
I like her. She reminds me of a friend I used to want to fuck
I meant to say that she also reminds me of the girl from the anime black lagoon. Very cute girl.
Why do these threads keep getting deleted?
I figure it's between three things, but I can't prove it so take it for what you will.

Sometimes it's because the thread starter deletes the first post that started the thread. Sometimes it's because after the mod deletes comments, the last post made was so old that the thread ends up on the last page and just falls off. And sometimes its because the entire thread was such a shitshow that the mod just deletes the entire thing.

Exactly. Probably more so the last reason.
Some of these threads get out of hand and are more bitchin' than content so they get axed
>>197407 (OP)
Can't stand this teasing bitch but them tiddies A+, she needs to get fucked
She's around 24
she really did age in dog years, looks 30 at minimum
Yes. Women mature faster than men. Physically and mentally/emotionally. They're just evil and stupid by the time they are 24.
Happy birthday beautiful queen nina. The hating women are in full effect here but it don't mean shit we still love and uphold your excellence.
I want to see how big these things can get. I want to see a woman brave enough to keep going without getting a reduction. She will be the top tier to replace Abbi Secraa
They'll get bigger and bigger until you actually see it.
We will definitely see that because she said NO to reduction many times. She is in love with her tits, and that makes her really special.
Yes show me no nipples. I love it. Where's the milk?
if they were real photos, which they are not
Retard, you only go outside about twice a year, you don’t know what’s real and fake anymore.
Fellow Western folks, be careful with nutters who sound like this and try to make you out to be/accuse you of being "crazy" or psychotic. Stay as far away from nutters such as yjis as they will try to invade your life with ulterior motives! Rebuke the Devil's forces from within!
Fake or not, old or not, i really don't care !
Here are few more pictures anyway. (1,2GB)
If you watched any of her videos, you would know those tits are real. They are enormous.
you're actually tripping.
>>197407 (OP)
are there more pics like those first two?
The proportions are fiction. The pics are real.
(49 KB, 570x186, Bc9KG.jpg)
most models proportions are fictional thanks to the abuse of lens effects. they all cheat this way. look at her ears for reference.
You guys really hate nina queen phoenix. Why are yall even here. Makes no sense.
There's no such thing as lense effect. There are some good lenses, and a lot of really bad lenses. For a person's face you shouldn't use anything less than 50mm from maximum 6 feet distance.
Just admit that she fucks with her pictures will you? It's not that hard.
Why do you even care? Just leave the thread then if you feel that way.
I don't' think I will.
Because you're either a frustrated model who sucks and hates anyone that's successful in this business or you're gay. Simple as that. Because no real man would ever care or argue about something like this.
This girl is one of the GOATs, and you can hate her as much as you want. That won't change the facts.
Well, you're right, almost everyone in this business uses ultra-wide angle, but unlike most, Nina doesn't, at least for her OnlyFans content. She is a professional photographer and we talked a few times about the equipment. She is using mostly 35mm and 24mm. That is a wide angle teritory, but you can't shoot a whole body with a 50mm lens. It's only for portraits. And 24mm and 35mm doesn't warp the perspective as much. So what you see is 99% of real proportions.

Oh, and all these Instagram photos were definitely taken with a smartphone, and Main camera on every smartphone is 24-28mm.
Doesn't matter why though does it? I just won't stop. :)
Your facts are totally subjective. Mine are not.
Got one of them very mature betas here
Phone cameras don't have "lenses". They use digital zoom, auto-focus, and other digital tricks to compensate for many things including not being able to change the lense. A camera bought from a Sony store, for example, also has a fixed lense but it's an actual lense and it might only cost about $199. I've never used one of these cams as they are sold more for tourists, but even if the lense is only capable of 30 - 80 mm and only at fixed points that would already make it a better more capable camera "in theory". The thing I find is that most people see that $200 price and quickly decide instead to go for a more expensive and bigger $300 camera, one without a lense soldered onto it, and will undoubtedly only come packaged with 1 or 2 lenses because that's all most will ever use anyway.

