who was it that made millions? Bella Thorne?

If you post something online it's gonna get out there. You can make unlimited digital copies of something .

Fucking white knight.

Why don't you move into the millions of other women? Your obsession with her is quite unhealthy.

Seek help immediately.
Simps, leakers, and leeches are all part of this ecosystem. Getting mad at any part of it is like getting mad at the wind.

Fucking preach brotha
she was led here by her white knights, if anything
Yeah somebody already snitched this out
She should be flattered. she announces a comeback and all hell is breaking loose and people don't know how to act. A war amongst simps and leakers. They don't call her Queen Kaitlyn for nothing. Those tits are turning us into caveman like that South Park episode.
I remember her, her rich father discovered her nude pix and asked to stop that. she did. but now, she starts again. whore one day, whore forever.
Can you all really not leak her shit! Please, some of use have been waiting forever for this... Why on earth would you try and ruin it for everyone. this shit is what mad himiwako go away lol.
She isn't an idiot she knows how the internet works, so ofcourse she would find this thread. She will obviously make tons of money regardless if people leak, but why tempt fate here guys.
Why would she advertise that LMAO so retarded also fuck you white knight lying about "google"
I really feel like TiT is like the light side of the force and bbw-chan is the darkside. Both have value and both have really stupid people on it... but thats the internet. (shrug)
Why do you consider TiT more honorable?
Pretty sure she had stalkers which is a pretty valid reason to quit...

Lol go cry somewhere else.

She isn’t going anywhere if she wants to make money. She was giving it away for free and now she’s against leakers???? Foh. Post your tits to the internet and they’re gonna get leaked. I hope she’s not that dumb to think that’s gonna detour people from sharing those huge saggers
No one cares about either of you. We're here for the content and content begets content. If she doesn't like leaks then exploiting the horny isn't for her.
why are p[eople console-warring tit-fetish forums? what the fuck is actually wrong with you?
Whoever told her about this site should kill themselves and has no shame of being a rat. I always think one of the main reasons these girls find out about these sites is their biggest white knight fans tell them, Also her old content can easily be found anywhere, it's not like she has anything to hide anymore.
This is the most hilarious thread ever.
We've seen it all. If she stops then she can't cash in and we've still seen it all. I can't believe she'll not do it because of leaks. 70% is still 70% no matter which way you cut it. That said though they're not very bright are they? Personally I couldn't care less. There are plenty like her creating OF accounts daily.
Says the woman who said her pussy was to small for a huge dick.
She's going to make a fuck load of money whether it leaks or not. And it honestly isn't that big of a deal cus if you already google itskaitiecali, her Julius Squeezers show up all over image search. Nothing but pages and pages of delicious succulent titty meat.
she is super pretty and i hope this 2023 reopen OF and i hope she gain more weight to more powerfull than Lexi Luxxxe LOL
I swear some of yall are real deal losers caring about some random bitch on the internet youll never meet.

If she quits because people leak her shit, it is what it is and go next, a new bitch turns 18 and opens a OF everyday
This all fucking day. She's just an ethot ffs.
This. Case closed.

Anyone else blaming the simps or leakers is an autist.
If you don't understand how simps or pirates help a model you are a retard.
Facts. Bitch is like 26 now and all the content she made was when she was 18 and some of these losers act like she's still a helpless idiot. She knows what she's doing and is grown.
Are we even sure any of this is legit? That Twitter page is sus as fuck. Anyone confirm from her real IG?
already deleting the comments in the thread you don't like... I thought it was open for discussion not censorship?

Wait. Her boobs shrunk? Fuck that.
Girl we have been seeing your tits for years. They will still pay dont worry. Just make sure you invest the money we invest in your content.
Good job man appreciate that effort. Katie has some of the fullest dense beautiful tits ever to grace the internet. Definitely top 10 BBW
Ya'll believe this shit? She's married with 2 kids. It's a scam lol
Shes some stupid bitch with big tits. Grow a spine you fucking simp. She's got a hundred pics out, spoiler alert motherfucker, they're not any different now. These chicks are valueless but little wormy dudes like you gas them up. If this fucking 5 doesn't show her tits then literally 10k other ones will. Fuck sakes
You bloodsucker. Just look at those massive cans. Epic norts
Leaks are going to happen, especially if the hype surrounding the person opening the Onlyfans is big enough to get people to sub on the first day.

And in the first month, you kinda need those leaks to happen, so long as they're attached with a positive reception towards the content in replies/posts. Because that positive reception is going to be one of the main selling points for people to subscribe to that Onlyfans and pay for the content (the other two being positive customer interaction and the content itself.)

So if I was itskatiecali, my first priority would be to make sure that my content is what I want to sell, that the audience is receptive towards it, and that I build a solid rapport with my audience. Then when all of that is in place, worry about leaks then. Because without good content, a receptive audience, and good back/forth with said audience, you won't have to worry about leaks. Anons will eventually stop buying, call you a scammer for your shit content, and all you'll have left are the same hardcore, degenerate base that most of these women have and are fighting over to bleed dry for every penny. And that's something that most of these women should strive to avoid until the end of their careers.

Fuck titsintops, fuck BreastQuest.

Cant wait until the feds find out whats in their VIP section...

Kaite, we don't give a fuck.

No "dO nOT pOSt" list here. Get fucked.
Bitch shut up and show your titties or don't. Best believe that shit is gettin' shared, fuck those white knights.
better to be naked than to get a real job? your daddy will so proud of you...
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Hey Katie, I assume you're here.

Well, suppose you would do something legal against the person who leaked your content. Do you think that the justice of your shitty country will do something about it? They cannot and will not be able to against piracy, what makes you think that they will listen to you with you? I guess the FBI has more important things to do instead of listening to a tantrum lady who gets angry because someone spread her content fr free from onlyfans, you are not and will never be the first to spread content, either here or on another sites, everything you upload to the internet will always end up in the hands of thousands of other people. So stop behaving in such a despotic way if you want the money of your beloved simps. We have already seen other examples of how other busty sluts have behaved in this way and now, no one buys their content anymore because of their attitude, just like you, YOU NEED TO MATURE!! Stop feeling superior to others for being a millionaire and busty, the universe doesn't revolve around you, yes, many of us idolize you for your huge breasts, but there are more breasts out there to idolize too, you're not the only one in between sweetie.

