
I Can try and buy some nudes from her but I’m sure it won’t be cheap so if you wanna pitch in lmk
I’ll buy from her how much can you spend?
I got 30$ on it just lmk
Get it going fellas. She is stepping into her prime groove as we speak. Hope she never does any B/G tho but thats just me
slim face but blob body, strange, but seems to be good
Yeah that's just you. I actually really hope she gets comfortable enough to make all types of content, including B/G content
I talked to this fine piece of wine and I really think so would do if you add a money amount in your message make it something she can't refuse
very interested
Help contribute here
If we Pool together I can get us some wins and post them
A soft, fluffy, juicy milf. This hot woman is incredibly sexy. Hope to see more pics & vids.
I Can get some wins for $60 if anyone’s down to pitch in I’ll send it to them
Dude if you can't afford a 60 dollar win. You be won't be buying very many wins of anything do you know how many 60 dollar wins I've posted on this site. Happy hunting
She wanted to charge me 100 dollars tried to talk her down wouldn't do it. So I guess iam stuck waiting for wins because iam not paying 100 bucks
I would do it for a 100 she's prime wine
Cashapp her a 100 bucks then. Iam not doing it
They look good, but she doesn’t show face or do anything besides just show them. Judge for yourself if that’s worth 100 for ya
Lets see
Got some wins I’ll share to those who helped contribute to the cashapp I posted just put your snap
Or you can put it here where iam sure people have purchased shit that they paid for for you to download for free
Please post we would all love to see it!
Post previews if its true
I’ve been trying for weeks, even tried upping the ante to $500, she still wouldn’t budge.
Jtesst7 is her snap… send her your dick pics and she will send you her titties
https://t( dot )me/+_WHI5F5TSQRmNTkx
show me proof that you contributed and I’ll send it. It’s a video too
Joined the group but can’t comment man
Damn y’all see her new Instagram bio. Looks like some white knight snitched
This kid got shit… I’m her ex( I fucked it up and regret it everyday) and I have everything you could imagine content wise. No I won’t sell it cuz I respect her. However She’s is a sexual dynamo and fiery and feisty as fuck. She’s beyond loving and sweet and the fact that I had a dude sent me this is crazy. If she sent you anything without trusting you first, trust me it’s nothing compared to what she will do for you when she does. Making pages like this won’t help y’all see her. Take my advice don’t be a douche bag. As her ex I know she will test people’s loyalty and trust with dumb ass photos and videos. People have tried to buy them for years. Not just cuz of TikTok. If you think she’s beautiful on the outside try meeting her in person. Her love radiates from her and she has this silent and deadly sexual energy in the most calming way. Y’all fucked up making this… she was testing you guys and you all failed. Sad really. Don’t send this dude money!!!! She’s known about people seeking content for over a month so she tested a couple people and you all failed big time…
Dude sounds like you are in love. If you really are her ex, it seems like you fucked up big time the way you talk about her. No one fucked up on our side. We saw a woman with an amazing body we want to see naked, so we go after it. Plain and simple. She got scared.. not our fault. We stated what we want and it’s her decision whether we get it or not based on the price. But you my guy.. if you really are her ex.. fucked up. Also.. she was testing people? Wtf. She makes content based off her big tits and ass.. of course there will be people looking for content and possibly posting what they get (which hasn’t even happened yet). Get some common sense my man and stop being clouded by your love for her. It ain’t that deep.
Also I didn’t mean to be mean.. we love for you to share man if you are actually her ex and have content. But we aren’t in love with (or used to be in love with) her like you are.. so we don’t look at it that deep. She’s sexy tho and congrats to you if you are indeed her ex. But also sorry you lost her, if you are actually her ex
Jesus what sz are those thangs
I think she lives in her car...
We need to get this thick body naked. Those tits look absolutely monstrous
Ordinary rural Great Plains lookin' bitch with monster titties, a favored category indeed.
How much she charging. I bet her body looks damn good naked. Makes me hard just thinking of it
Its the same thing just spelled correctly
She only sells to people she already knows as she says on her instagram bio. I was talking to her about buying and then she blocked me bc she doesn’t know me well enough
(78 KB, 597x600, PINE11.jpg)
I edited this pic a bit. Hopefully it's a sign of things to come.
>>192585 (OP)
Pls never ever approach a camera so closely ever again. You're so ugly i almost puked.
Wins ??
Fuck outta here faggot
Insulting a dude is definitely a way to get them to post..
damn you actually got a vid?? if you post you da man
apparently lotta of funbags this bitch hiding
Fuck outta here, faggot.
She the shit
(4.2 MB, 576x1024, download.mp4)
I love when girls say they will never go nude but actually do.
We have yet to get proof she has actually sold nudes so as far as we know, she hasn't lied lol. I know plenty of people who pay for lewds, probably what she's doing
She ain't showering clothed, duh
I mean she says that in a video anon claims to have a vid so idk I just enjoy chicks being hypocrites while showing they tits
I enjoy it as much as you (momokun was my fav who said she'd never go nude before she massacred her tits) but I have been creeping on her tiktok and insta for a few months and chick is just hella hard to get a read on
it seems she's retarded, so, let's wait til she realizes that she can make BIG money with her blob body. and you'll see her naked and probably more.
Should we start a REPORT MY POST or something? I'll pitch in, I've never wanted to see someone naked so bad
People do got nudes. She’s sold to quite a few people she told me. One person just needs to be nice and post what they got to get the ball rolling.
I have her nude wins. Can't show them to you guys tho as im bound by honor. Eventually she will do the onlyfabs tho im sure of it.
Would you say your purchase was worth the price? Not just money but the time spent due to her being so picky about her clientele.
Her eyes scream insanity
No she won’t. She’s personally told me she won’t bc she thinks onlyfans takes too much of your profit and she doesn’t want to devote herself to it
Just need one person to post to get the ball rolling like always
(771 KB, 1067x2000, Amanda.png) (342 KB, 1042x1459, Amanda 02_(1).png)
Just a taste. She is the real deal and deserves the money she earns... Just cant wait to see this butterfly expand her horizons.
Please what will it take to share those
Nothing brother. Sorry gotta keep the loyalty. Talk to her bro she is very down to earth. If she selling get you some content but please put in a good word for an Onlyfans. Like I said before she is a rarity as a huge titty pure BBW with movie star beauty.
I just don’t see the point in gatekeeping this. This site is not for that. Why post that?
So he can rub it in our faces… gotta keep loyalty.. like bro chill she’s not your girlfriend or wife
You’re not the only one that even has that top vid someone else in this thread has that too. So she wouldn’t even know it’s you if you posted it lol
Tbh I haven't even watched the vids fully.. Too busy. She is a dear friend and there's no way im going to ruin that. Im showing this tease so you know its real.and she does have content for you guys. Once she goes mainstream I will release it With her blessings of course.
See how long that friendship lasts when you stop paying her retard.
What movies are you watching? She's a 4.5 at best face wise
>I will release it