Holy fuck, she looks amazing in these + the first two photos in the thread goddamn need more
Very impressed; she could be a butt model almost as much as a boob model.
Perfect PAWG with gigantic tits and pretty face. It doesn't get any better! One of the few white women who can compete with black women! No.1 white girl of all time!
white women are much prettier and more feminine than black women who look like male apes
I hope that when you say "black womem" you literally mean ALL women that are not white, aswell as ALL white women who are not little girls.
The only people who look like apes are your kind; white people. This bitch is mid and disproportionate. Most black women shit on this beast easy.
The only people who look like apes are your kind; white people. This bitch is mid and disproportionate. Most black women shit on this beast easy.

I agreed until the last two sentences. Not in a million years is this bitch “mid”. Bet dollars to donuts you have never and will never pull a bitch that looks her. She ain’t some goddess like people would have you believe but in this realm she’s the total package.

Tits/ass/dumb as a box of rocks
>Little white girls look like apes.
Okay, never better.
Even better*
Somehow I doubt she has a line of dudes lusting over the opportunity to sleep with her, but I guess I could be wrong. She lives in Germany so maybe they are all nutters
Why do you need to defend her? I Bet dollars to donuts she doesn't know who you are or care what goes on here if shes aware of our existence or not. You just come off as desperate and strange.
LOL, white people are the prettiest race of humanity. Instead the niggers are the ugliest and stupidest with low IQ and stinky leather smell. Go back to the jungle, apes
Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep better at night. You dumb translucent cave spawn.
The retards have come out. How bout we not bring race into the picture. There are sexy women of all backgrounds. Nina is quite the Balkan spectacle isn’t she. Lovely tits.
I love the "women that look ugly". It's one of those things. Get's my diamonds. Uglier, please
I don't need to tell myself anything, because it is a fact that the white race is the most beautiful and the niggers are envious because you look like monkeys with the color of shit and the smell of leather.
>>198182 Leather smells good. And I fucked 1 of your precious white girls once and you know what? Her butthole tasted like poop, and when I pulled my dick out of her ass my dick was covered in smelly bright shit.
Don't waste your time, they like what they like, if they can't appreciated this woman, well...
Nina is the queen of titties. Thats just 2 years. Emdi is a fucking legend. Hoping he knocks her up so we can get her to abbi status. Also black women are absolutely beautiful on every continent. The original women whom shown all women how to be women. Don't continue to allow movies to spoil ur imaginations.
Abbi Status? That's gonna require some serious airbrushing skills from Emdi there.
Not impossible a large chested 20 something yr old can grow much bigger tits through pregnancy. Just look at her before her 1st pregnancy. Unicorn genes
Head'll look so small, bitch'll be looking like beetlejuice.
The overwhelming majority of time its mods nuking a thread or deleting so many posts the thread dies. This website is worse than 4chan in terms of off topic shitposting and race bait.
LOL, white people are the prettiest race of humanity. Instead the niggers are the ugliest and stupidest with low IQ and stinky leather smell. Go back to the jungle, apes niggers.
I snitcht to the content creators every time I see racism here.
That'll actually please 50% of people in this thread, nigger.
Tits’ll look so big they’ll be looking like Betelgeuse
(Small brains won’t get it)
Did you have a stroke mid post there?
She just looks so soft warm and luscious. That boy emdi loving them titties every day I bet
Looks shopped. You keep parting with your cash. Never mind that.
On her twitter profile it states ‘#sizequeen’. Seems like she and her husband are just another couple with BBC in their head
I'm a graphic designer, I use photoshop everyday. I think her pics are shopped but only slightly. Her boobs look much bigger in some photos than they do in any of her videos.

I could make you a video demonstration of how you could easily add 2 to 3 cup sizes to boobs, and not let it show in any way whatsoever. It doesn't take much experience with photoshop to be able to do that.