By the way, look who closed a years old thread on tits and tops, it was a thread for posterity and due to the whims of that bitch, it has now been closed. these from TNT are a bunch of whiny simps.
It is so FUCKING FUNNY seeing you simps and leakers fight... ALL OF YOU ARE PATHETIC!!! HA HA HA HA
- Hey daddy, you know a good lawyer?
- Why sweetie?
- Because I'm upset! Some people didn't respect me and my work!
- Work? You work now? First news!
- I'm fucking serious dad!
- No bad words, or no money at the end of the week!
- Sorry! But they stole my pics and vids!
- Which pix? Don't tell me that you're still naked on Internet??
- No, oh no, it's over that... I was young...
Are you guys retarded? Or foreigners?
Ya'll really on here bitching and complaining whining and crying about some fucking content that ain't even came out yet!! Shut the fuck up. She ain't doing shit that no other Softcore model hasn't done via having an Onlyfans and not wanting people to share her shit.

If people share people share if people don't then they don't. But one things for sure two things for certain she can't stop leaks from coming out. It's been 8 years damn near of no content. The money she'll make will be monumental but everything cums with a price.
Why the fuck has bbwchan gotten so chatty lately, it looks like kiwifarms in here

I don't care about this cow's life story or any of you ranting about her, just post her tits or move on
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When’s she gonna realize we don’t care? We just wanna see tits lmao….There is a simp in here relaying messages to her, but we DONT CARE….Dude acting like he gonna get a free subscription lmaoooo
>>198545 I prefer the chatting and the racist jokes to literal gossip from old ladies who can't get dick because their boobs are small! Read your message and read the message in your pic and answer me if you think that sounds like a mature person. Or if not then don't respond and stop making western girls dry in between their legs with your queenness. If their pussies are dry it's not going to be good for any of us, especially in this fucked up and backwards society. Godless heathenz
Tbh I forgot this bitch existed until this thread. As much as ppl shit on Tallyberry's content, she kinda embraced this forum which kinda made her hotter imo. Leaks will happen, even to celebrities; they're sought after. But I know I'm not the only one who forgot about her until this thread. If she doesn't see how this anticipation will help her brand, she's delusional.
Reading the comments on here, it's no wonder girls decide not to model or produce content.
Big brain
Never had a girlfrifnd. Doesn't know women
See the thing is, no one cares.
Bro. Weren't you just talking to yourself lol
...Americanz nuts
Is this new? What is it from? Why is it cropped? Post uncropped please.
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Looking at the phone she is using and comparing it to her Instagram pictures with the same phone it's from sometime between 2017 and 2019.
Way to go nutter. Thanks for making her and every other model uncomfortable fucking idiot. Son of a fucking nutter mom.
I just want to her to put out new content of her legendary fat tits, thats all, very simple. She is going to make tons of money regardless, I dont know why she is worried about anything else surrounding that fact. Always been a huge fan of her epic fat milk tanks, she is one of the greats. Hopefully she makes a strong comeback, we'll see.
Your posting pics of her phones and commenting crazy shit like you're some investigator nutter. You must be homosexual. Leave this hoe alone.
Yea without the tits shes just a potatoe. Should be honored she's still relevant around these parts. All her previous shit was leaked she knows the drill she just being a brat. Look at madi gio and ninaphoenix their shit leaked and both are millionaires.
Tbh I didn't know she existed until shit leaked the FIRST time. Then I subscribed to her content. So when she disappeared it kinda sucked but then soooo many others like her came along(who did more btw) and she became obscure again, that easily. If she came back she'd have to not be so lazy bc there's way more engaging models out here. And even if she didn't, we still have her old shit
There was no leak you morons. She posted it all on her blog for free when she was first active. You didn't have to subscribe either.

If you're going to troll and shitpost, then do better.
Exactly bro lol. Good way to look at it. We've seen em come and go she putting yourself in the trash for no reason when she supposed to be showing younger models how to get this money. Cant teach stupid.
Yea we're morons for not defending some stupid chick who has no clue how to be a hot busty babe online. FOH
You're either shills generating interest in her by keeping the thread bumped at the top or shitposters looking for an excuse to troll a thread.

But yeah, keep on shitposting. I'm sure she appreciates the effort.
Okay so, there definitely WAS a leak; anyone here remembers v0la knows constant shit was circulating on r/b00bs which is how I found her. You can subscribe to pages without spending s cent you cunt i.e. xvideos, youtube, etc. You could've just not responded to me but you just hadddd to sound stupid so here ya go
Then again, this thread is a dumpster fire of begging, posturing, calling anons simps/white knights, and finding excuses to get mad, so who cares if anons can't even get the basic history about her right.

Especially when she can point to the comments here (like she's doing now) and justify using the same fucked up tactics that the scummier Onlyfans models do.
And if she's scummy, we'll know
She got started back in 2014-15. Well before r/boobs or vola was a thing. She had a blog on Blogspot back when posting blogs was what everyone did, and she did it for free.

Just because you found her on vola does not mean she started there.
No, you won't. You'll just parrot off of the other anons who make shit up.
Okay investigator nutter. Why don't you and gossiper nutter go have butt sex on a nude beach?
I'm not saying that's how she started I'm saying that's how I found her. Plus it wasn't just blogspot, she also had snapchat. Sounds like you're just responding to my shit before reading all the way lol
Every video and photo of her that people had came from that blog, and she had left before Snapchat became the thing to use to distribute porn.
NOT TRUE. And you wanna talk about making shit up. Smh
Hey guys what's going on in this thre-
It's insane you all bumped this thread with no new content and speculation of her returning for over 100 times, didn't realize her fans were that autistic.
Thanks for doing the same!
Still surprised no one has moved their shit over to onionshare. Literally unstoppable.
is she really going all the way with this or is she only going to post a few pics showing off her cleavage, and then tell you to wait and SUBSCRIBE again next month if you REALLY want to see one titty??? -_-
This has been one of the most entertaining threads in ages.
"My Queen, I found some nasty evildoers trying to share images of your beautiful body! Those Creatures of the Dark won't pledge allegiance with their credit card, so I must warn you of the danger they pose!

