
>>197501 (OP)
Poor girl is out shopping by herself. That's reason enough for me to give her some dick.
Love this girl.
>>197501 (OP)
Ever consider focusing all that energy on actually touching a tiddy instead of just looking at them?
This stupid girl does she really have a difficult time finding a date or being approached by men? Hey! News flash! Don't go to a gay club! That's literally all you have to do! You're a girl you are guaranteed dick unless you don't want!
she's a trust fund kid right? she does nothing but post bad tiktok jokes and traveling. looks like she has a soy boyfriend now.
Did she flash her khazar milkers yet?
Damn, nice find. What's her deal?
A proper fruit and nut
Wow she's not funny at all
She's not gonna need to laugh me into bed.
Gag she/he looks like the dude from sleepy town
The dude from sleepy town needs his bitch tits cut off.

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