Her boobs are still very big, just not as big as emdi would like to make us believe.
This might go some way to explain the incessant doctoring.
A little off the head, a bit more on the boob? It's gonna make a difference. There's so much denial in this thread.
Do you even know what sizequeen means faggot?!
Why are people so obsessed with BBC, is everyone gay here?!?
Then you know shit my man. I keep listening to this bullshit theories for a long time. Yet her tits are enormous in videos as well. You guys keep looking and comparing her new photos with an old videos.
For example, take a look at that bath or shower video. They look exactly the same as on photos. Down to her belly button. That's my reference.
These guys are hilarious. Just watch that bath video and tell me if her tits are shopped. GTFO
No one mentioned videos.
Just her belly button? How would that be any from of reference when you would just make them wider or move that too? While you're at it could you explain her varying hat size. Is it hydrosphally? Why are you so desperate to maintain her perceived fidelity?
I think it says more about you than it does her if you see size queen and think about black guys cocks.

No chance at all that the giant bags of flesh on her chest may have something to do with it?
Giant bags of flesh or more simply put, tiddies, milk jugs, boobs. Whichever phrase you prefer.
I'd prefer accuracy and those are words not phrases. But who am I to be seeking any form of truth in a Nina thread.

>I'd prefer accuracy
Female retard. Old but no boobs
Wtf? .......I hate all of you
"How dare you!!!! She's all natural dammit!! The Queeen. Woooooooorship herrrrr!!!!"
Nina worship is so hot
Are you responding to me, friendo? How is your post funny? She's not natural? Please explain your shitty joke. It's the least you could do.
Oh I think I see your joke now. It'd another message, everyone! Funny as always. It's a reference to your other joke about the folded up piece of paper with shit on it and you call it art. Hilarious. I would LOVE to see your art. Fucking idiot.
It wasn't me with the art but it does apply to any fucking waste of time that simps for this photoshopping over rated slag.
(1.8 MB, 1200x2266, Screenshot_20230128_024055.jpg)
Nice try faggot. But here's the original photo from her OnlyFans. It's really obvious someone hates her so much and spread lies, even edits the photos so they look shopped just to convince people she's fake. But guess what, you suck. We all saw the videos, her tits are enormous. The girl is fucking 10. PERIOD.
And you fixed this because you love her so much. What have you proved here?
>>199244 Nobody loves this hoe, fool. They love her body. They would sooner feed her to the starving lions in Africa than to love her she's a nwo illuminati puppet and they're using you too using your greed
>>199251 I wrote body but I meant to type breasts. OBVIOUSLY.

They love her luscious breasts. Like starving hyenas. You're a pervert, but your greed is being used too. Your love of money is being used against you as a weapon by the elite rich. You slave away to make them richer. They've turned you into a consumerist savage, barely capable and unable to make a beautiful girl happy.
Face/body combo is mindblowing...but wow, her content is boring as fuck. Imagine her doing Cheryl Blossom style videos...
She's 7.5 on a good day with the right digital help and enough makeup to sink a battleship. Only her her tits get her that far.
Hahha. Would love to see your perfect 10 boy. GTFO, you'll never be with anyone even close to her in real life and yet you say she's 7.5.
Show us your gf/wife, I guess she's 10 right?!
Just her tits gives her 10/10, but if we consider the face and the rest of the body, she's 20/10.
She might get a second glance from me in a bar because she has big tits but a huge rack does not a person make. I come here to satisfy my fetish. I don't judge value by cup size and it's much healthier that way.
She's selling a fantasy. I unlike you I can see though it because she's sloppy, and that kinda destroys it for me. Good luck to you if you've still not accepted her manipulation techniques but this woman and her pimp are frauds. Big tits yes but the airbrushing is obvious and cartoon tits aren't for me.
20/10. Are you 12?
i'm not much of a fan and she usually turns me off but this shit right here >>198418 is gold
You care WAY too much man… Go outside.. Go hiking… Take up a new hobby…
I care the same way the simps care. Just kinda in the other direction. I'm off out now to engage in some of my hobbies so do have fun..
Reups on the gofile?
she got butt implants, you can tell as he massages her butt it's hard
Butt implants?!
Go kill yourself faggot. LOL
Is anyone seriously saying there's no digital funny business going on in these pics?
Just watch the damn videos boy. And you make a conclusion. I did a comparison and the size of her tits is real. That's all I care about.
Wrestling is fake too btw.
Editing options in videos are far less than photos, so if her tits look the same in both, which is obvious, they are real. PERIOD.
Whats this dudes name
I'm really glad someone was vocal about it

Most of my Instagram explore is double Ds pretending to be Gs with fisheyes and morphs, and pretend they're just too large to fit in bras, etc.