So, uh, what do I get as a reward for telling you this?"
White Knights in a nutshell lmao
There is a saying that leakers do not have a sense of logic. Models' profit margin drops when their paid content is leaked, which means they cannot increase the value of their content. Basic economics. As a result, the models are more likely to quit sooner rather than later. In this case, leakers are out of luck when there is no content to leak. They don't have any common sense.
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oh Kaitlyn, its like you never left. . .
When I first discovered her, I thought she was related to Anorei Collins / Lexxxi Luxe.
First off you fucking retards she already knows about this thread, secondly no one is white knighting her because SHE ALREADY KNOWS ABOUT THIS THREAD! There is no expected reward from telling her about the leaks, its about you cheap ass miserable fucks who want free shit. We want her to create content, if some retard leaks the shit she'll stop is that fucking simple. She's watching this toxic shit hole and TiTs and I don't blame her one bit. I'd be mad as hell if I paid for something and then one of you morons gave it away for free. Ain't no white knight BS that piss poor excuse isn't valid anymore.
LEAKS or NO LEAKS . . . in the end just make quality content and don't scam your fans and everything else will take care of itself.
This is obviously her. Make good content and you will.make money regardless of your shit leaks or not.
Literally every single god damn bitch that sells nudes has leaks. Stop fucking crying about it, you should be ashamed being such a simp. Touch grass.
The funniest thing is she’s acting like this is all her idea and she’s single lol yeah fucking right. She’s definitely fucking some other dude and he convinced her to make a onlyfans.
Would be cool if mods didn't delete my posts for no fucking reason making me waste my time rewriting them thanks fam

As I was saying, before it was inconsiderately deleted:
Is this new? Where is it from? Please post the uncropped version so we can see her belly better at the end. Sorry if you answered me already and I didn't see it before the thread was nuked.
He should of just nuked the thread cause they're just gonna talk and not shut the fuck up instead wait until she even does anything.
One of the greatest big boob girls online, ever. She could become the GOAT in my opinion, depending on what she does with her OF... Let's see.
It's a dream come true! I missed seeing her content for months now.
Can someone please share her Twitter account.

I know it was here earlier but looks like it was scrubbed. Thanks.
You'd think she'd be teasing us on her Twitter with pics or something to really get us hyped up but she's only posted that 1 pic, I'm really skeptical about all of this. I could be wrong but of course but we'll see.
From her Instagram it looks like their are issues with getting approved from onlyfans but hopefully all goes well.
Link to her instagram? Searching her twitter name brings up nothing for me.

She got verified. Her OF handle is itskaitiecali
Good work lets see what she comes up with. Cosplay would be nice
Her of is live! Now waiting for a hero
I hope she does videos where she walks in public in very provocative tops a bit like CrazyBowie on Youtube
Hope she or someone else can confirm that she’s posting nudes on her OF. Will definitely drop a sub if/when she’s posting them
No nudes yet. Just one post so far and it's her in a really undersized bra with her boobs spilling out.

Your description has gotten me harder than any picture would have…keep going with your word poetry 🍆💦
She says her bra size is a 48R now
>>198992 Is that bigger or smaller?
Also her OF says she's 26. One of the comments on her post says it's been 8 years since she's had any content. If all those pics and videos were from when she was 18, damn. Some seriously giant tits.
You sure they're bigger?
She posted her first pic or vid on her OF. Who’s gonna be the hero?!
They don't look bigger to me and I heard somebody say that they weren't.
Let the woman make some cash first, dude. If kaitie's earning, she'll keep doing it. If she keeps doing it, we all win. Absolutely astonishing body.
They bigger. U can tell from her older pics to now she’s bigger and fuller. She wearing too small stuff so that’s why some think she’s smaller or not bigger but they bigger.
From her IG, it's legit
Kinda wish there was like one or 2 nudes
Give it time, it literally only got made today
Don’t leak her shit , leak she stops we lose pay up I know y’all got money.
What do you mean? That’s her legit ig
Fair enough.
Yeah those are new pics on her IG, I used to have all her content at one time I would know. Someone needs to ask her to do a fan sign tho to truly make sure. Still think she won't do anything more than what she did when she was 18 so that bores me but with time will tell.
I need someone to custom order a video of her sucking her own nipples, that’s what I need.
>>199025 or you know custom order yourself
Its fake, dumbs. She will never comeback lol
It's most definitely her in that 8-second clip she posted.
Someone too broke to check it out and see it's real
If she's not riding some dick, idc. She already posted a bunch of shit for free on her tumblr ages ago.
Them old ass pictures from 2015 ain't shit to the size she is now. Nobody gives a fuck about ya'll being content about content she put out 8 years ago. She was a M CUP then. Now She's a 48R CUP. 5 sizes bigger than before. I want to see all type of new content.
I could and I would sub, problem is, I'm on the fence about how long it will last, I'd hate to pay full price for a week and then her dipping, not even because of the money, mainly because of the letdown lol
Doesn't seem like that will be the case though, luckily she seems to be in a very good place mentally, she's been more interactive, responsive and approachable on her ig, and from the looks of it, she's been entertaining the idea for a while and it was only now that she's single that she can actually bring it to life, so I'm just gonna wait and see if it settles, maybe also get a couple more posts on there

Are you new or just stupid? Don't fall for the obvious bait
Just wait a bit, she is going to make so much money she won't care about leaks
>5 sizes bigger than before
Wrong her band size wasn't 48 before
Is it an old bra? Does she say the size?
simps are excited
a leak on here wont even make a dent with how many people will sub of her instagram follows, not even counting the TiT simps. theyll probably sub n several accounts just to give her even more moeny lol
This is what the bbw-chan crowd shall always rely on, lol
It’s kinda disappointing it’s one non nude picture and she’s like ENJOY lol okay you goofy bitch mf getting fleeced by her and her bf
pls don’t leak her shit just cough up the 10 or 13 bucks and help everyone out you leak she deletes and then we assed out if u on a computer or phone u got 13 dollars to kick out
I hope she gets leaked on and deletes cause you faggots are annoying and are only talking on here instead of sharing.
It really is just one photo and one clip of her in an undersized bra. I'd just wait for more content.
I usually have a policy against paying for porn but in this case I'm gonna pay the $13 and then leak it just to spite you
It's so far boring. Day 2 just a message saying welcome and that I'll post nudes eventually.. thankfully it's only around 15 dollars but wow. Not an exciting start
why not do nudes day 1? espeially if peopleare paying
Bait the hook
People will sign up for a month, so no nudes for the first month
Then when it comes to when everyone is going to renew, say "nudes coming in a couple of days" and then she gets 2 months of OF money
Meh. She ain't no bigger and I don't miss her enough to pay.

