
Look at her thread on TiT everything is there
Whats her twitter?
wow. ppl i never thought that i liked a negress. who's this beauty? She made me all fuzzy inside asf..
A hardon cured your racism. Cool.
not a point, dipshit. i asked - who is her ;-)
I was replying to 196237.
The best weapon against racism is hot chicks
>who's this beauty? She made me all fuzzy inside asf..
(2.5 MB, 854x480, 1.mp4)
pass her material brothers
What’s her username and does she have nude
(199 KB, 960x1172, IMG_2981.JPG)
Nvm just look up Gabrielle black t1tsint0ps on google
lol no it's not. You must think all black people look alike 🤦🏽‍♂️
Lol no wtf. BUT WHO IS THIS?
(7.5 MB, 960x720, 1.mp4)
(5.2 MB, 640x480, R_1.mp4)
FAT breasts coming from a FAT woman isn’t that impressive lol. She not even top 10
Dude you're on bbwchan. She'd make you jizz your pants irl lmao
What makes you so sure?
(5.6 MB, 640x360, 1_1.mp4)
>>197872 Cheers brethren.

Good man. New gabby is like new money around here
total crap! she shows her stretch marks all over her huge stomach only. ain't interested.
you'd probably prefer if it had someone's dick on it too.

If you notice stretch marks over huge tits, it's time to consider getting out of the closet
learn english, dipshit
i've written 'over her huge STOMACH', not 'TITS'! why do you have to go and fuck things up all the time, huh?
He said over not on. If you notice stretch marks on her stomach OVER (instead of) her huge tits, you’re likely gay. Gtfo kid this is BBWchan
Was just about to say, who gives a shit about stretch marks when you're seeing breasts like that?! Lol.
Personally, I like stretch marks

Any more wins?? Appreciate everything
Who gives a shit what an autist says in a tits board?
https ://pslk. net/fbbjti8g
Videos guys...
One if not the most beautiful black woman i've seen. Would breed at least 10 children w her.

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