Better than nothing, but the unbelievable ego boost after they keep believing is visible through their condescending eyes thinking they have fooled everyone, not knowing horny crowd would've liked anything with that much bulge effect
kek, don't tell him about Santa though, his innocence is precious, he'll grow out of it when the time comes
And I'm vocal about it too because Nina is one of the few models who doesn't use fisheye lens or morphing. Sure, her photos are professional and there is some editing, for example skin, make-up etc, but there's no any kind of fake enlargement. That's clearly visible in her videos. Boobs looks exactly the same.
Lol this shit is obviously morphed, but it doesn't need to be, her titties are big enough
Exactly. There's no need for it and it makes her pictures worthless. Any idiot can do this but she actually has big tits.
if you torrent it i'll seed
Great work Giver!
Thank you
Cool, just downloaded most of it, just 86 and 88 missing so i'll start to torrent it in the next days

Much appreciated brother! Thank you
(5.7 MB, 640x362, BeaBam.gif)
I knew it'd missed some, tried to catch 'em all, but alas the dream of the 90s wasn't alive. Thanks for catching those!

And thank you for supplementing with them!

>Can you please share the old insta pics

>Much appreciated brother! Thank you
(See attachment)
Great potential. One or two steps back would be nice. Less rush and longer takes from the camera would do wonders. Does OF charge hosting?
Can you please reup the links with all the videos?
Noooo it's already down?? I wanted to download it when I got home and I couldn't make it in time. Please could you reup? Juat make a single big archive if you want, I'm creating a torrent from that and put it in my seed box for all you folks
i got most of the whole thing, but 86 and 88 still missing (couldnt download them on time)
Can someone please upload the insta pics on bunkr?
Please please reup
Any new wins?

^ Thanks for sharing the new one!

I'll try bunkr

I'm just running low on options. Mega copyright striked it out of my paid account, WeTransfer lasted like a day, GoFile only lasted a day, MAB was taking over 8 hours to upload before crashing. Is bunkr good for videos too? I can try GoFile again but its gonna be up for only a short time. Just sucks Mega took em down because since I pay for space there it should last forever.
please also share the old insta pics
(468 KB, 2036x1622, Screen Shot 2023-02-10 at 10.39.40 PM.png)

I tried Bunkr. Since an album only holds 5 GB, I uploaded the Insta Pics, the OF Pics, and I TRIED to upload 25 of the OF Vids to post the rest in a Part 2.

Worried 5GB might be the overall limit on the free edition maybe, not sure. Maybe someone does?

I'll leave this up until I receive confirmation someone's saved all of it for a torrent, and then I'll upload and share the rest of the OF Vids.

It looked like almost everything uploaded, but I think some video uploads might have crapped out. Please let me know a running list of which vids didn't make it so I can include them in the next share.

Here's the link: https://bunkr.su/a/DPl6L9rq
>I'll leave this up until I receive confirmation someone's saved all of it for a torrent, and then I'll upload and share the rest of the OF Vids.

I'd leave it up forever, but if the limit is 5 GB, I'm gonna have to remove majority of this to get the rest of the vids uploaded.

I think I know your question, and the answer is obviously yes. What the fuck did you think? Who else could it be? It was me, because nutters thief. I'm not worried about it. Everyday I'm riding on angels' wings.
Need the name of hole.
Can anyone reup the slow motion videos of her jumping and also the one where she’s swinging them side to side??
Preferably not on dood bc quality drops significantly
This bitch makes me horny like a teenager masturbating for the first time again. Don’t think my balls have been this empty in years
Hello! Does anyone have another photo of Nina?
Bump for anything new

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