Aren't you that same pussy!? How did you change IDs?
thats what i was afraid of, i would hope people would be smart enough not to renew if there was nothing for the entire first 30 days
Why was my post banned for trying to help folks don’t leak and we all win . Sheesh
I’m a pussy yet you the one talking shit thru a phone screen . Stop pissing on your balls faggot.
Nah that was me just trying to unite us so she don’t delete the whole OF and everyone gets nothing but dudes is too stupid and broke to understand that concept
Lmao y'all getting baited hard I'm sorry
not sure if shes a genius or just dumb about her pricing, thats just low enough where alot of peoplecould sub but she coudlve charged alot more with the hype machine
she's full of money from daddy. she's doesn't want money, just attention.
Smells like some commie bullshit if you ask me.
(62 KB, 446x600, itskaitiecali.jpg)
Consider lowering the price, they said...
And she thinks mfs shall pay dollar to see that swine body, fuck?
That belly is slowly dominating the tits. I'm heading for the door on this one.
In B4
>It's a BBW forum hur hur
I for one hope she lets her belly out a bit more. She's calling herself a BBW so she knows she's fat.
This won't matter to most people but I'm curious what she weighs nowadays. I remember she was 230-240 back in the days of Tumblr.

Obviously her tits are the star of the show, but you know, why not work with what you have?
However, I'm pretty sure the tits and ass BBW would be a bit unnatural. That's definitely Sofia Rose. But only after her tummy tuck.
Just not my cup of tea.
To be honest I found her much more exciting when she was younger.. she kinda "lost" that spark in my opinion. Her boobs don't look much bigger but her belly does. She should've made an onlyfans a long time ago, but I got tired of waiting and moved on to other girls who I think are better now.
Julie ginger doesn't have a fat ass, she just has wide hips. Get ass is flat asf. Idk why mofos act like she actually has ass
Still a pear though. She'd have to workout to get curves on her ass.
how many subscribers does she have, is there a way to look that up
No you could get a low ball guess before she hid her wall. But yeah she hid her wall so people won’t see how much she’s making.
Her most liked post has 220 likes. So I would say close to 300 subs

If she went too high it would've been sus, it's low enough that it's normal but still at a profitable price. 500 people sub to her over the weekend that's 7.5k right there.
Wish she would show off her belly more! Looks like it filled out a bit more 😍🤤🤤
Would you post the clip please?
well depending on how much higher, i think 25 wouldve been still a good range and noone would think anything of it. maybe i should go to school for marketing

I follow a few that charge 20-40. Seems to be the average rate for popular models. Wouldn’t mind if she upped it to 25 so long as she’s consistent like she was on tumblr and snap. We were so fuckin spoiled lol
Shit is 100 percent legit talk to her on snap sometimes and have videos saved that she’s sent me
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So is anyone gonna leak the new post?
As a person that PAYS for her OF, why would I want to leak her content to freeloaders? Where is the LOGIC in that? Don't say "Sharing is caring", because that is a load of CRAP!!!

Hypocrite much?

Don't you use this site also? We're all freeloaders sometimes. Including yourself.
Freeloaders mf we are living in inflationary times. Every one with a brain knows porn makes the world safer. Its not us vs the models so don't come with that bullshit. Without chan and other forums lot of these women wouldn't have any presence or audience whatsoever. Freeloaders. We work our asses off everyday these hoes lucky we sub at all. If anything they're the freeloaders because how hard is it to get naked at anytime. Try waking up at 6am each day to work your ass off. Freeloaders.
A mod already deleted all this kiwifarms chat once and you guys still didn't learn
she's not going to give you freebies or rate your dick for free simping on here bro
This kind of talk can and will get you banned, as it should.
Imagine being so lonely and sad you send your dick to be rated by a hoe, and defend her on the internet. You guys are pathetic, get a fucking life and woman damn you.
Sure thing champ, you def do

What the FUCK are you doing here then, bitch? I'm pretty sure you don't complain when new stuff that you like is posted on other threads, you don't call yourself a freeloader then, do you? I'm willing to bet you've never contributed to a single thread in your life. The fucking nerve.
This is not a discussion board, we're not the fucking simps at TiT, your opinion is worthless here, either you're here to share, or you're here to lurk, because this is a sharing board, we contribute when we can, and freeload when we can't, a delicate balance that you're disrupting with your cuntness
Spoken like a true scholar
Can't tell shit to sex workers or dare to call them out on their bullshit about being lazy because the whole community will make hell rain down upon you
They'll complain about the difficulty of their job and how hard they have it, as if minimum wages weren't a thing. Some people have to wake up early to work 8+ hours a day, 5+ days a week, to make a small fraction of what they make. "if it's so easy, why don't you do it?" Bitch, because nobody is gonna pay me for it, nobody wants to see a regular looking guy with a regular sized dick have a go at himself, let alone pay for it. Meanwhile, a woman can start an OF and she will get paid, no need to be smart, talented or in shape, it takes 0 skills to get naked. If I had that choice at my disposal, I'd no doubt wake up at noon, eat whatever and whore out my body for the big bucks.

>nobody wants to see a regular looking guy with a regular sized dick have a go at himself
How can you be so sure? Did you try? If first you fsil, try again.
>>199642 Regular is the norm. I don't want to get mathematical on you here, but I will say that if you are a regular looking dude and you still find it difficult to fuck hoes then all that means is that you're living in the wrong area or country and I say that with a certain degree of confidence
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>Imagine writing this on a leak board (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
😂😂😂😂😂💪💪💪 skol
Can ya’ll stfu and just post some tits
>if you are a regular looking dude and you still find it difficult to fuck hoes
Ah, see? You're misinterpreting me there, fam, fucking hoes =/= making money through nudes
I said no one will pay to see me jerk off, but I never said I found it difficult to get laid, tbh I get around, but that's due mostly to other factors like sense of humor, smooth talk, chemistry, etc, but normally an average fella like me, unathletic, plain looking and average sized, is not the object of fantasy of most people, so generally they won't pay to see someone like that do sexual stuff by themselves. Women seldom pay for porn to begin with, and if they do, it will usually be a well hung, ripped, handsome guy, so unless you got some of that going for you, you probably won't ever get paid to get naked on the internet
>>199675 I meant that elderly women worldwide watch porn, smartass. Your writing stinks.
You all should stop arguing about a bitch and start posting her tits
honestly the only reason I haven’t deleted this dumpster fire of a thread is because the model (or some one claiming to be) has reported it 10+ times threatening legal action so its up out of spite at this point
you are a gentleman and a scholar.
Suck up gay motherfucker
Why delete threads? Why is no thread at all superior to a thread with arguing on it?