>With her blessing
Lmao why would she allow you too give away content she could make cash with?
Dude you are someone that gives her money and talks to her online. She’s not a “dear friend”and idk bout you but any females I’ve been friends with I didn’t have their nudes in my back pocket.. that I bought.. just help the bbw chan community out and post what you got
You so dumb scamming that’s not even her she has freckles all over her tits look at what you posted 😂😂😂 look at her videos then those fake ass pictures you posted not a match don’t fall for it 😂😂😂😂😂 loser
Her tits are way bigger you a dummy lmfaoo 😂😂😂😂😂
Lmao @ “she’s a rarity”
Ugly fat bitches are a dime a dozen
Know your worth kings
She will never post or send any again because you all ruined it by trying to make profit from her trusting you. She’s such a wonderful person and you guys are disgusting
She just deleted her Instagram. I'm so sad I really wanted to talk to her as a person
Niggas lying she went offline so who cares drop them if it was legit you would so please stop with the fake wins
I’ll post the video, just contribute 15 to my cashapp above and I’ll send it. I’m about to keep my loyalty lmao
Im not about to keep my loyalty is what I meant lol
She’s never gonna fuck you, simp.
Paying? For Pornography?
Why so much hype for this girl?

- Boobs are not THAT big, nor anything special, and no nudes.
- She is fat, decent body shape, but still fat.
- Face is good-average.
- Content is boring as fuck so far.
- She is old, or not-young.
- Wears weird dresses that make her look like an antique sofa.

I mean overall she is decent, but not material to go full ape like some of you are doing.

