
Epic Tanks!
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Goddamn she's hot as fuck
Was. These pics are 5+ years old. Nothing new, just the same old shit reposted over and over
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she remembers me alora. same body, same bad taste as clothing and probably same mental issues. alora is now chopped off and identified herself as a man called "aaron"... imagine the shit in her brain...
What a come down. Why didn't you just post gore?
I wonder why the site is dying.
because of pedo porn links, fat whales without tits, horrible baboons with hips larger than my car, gay bbc lovers, weirdos preggo enthusiasts, losers, no job people and simps of course...
Nothing to do with the dood links then?
better than nothing, with a good block ads, there are no problems
yup, im downloading them without any problem. whoever has a problem with those need computer literacy
>because of pedo porn links, fat whales without tits, horrible baboons with hips larger than my car, gay bbc lovers, weirdos preggo enthusiasts, losers, no job people and simps of course...
You're as bad as all this.
I just have ublock origin and that's all right

and both had only one underwhelming hardcore scene with some schlubby dude
anyone have the mega of her full OF rip? I remember it being posted here before

I was the dude with Aaron. Without me, no one here would have ever got content from Aaron at all.
Sure pal. And I bang Milena.
I mean, it ain’t like he lying about banging out a supermodel. 90% of the girls on this site are getable. Outside of the tits most of them average at best.
Serious Cans on this trollop
>>196481 Outside of the tits, most could star in 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'
Without the tits they're mainly refrigerator shaped.
No doubt, just physical messes without the tits, but with'em that shit is a siren call to the pussy lol.
I hope you guys are being hyperbolic. I mean I guess most of these models in general are ugly but I don't pay attention to the ugly ones so I don't really know what you guys are talking about. Tits is pretty good, booty is okay, and bbw/ssbbw usually has decent looking models aswell. The content probably isn't enough to masturbate to unless it's not OF and you're talking about a real model for example Nadine how many times throughout my life have I nutted to a single pic of Nadine's boobs. No vagina. So it depends on a lot of things but the woest part of hhe site is the abundance of OF content because I have seen better OF models in any site on google so I don't know.
I'm into this model although there isn't much content but if she were a local prostitute I would make sweet love to her face and her armpits.
No clue who you're addressing here, sorry.
I'm definitely the one who originated the the videos and pictures with Aaron. I even had Aaron do a hello video to bbw-chan at the time we were live posting.

Aaron was a friend who I knew before moving up north. I went to visit a couple of times and we just clicked and had a good time.
She was an awesome titcow before, now there are rumors that she got a redcution and identifies herself as a man.
If you got unseen content, please post it
we don't care about aaron or whatever she decided to be this week, this topic is about Brielyjo.
tons of stuff on spank

And I already messed up. Too stupid to make my own thread. My bad.
Fuck brileyjo bad built, deep freezer built ass. I want more on Fernanda. Aka Arab___Curvy. Been searching for a year strong and no dice. I used to have a lot of vids but my Google deleted everything from my Gs10 back in 2021
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Not true, Alora went through a tranny phase but she got over it and she got a breast reduction but not fully flat, they're still pretty big

dunno on IG she's presenting as a man.
my god... what a waste...
Fun fact: the watermark is from a Brazilian escort site, she briefly escorted in Rio
he is correct , i was there that eveniong when they went live after sshe posted on Tumbler that she was on BBW chan, preety memrable evening i myst say, now all the clips are on Hamster etc if you search Alora P cup. , she was one of a kind.
Alora was a joke. So much titty she lost. So much money she sacrificed.
All reductions are gross. I don't care how big or small they go. The scars, shape, and behavior of the breast afterwards is never okay. They're just never normal again after that.
ONLY exception is hardcore medical reasons like a slipped disc or ya know, breast cancer. Otherwise I 100% agree.

In general, the more nuanced version of my opinion on BRs (and what worked well with my own partner) I think is that it should be a true very last resort, outside of rare and unfortunate cases like cancer, legitimate spinal maladies, etc., of course.

I think if a woman is having a genuinely hard time as a result of being large-breasted, that the medical philosophy and infrastructure should ideally favor:

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✷ Guided physical therapy/training for pain

✷ Education on bra sizing/styling and choosing/fitting/caring for a properly supportive bra - as well as medical re-classification of bras above a certain size as pain relief devices as opposed to apparel.