For that matter, why do you keep deleting my on-topic, non-disruptive question? Why do the rules exist if I still get punished when I follow them? Have you instated some form of martial law wherein I can't even discuss content peacefully anymore? I know it's not some "delete all posts without uploads" button because you spared this fucker >>198447

Is this new? Why is it cropped?

Not gonna lie, its mods like this is the main reason I love this place.
Nah nigger, but sometimes yall are so fucking suck ups
And whats the reason the cp threads stay up for tooooooo long, you motherfuckers have one job
I'm not even subbed and I'm about to call out this cow, does she even work? Wtf is the hold up
Apparently deciding to wait. She says she's sick this week but even before that she said she wanted to ease into it. I think maybe to build anticipation and subs before dropping a nude. Which I guess is a marketing tactic. Build hype or whatever but idk I feel like if you just either send a few nudes. She's making money regardless so I guess no need to rush in her mind.
She sits at home looking at tiktok and googling herself. It’s def her reporting lmfao

No she doesn’t work. Daddy’s got $$$$
That’s why I haven’t subbed yet. Too many girls do the whole bait and switch thing to get another month out of u & knowing her that’s exactly what she’d do
People are gonna be pissed when they find out this is just an ex with some unposted pics pretending to be her
Why all the attacks? Yeah I've subbed to a bunch that couldn't or wouldn't update their OF.
A contradiction in a single breath.
Dude, at least have some self-awareness.
because i have a life you fucking NEET. I’m the only mod for this shit show of a board. >>200027
cuz I felt like it faggot. Don’t like it, click the big red X in the top right of your browser. Better yet go over to TiT if you want to “discuss content peacefully” or whatever other gay bullshit tickles your fancy
I knew that she wasn't going to take this whole "OF career" seriously when she posed a question recently on her OF asking: "Do you think you'll SUB to my OF next month?" .... That alone tells you everything you need to know. She hasn't even dropped a single pic of her tits , and she's already wondering if people are going to SUB next month....
It's all game. She never planned on going anything major. She claims she sick but she's posted on IG 10X today. So you can't post on OF where mofos are paying but you can post dumbass memes on IG for free. Then you got these simple mofo wishing her well and take her time and shit.....She's gone take the money and run watch.
so.... where are the new leaks??
There aren't any. She has yet to post any nudes. Feeling like she might be scamming. Talking about "easing into this" and asking who will resubscribe.
Takes the lazy route instead of producing real content. She wont be around much longer doing that shit. Stupid cause the real chicks that do well make upwards of 40k a month when they have a following like her.
Every time lol. A thread gets bumped to the top so I check to see if there's new content and it's just everyone yelling at each other. There should be a 3 character limit to every post.
thats exactly what i was afraid of, just a lesson in life sometimes you have to play it cool and keep the cards close to your chest. shes gonna get so much attention and subs thats shes gonna just be a fuckin diva now
>wow, thats takes some balls to ask a question like that without dropping any content
She hasn’t posted any content. Just a poll asking if we’re subscribing for February.
Yup, the ole bait n switch.
yea, sadly it all comes off as a cash grab and a quick split out the door, thanks for the cash! lol.... It's just a shame cause had she put in the work and made quality content, she'd be making some serious bank and the word and her brand would be spreading like wildfire. Good content, bad content, lazy content, mid content, amazing content, regardless of all that... Regardless, the word is going to spread on the WorldWideWeb and nothing can stop it. The buzz, the hype, the anticipation, it's all fading pretty quickly.
The ol' nut and bolt y'all
wtf, no nudes? so glad i held off on subbing, this is is why i just go to titsintops or come here for her nudes.

I dont know why people thought she was actually going to post any new nudes, shes been saying for years she never had any plans to do so again, and if her family found out once they will find out again. but hey, i hope im wrong, because there arent a lot of women on onlyfans with tits that huge.
She's posted 2 videos and like 8 pictures lol
You guys assume way too quickly... IT'S ONLY BEEN 6 DAYS... OMFG!!!
so next Titty Tuesday should be more exciting is what you're saying? O_o
It's incredibly sad that most of you are impatient. It is so pathetic!!!
Alot of these comments complaining and crying about not receiving no fucking nude pictures of her and it's been less than a week of her OF is crazy..ya'll show how ya'll don't get pussy in real life. Never got to touch a girl one time I bet.
I'm thinking this is her.
whats even sadder is caring what ANYONE has to say in BBWchan and letting it affect you emotionally, spiritually, and mentally
Nah I'm not her..I just find the shit corny as hell. Like man its too many big ass titties to be crying and bitching about one chick who just started reposting fucking content. RELAX if it comes it comes if it don't who gives a fuck lol
Fuck titsintops, stupid ass forum full of cunts

Yet none are nudes

Pathetic simps like you, that enable this behavior, are the reason these chicks are getting more comfortable with doing nothing except extending their hand for the monthly check, just resting in their laurels
>"iTs OnLy bEeN a WeEk"
So? Why is that even an argument you'd use? Yes, it's been a week, why are there no nudes up to begin with? What kind of a passive bottom bitch boy thinks it's acceptable to pay for smoke? You're a bunch of soft pushover pansies and I don't trust anything you have to say. You're not bargaining with a child for them to eat their greens, this is a business transaction, simple as that, you pay, she delivers. But no, she's got you eating from the palm of her hand, like those deer she found, and you're all thankful for it. You disgust me.
Can’t wait to see what her belly looks like now 😍🤤🤤
Love Katie but no way bro lol
Man shut the fuck up. I get pussy in REAL LIFE..you the desperate ass dweeb fiending for a picture or a video from bitch. Not me. Which in hindsight makes YOU the fucking simp. As I said in my last comment. If she get nude then she get nude if she don't I don't give a damn it's not stopping me from looking at other women anyhow. Meanwhile you scratching and clawing ya skin like fucking crackhead in hopes of a nip slip. Lol
>>200500 Fucking sounds great. I wish I could get pussy like you.

