
when people post the long set of letters what does that mean??? is it a download link or sumn?

👆🏾 What does this mean?
I think but no one ever said how it works

someone answered below, but since we're being taught here, i've always wondered what reportmypost is
Wow 🥴
The letters are basically a pointless way to hide a link. People think models and their takedown agents haven’t figured it out but any airhead knows to place the shit in a base 64 decoder. They think it saves time from getting a link taken down and it doesn’t. Whoopty-doo, you added one more step. Who cares. Really want to stop them from taking down the links? Form a small secret group and trade only among that group. Don’t let outsiders in. Don’t care about clout, numbers, scaling big and don’t care about feeding the leeches. That’s how you keep agents and models out. Keep it under 20. Now everybody in there eats and no links get removed because everyone knows not to share outside the group. Posting to public places and being able to be seen in Google is how you all fuck up. My private group of another model has never seen a takedown.
They're to obfuscate searches and it only takes one character out of place. It's similar to capcha. They might have most the purmetations covered but there's no need to shit all over it.
Who else got some heat?

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