✷ Much better education on nutrition/beneficial exercises for those who also desire to lose weight (or even if they don't -- like many of the women in /ssbbw -- in case they ever do desire to in the future for other health reasons).
✧✧ Weight loss can be useful for those whose breast size decreases with weight, but it is criminally overemphasized as the main/first recommendation (both online and in most medical offices), when it's realistically the most difficult/long-term lifestyle option for most people (especially if they have big boobs), while everything else I mentioned are things that are almost as important if not moreso.

✷ Counseling/therapy for mental health issues resulting from peer pressure, self-insecurity, sexual harassment, etc.

✷ And in a TRULY ideal world, we'd be better as a society at educating people about the deleterious effects of harassment and negative judgment of others' bodies
✧✧ (especially things like insulting/shaming/dehumanizing others or looking down on them due to jealousy, projection, stereotypes, etc., Which makes it important that body positivity and acceptance [which I prefer to think of as body neutrality and body respect] goes both ways and includes all people of all shapes, sizes, colors, etc.)

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This all comes not primarily from my attraction to large breasts, but because I sincerely think it would be the best approach for the person with large breasts herself. Surgery should always be a last resort for any issue in my mind.

Many people don't understand the reality of how invasive, imperfect and extreme surgery truly is. I do understand, having seen it firsthand after the numerous surgeries my close family members have had, and suffered through, and ended up worse off due to.

It bugs me how surgery is seen as this commonplace, quick fix now when it's literally having your flesh/blood sliced into and removed, all while being put in an artificial, temporary coma while your entire life and being is at the mercy of others.

It's just fucking insane we live in times where people instantly recommend THAT to someone whose breasts are (or aren't lol) causing them pain, as opposed to literally anything else first.
I just fuckin jerked off.
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Bruh, they're only like 2 years old or so lol. I know her, and she doesn't know I know about her OF. This is her from a week ago.
Bruh .. She looks a lot better in this recent pic of hers! Have you ever dated her ?And Is she still active on OF?
Why are you posting Milena
>>195954 (OP)
If this flaccid, drooping, dragging, worn-out cellulite-ridden cottage cheese swamp thing is a 'goddess', I think I'm pretty O.K. going to Hell.
"oh a bbw forum, let's see! oh no! there are only bbw! it's horrible!"

get aids.
>>201236 I don't think that any sane anon would consider any hoe a goddess. Usually it is used as an exagerated appreciation for a hoe.

However, you are supposed to be master of your body and mind, and in understanding that calling a hoe a goddess is wrong, you are to rebuke such thoughts from your mind if they ever occured. You can not control what others say or do, but when the end of times comes there will be no excuses. God will be just and fair. If your mother treats you badly, don't stoop down to her level. She's your only mother. None of us are perfect. Always remember that you will be blessed by God, Himself, in due time.
How's the view up their in your ass?
>>201264 Forgive your mother. She loves you.
I have a full dropbox folder. Fuck Dood.
>cellulite-ridden cottage cheese swamp
I'm dying.

>cellulite-ridden cottage cheese swamp

Yeah, I've always thought New Jersey had the cutest ladies. I haven't even seen a chick like this in real life, let alone fuck one, but boy did I ever fantisize of them when I was around 18.
>"oh a bbw forum, let's see! oh no! there are only bbw! it's horrible!"
I think some fat girls look fine, pretty even. But come on dude, have some standards. This girl looks like a palette swapped Shrek.
she big
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Never dated her. We weren't that close and it's been a couple years. She's shrunk some since college, based on her socials.

Was worried she got a reduction at some point b/c of a bad angle in a certain pic, and she's posted about wanting one before (proof attached).

IDK if she's still active on OF but I don't think so and I doubt it. Seems like a brief college flight of fancy for her unfortunately.

Lucky for us, she was certainly at her largest (so far lol) by the titty drop with pink hair + beanie.
Thanks for the reply. And personally I think she is damn cute .. but certainly is someone who lacks confidence and doesn't know that she has a banging body .. Certainly hope someone gives her that so that she can embrace herself and her share her sexiness with the world ! haha
what a dumb bitch. go ahead, cut them off. see your relevance drop to zero.
fucking narcissist thinks she means anything beyond a pair of slightly odd looking sacks of fat.
delusion isn't the word for it. watch her after the surgery still begging and pleading for attention lmao.

I wonder who could bee behind this post do jou?
God damn dude, do you even see women as humans? If not, srsly good way to never experience love.

Your pathetic little incel rant also doesn't make any sense with this woman. She doesn't give a shit about relevance, she deleted her OF and never advertised her IG. She's not even angling for attention from strangers in the first place.
Any chance you got vids?

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