>>200470 Whenever I see 4 pics like this (especially on a board called tits) I think to myself it's either terraplane witches or hackers trying to send somebody a message. It's always the cutest girls out of the "attainable" group, isn't it? Oh... "Asparagus".
Ok, I'll bite just this once
The fact that you need to state in caps that you get pussy irl makes it seem like you definitely don't, after all this is an anonymous imageboard, what are trying to prove? And to whom? That's just pathetic.
And again, anything any of you simps have to say is garbage, first you don't understand what simp actually means, then you pull desperation in quite a graphic way out of nowhere from what I said (projection perhaps?), and finally the moment you decided it was acceptable to pay for nothing, your word became absolutely worthless. Good for her for hustling spineless worms, chase that bag, sweetie. As for you lapdogs, you're basically getting pegged and you're grateful for it, which I find repulsive as a trait.
>>200536 Simp is a word you made up a few years ago. Why are you writing all this? Is there a hidden message?
>>200536 You can shut the fuck up as well. Ya'll just get on here and say anything. You yourself don't even know what a fucking SIMP is. Ya'll just say it as a way to throw a slight or a corny insult towards someone rather than actually mean the definition...Doing something in a desperate attempt is another form of being a SIMP..and screaming on here about a slut not sharing nudes is some SIMP shit. Stop all the fucking crying and acting like a faggot find another bitch to enjoy.
When you strip away all the profanity, he makes a valid point.

Dude... calm the fuck down.
>>200378 So ya'll deleted my comments but left this faggot ass dude comment up? Lol.. If the intentions was to clean up the thread should've deleted his shit too..ya'll was thirsty to remove what I said cause you ain't like the truth take my dick out ya mouth with all that hating..ya'll Mods is SIMPS too.
Everytime I check here all the talk and discussion is gone, what's up with that? How will we know if her OF is worth a sub if we can't discuss it?
This shit is corny just delete the whole thread if y’all gonna delete every comment that comes thru why tf is it even here
They delete the comments because they're ultimately pointless toxic insane ramblings that are not contributing to the thread. Either post something worthwhile or don't and move along, don't post your 5 paragraph essay on why you're mad about not getting the free nudes you so clearly think you deserve. Save it.
Because you fatmouthed hillbillies wont stop blurting out stupid shit. Then wonder why you’re banned from TiTs. You guys are the type to send death threats because someone likes oranges better than apples.
because most of it is pure nonsense and doesn't contribute anything positive.....including this response.
Oh yeah? Well newsflash, chan boards thrive on shitposting. Take that bit of internet culture away and you have a dead site that can't compete with TiT. Leakers want at least some entertainment for their trouble you know?
Every chan even 8kun has its rules and shitposting isn't allowed on this one. Or this section or thread.
>>200816 Is he a white rabbit, or a black rabbit?
>>200821 Where is he? I don't see him.
I need more oreos daddy
Is this new? Where is it from? Why did you crop out the bottom?

4th time asking is a charm ;)
I literally was asking about the content and it got deleted 3 times. Not every fucking comment is a shitpost. Pathetic you're defending this.
>>200842 Is the #4 a Jewish number? Like 4chan? Or what? What is up with 4?
I'm not falling for that one again.
The fact these losers are paying for less than what she posted on tumblr years ago for free. This is why we can't have anything nice.
I'm fine with them taking the hit for the rest of us.
I dont get what you're trying to say...why we cant have anything nice? What?!?!?
Wait. She is not showing nudes on her OF?
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>simps and whiteknights calling anyone a virgin not dropping money on this shit
I feel like what people can do is just let her know with a message to her inbox stating you won't plan to comeback because there hasn't been a nude.

Enough people essentially let her know will drop her means she does the math and realizes I'm about to lose alot of money and hopefully that changes course. We vote with our dollars. If she doesn't care about that then either she's doing it for fun and doesn't care and will do whatever or if money is important she'll start figuring out what the people want.
Never gonna happen. Too many thirsty guys.
Maybe by June we’ll finally see a nipple.
We can pretend the pimple on her left boob is a nipple so it feels like she's posting nudes.
Poor girl. She needs a dad.
A strong male figure in her life.
Easy answer to anyone who wants to see her tits. Let her know you don't care forever this soft stuff. Like why would you. There's hundreds of girls who will literally strip their clothes if you sub on their onlyfans.

Enough people do it that it hurts someone's bank account they will change unless they truly don't care. The people moreso have the power. Just everyone is afraid that she'll leave again. She's already left once and it's not like anyone died over it. You move on. There's 2 ways this goes. She gets the idea and starts stripping, or she doesn't and you save money. Either way how does it hurt anyone.

The customer has the power
>>200952 You could upload to coomer.party
The fact you guys are debating on whether to buy a girl's only fans when all the same stuff has been online for years already is truly mind boggling to me, Jesus. There is literally nothing new about her that should make y'all pay for the same shit that she was giving out for free at one point
So true; it's why she's so forgettable.
Sounds like she has NO IDEA what she's doing
Shes probably taking advice from already established OF models. The problem is there's already enough free content out there of her to satisfy most people and like you guys are saying shes not really offering anything new. Not to mention the amount of guys she used to personally talk to (and send nudes/snaps daily) is higher than i thought lol.
daddy is ok for some pix but NO TOPLESS or no money for the week!
It's a damn shame she's such garbage. Oh well if you are well set off I guess. Just sucks that you play with people's emotions and wallets. Honestly I hope most of her customers let her know they want nudes or we out. If not and they are fine with this tame stuff more power to them. As stated we cast of vote with subs and funds. If we not happy we save our money if she's not happy with that and wants more subs then give the customers what they want.

Lol don't be like Hasbro and WoTC and fuck your customer and player base with stupid decisions.

don't worry, next year she will have a black dick between them and i will fap to that
Yeah that could be; could be influenced by Tally or Missy(who do way more btw). It's crazy how I totally forgot about her until this thread and it's a shame that she's not doing much to make herself more memorable this time.
Calling it now: she’ll release her “nude” on Valentine’s Day and start charging PPV for the rest of her stuff lol

I wouldn’t call her garbage, just out off the loop and a bit full of herself. Shit like this would have been tolerated pre OF days but once you get peoples money involved shit changes.
I day unsub. It'd what people to do youtubers.

If they want subs they'll have to change if not then they don't care.
Tits stayed the same or got smaller, everything else got bigger. Plus the scammer practices so many other girls do with no nude/PPV bs, yeah that's a pass from me.
Yea she needs to come here and ask our suggestions for content. If she bores people she will potentially flush thousands if not millions of dollars
I think the bigger issue is she doesn't care about the money which is fine. Just be straight up if you are really gonna do nudes or not and all the people who will continue to pay for this content or continue to wait and hope.

Everyone knows your subs and money is how you make any impact on what a creator may decide to do. If she's content all cool and understandable but if not then she'll be willing to make a change.

It's up to everyone have a collective honestly
There's absolutely no reason for her to ease into this shit. She's got about 500 subs at $13 a pop. She'll show topless eventually but 100% she's dragging ass and wasting everyone's time. The whole "Queen" Kaitlyn thing got to her head. It's not that serious bitch, just pull your tits out and let's keep it moving.
>>201138 Did she ever say what she's the queen of?
she could've broken OF if she was serious about putting out quality content.... Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame.
>>200995 heard the same people say that about Yungfreckz. Know what happend...not that lol Yea she still never went nude and in fact she went on to make more money. Don't think she not aware of these things.
>>201067 it's true. Like charge a fucking fee now for content we was getting for free AND you was getting nude? Fuck no you definitely right.
This post pisses me off the most. But this should answer everybody's question where she's stands with creating.
Spoken like a true prostitute
total bummer that she is just milking this and wont ever post nudes.


just watch
Yeah people just need to wise up if they want nudes. Find a girl who's ready to drop her clothes. This girl isn't it. If she does then you'll always have your chance. It's not likenthis isn't the internet and stuff. This isn't Haileys comet and you only have 1 chance in your life to see it.

We vote with dollars and subs. Pay the ones we want and forget the ones we don't. If she wants our money then she can get on her knees with tits out. Then I will pay.
At least we got to see her in her prime. So odd that she is playing this game knowing that every single subscriber is there solely because of the nudes from her Tumblr days. And she doesn’t seem to understand that her current SSBBW physique is not going to generate the same amount of enthusiasm as before.
Rofl at people acting like she is dumb or whatever.

This is clearly a quick cash grab, with minimal effort from her, she is getting money and subs.

Or she is milking the wait until the subs stalls, then releases the nipple to be relevant again.

Not the first time we see this pattern. Nina phoenix did the same, no nudes for like 2 years with lots of posts teasing about nudes "soon".

Lots of dumb people throwing money anyway, validating this kind of behavior, yeah she might not be making the same as other models that put real effort and real content out there, but that requires real effort and time. This fatty here is just getting paid for lazy ass work and no effort. So it's a good deal.

As >>201205 said, we vote with dollars and subs, most voted ones stay relevant. It's in our end to keep worthy whores relevant and let the uninteresting ones aside.
That's disgraceful, and you can tell she's in it for the money and has let her "fame" get to her head
She used to be this shy, secretly slutty, massive titted, fatty next door that thrived on online attention and who enjoyed posting nudes and thirst traps for the sheer fun of it
Cut to 9 years later and she's 1. up in her head knowing she's lusted after and 2. seeing there's a market for amateur nudes
Yeah, she's milking it dead, she's gonna become even more unapproachable and some people will be scammed out of serious money

I don't care that my comments were deleted, I'm glad people like >>200995 exist to call her out on her bullshit and who are not okay with paying for nothing, good on you for taking a stand, I hope others follow

You can keep pretending she's forgettable, but she isn't, the fact that this thread and an onlyfans exist are a testament to that, like it or not

Of course she's in it for the money, what are you talking about?

Exactly, she could be making it big right now, but instead she chooses to keep it mysterious as if we didn't already know what her tits look like, it's not like they'll have brand new features or previously unseen angles. If she had anything to hide, I'd understand her reluctance to post, but cmon, it's probably the most famous amateur big tit chick. Wanna see those subs go up? Post nudes for a week straight, wait for them to leak, and you'll see those subs skyrocket. Why? Because people are getting what they paid for, and people who aren't paying will see it's a good idea to sub. It's a win-win, it's always seemed like a no brainer to me, leaks are the sign of a healthy business
She's been back for just over a week after like 8 years you whiny babies lol
Shut the fuck up, simp, you're a cancer to society, you're poison to the mind, please spare this thread of your lack of spine
You sound like one of the fools who enjoys eating the shit she produces right now. Again I say it as how every commonsense person sees it. You enjoy consuming the shit she currently produces and thinks it's okay.

It's not. It's a waste of people's time and money. They can literally save it and use it for better things instead of on her shit.

They should wait to see her tits, not her shit.
>>201398 I'm just sick & fucking tired of these skeezers trying to squeeze money out of people to see what we want to see. Especially if we already seen it. Nipples/areolas the fucking same etc.

And the crazy shit is people pay these ridiculous ass fees to see shit like "PPV" content just for them to be like "you can't screenshot" or share it. Like bitch are you kidding me? I paid $50.00 for this video it's going to whoever the fuck I want to share it with lol. I'm off on a tangent but my point is I don't give a damn just like they don't. I pay you show. You show I might give a little more. You tease well then you can go to hell and thats how I feel with her I don't give a shit how new her OF is. She's not dumb she knows what the fuck she's doing.
Oh she's definitely forgettable. Especially with this kinda content. Literally didn't remember her til this thread.
Shes beyond forgettable now. Especially since she has this holier then thou attitude. Lost interest in her years ago when she would pull her attention seeking BS via text and snap (some of ya'll know exactly what i'm talking about).

After knowing her and talking for a few years i've came to the conclusion that shes just not a nice person.

I care more about the drama here than her actual tits now lol
No new stuff means this thread is trash.
Yeah but you have to actually take photos of that and post them you stupid fat bitch.
Anyone have what she posted yesterday?
Of course. This girl is so fucking lame lol

That’s why her tits are so big, that’s where she stores her ego.
guess this bitch got tips from that other full-barer turned cocktease.
Nah it’s the 5 or 6 dudes who are so far up her ass that they’re walking around all day with her shit on their nose. Surprised she’s not selling underwear and used bath water.
>>201575 Haha. It's okay. I laughed at your joke, anon. Bonus points if anonette.
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Give katie some slack. She just got back in the game. I absolutely believe she will not pull a manda dawn on us. She was bout it before and she bout it now. But this is her managing her small business so think smart and offer her suggestion on content. She didn't let us down before so she's earned some credibility in the boob community. Plus she doesn't have some POS boyfriend mismanaging.
Could do with keeping updated, even if it's not by much.
>that fucking overspill
Thanks for posting

Still not worth $13 imo
She DM'd me on IG asking if i subscribed yet lol i said no not yet and she blocked me lmao what ever bro
Yeah.....$13 ain't shit bit she damn sure won't be getting it from me. If other retarded mofos wanna keep being the donkey chasing the carrot that's thier money. But I PROMISE you at the end of the month she's gone show one dumb ass pic showing her nipples and all these dumbasses will immediately forgive the weeks of bullshit. Like I said from the jump she's gone milk it for all its worth and the dissappear. Quick easy money for basically NOTHING!
As soon as her subs start to drop off, she will realize what's happening. I believe she already does. In agreement with a previous post, she seems to be starting out slowly, so give her some slack. Her goal is not to lose subscribers and potential revenue, so she isn't being stupid. You fools who think she will cut and run are so stupid and lack any kind of logic.

Her boobs seem smaller to me, not larger but significantly smaller. Why is that?
This is so fucking stupid. She went from showing everything for free for years, to silences and now to charging for wearing lingerie. Why are idiots paying for regression?
Ugh, barf. Simps are disgusting.

Anyway, not gonna comment anymore, every time I do, my shit gets deleted, it's worse than TiT here now

Called it, she was gonna get up in her head and become even more unapproachable. Shame it happened to you man, but as of now, you're honestly better off lol
What lingerie. It's pj's and over sized shirts. The least she could do is wear tight clothes and actual underwear
people are already calling her out on her OF comments sections for everyone to see.... Pretty sure shes not happy about that lol
Could you post pics of people calling her out please. I'd love to see that
It seems she's disabled the comments in her onlyfans now.
Because some of you are ruining it you FUCKS!!!
I called her out and said it's fucking stupid and a white knight came to her rescue. i hope she blocks me so I get a refund. I got nothing to fear or apologize from such a dumb bitch.
OF doesn't do refunds.
(372 KB, 1080x393, Screenshot_20230209-200806.png)
Showing nipples instead of handbras is "burning" yourself out lmao if you believe this shit you are a fucking idiot.
It the model blocks you and doesn't restrict you Onlyfans refunds you. Sometimes it's the best option or you suffer being subbed to her for a month.
Yea, all the comments on all her OF posts are disabled... She does realize that this will only result in MORE people UNSUBBING. She keeps shooting herself in the foot and its just a shame that she keeps making herself more and more irrelevant when there was so much hype going into this when the "return" was announced.
The simps that keep tipping her non-nude posts are ridiculous
The simps are why we here in 1st place dork. Lot of old men who dont use internet for anything other than spending money on busty hoes Onlyfans. They rich. Let them spoil the women. The tits will come. >>201792 who cares about losing 15 bux on her subscription lol like cmon if its that serious time to get a new job.
It's not about the money it's the principle. If the girl is wasting your time with mediocre content you deserve your money back. Stop being a retard and shaming people if they're poor or not since I know you're begging here and talking shit like most people on these threads.
It's difficult to tell who the real problem is. Could it be the simps who give money to the models? Or could it be BBW Chan with its historic track record of scaring women out of our fetish for not delivering exactly the content the site demands at all times and on demand? Perhaps both are as bad as one another- I guess it's a mystery.................
your dick called, seemed to lose the balls
man, what a load of bullshit, ease into what? Why is she acting like this is her first time showing her tits on the internet? lmao there's an archive of proof its not, her wins are all over the web, she has probably sent nudes to dudes she likes too, why is it suddenly when it comes to people paying her, she needs to ease into it? lol
no it's not, simps don't leak shit, simps love whiteknighting
the thing is, not everyone subbed to her is a simp, there are people demanding content and not letting her walk all over them, as it should be
and it doesn't matter how much money it is, why should you give away your hard earned money to someone who doesn't respect you enough to give you something back for it?
it's difficult to tell who the real little bitch is. Could it be the simps defending her and thanking her for pegging them and taking their money in exchange for nothing? Or could it be you, being a passive aggressive hypocrit who's also on the same site they're trying to shit on? Perhaps both are as bad as one another... It's not a mystery, you both suck

Bro if there's 1 thing that life has taught me is that you can be the humblest dude in all the town, and some nutter will still call you out 1 day to try to make you feel miserable.

What to some is merely sharing an honest laugh, to others is flexing. Their minds have been ensnared by evil, incapable to see reality for what it is. Their worlds are warped and twisted. You would regret asking them for their opinions on creation, nature, animals, or pink vaginas. Some things are better left unsaid, or should I say unheard.
You and the other white knights can always leave this site, if you don't like it here.
People can rightfully can critique the lack of content, and that she tries to milk her subs.
So much talking just for this thread to be deleted in like a week
in my years of being a Big Boob enthusiast and admiring dozens of models, NEVER have I come across a more toxic, bipolar, shitstorm of thoughts and feelings when it comes to Kaitlyn. In comparison to other models, its not even close. Why? Why does this ALWAYS happen in all of Kaitlyn's threads no matter where it is.... Throw away your money if you want, its yours. But why do people that hate her for years now keep mentioning her? Keep talking about her in a negative light? I ain't no fucking White Knight, but some of you motherfuckers have deeply rooted mental problems. You hate someone so much yet all you do is spend your time invested in what they're up to and what they're doing. It's a sickness, seek help.
Shut your white knight ass up. It doesn't take much time to call this cow a dumb bitch.
Thats all you got? LMAO at least try and be original next time

>Thats all you got? LMAO at least try and be original next time
Get a load of this Original poser.
... You're proving my point with your insipid remarks, but you're too shallow and ignorant to see any of it. LMFAOOOOOO

I don't like you. You're ugly. Fuck off my thread.
It's not your fault.

I know it's not. Who the fuck do you think taught you that? I'm old, not fag.
Awesome tits but man I don't really care for the acne.
Looks like she has some infected pores on her breasts, happens to my girlfriend too, it's from wearing a bra all day and sweat and oil getting trapped. Usually it clears up but in this case her first reveal of them she should have waited until it cleared up.
(5.7 MB, 640x360, 2_1.mp4)
. . . the funny thing in all of this is that you all just love to hate for the sake of being a hater, what a sad existence you must live. Today is a beautiful day, ignore all the negativity and focus on what you can control.
It is real or morphed. I think is morphed.

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