Fucking behave.
We ought to close this thread. She's obviously a lost cause. She goes on TikTok live and begs for attention because her kid moved out and she now has no life lol. Dime a dozen chicks. Makes me laugh so hard.
"Wears weird dresses that make her look like an antique sofa."
she has only talked about her kid moving out once live. She had shoulder surgery and had been out of work while she heals which is the only reason she’s on TikTok if you ever actually watched her lives or talked to her. You guys are sayin wild Shit about a genuine woman while you hide on shit like this anonymously.
The fuck are you doing here lmao.
Ain’t no way till you drop one bro you trying scam if it was legit you could prove it and make some cash I dropped one I paid for jokes smh I’m waiting on a shower video already paid for so don’t come crying
All you dropped was a cleavage pic I have a video where she takes out her tits full on nude. I’m already gave it to some people that helped not my fault if you don’t want to help lol
How you gonna give it to some and not upload it here lmao
And you’ve dropped nothing
I dropped a screenshot of the video. It’s like you can’t see or read lol
Told you guys you not getting her nudes from me. Cant do it. Im not a rat weasel scumbag like yous.
bro u rlyin mofo .. u dont have shyt my dude .. stop scamming
Bro if I was scamming I would be in here selling. You already got word weeks ago she had some exclusives. But im just showing that she ain't tryna scam and her titties are fuckin huge and legit N cups with some pretty ass nipples. Worth 100 bux easily
We get it bro. You got her nudes for money. You ain’t special to her. Now go away or post
Post something or get out of here
Going forward if you aren't planning on posting wins of this chick(even if you have some), DO NOT COMMENT. You're not impressing anyone; if anything, it's an annoyance for everyone else who doesn't have them. Post what you got or go elsewhere, that simple.
When I talked to her, I know she sold pics to people during Christmas. Just be patient, she is gonna start doing content. Her tits are literally who she is. Just wait
Yeah her IG Live was incredible. Can’t wait til tomorrow.
Did anyone get a recording
got some of it recorded
if anybody has snap ill send you what recorded

Im gonna get some vids for us too
Yeah I don't have snapchat either
sorry if you see alot of movements on the screen i was trying to disable comments from showing up lol
Just a tip, type an @ but don’t send it . It will clear the chat
post it bro!!!
thanks for the tip!
Yeah I would like to see all 30 minutes
Hope someone can get a video of her sucking her own nipples.
just made a Red...dit, incase this thread disappears

I mean this only helps if someone's got something
So no 30 minute vid iam guessing
Could take a while to post if it’s 30 min. I got faith in him. I mean I got like 5 minutes of bit and pieces of it. Mostly got the parts where she shows stuff but it’d be nice to have the full 30 no cuts.
posted part of the live on reddit, if you guys have any to share pls post em
Some guy on reddit is trying to sell her 30 min live show for 5 bucks. Stupid
Almost 1GB file for a 5 minute video when she only squeezing a titty in the first 30 seconds

Let me fix that for you, fuck the audio

Gofile .io/ d/ hcVwiY
How much did you pay?
0. Bro I dont pay hoes for shit. She saw my cock tho.
"Worth the money." so you did pay? We just want to know how much for our own chance to buy lol. We do appreciate your generosity though.
I'm sure she's seen many cocks lately lmao
Im knowing but we got a bond. I fuck with her heavy. And bro I have no reason to lie. I didn't purchase a damn thang. She really wanted my feedback more than anything. Now I get to watch her shine.
only simps pay for that shit. thanks for the vids. now we know there is really nothing special to see with her.
Ehhi wouldn't say that last part lol those tits are glorious
How heavy would she fuck with you if she found out you gave us her wins lol
Standard beached whale tiddys and she’s lying about the size per usual. Not worth spending any money on. Know your worth Kingz
What does "worth the money" mean then you schizo retard
Those tits definitely look like N cups bro. My girl got M tits and they're def smaller
No need to argue fellas. We got what we wanted and she’s gonna keep going live. Y’all relax
Pls post that 30 min live now man
She just shown her tits on IG live. Told yall once she gave me the green light I was gonna leak them. Thats just an old taste of whats to come. Pretty sure she'll do bigger and better things with her face in it going forward. She desires that shine and she's gonna get it. Good to see her develop no doubt. Got high hopes for her beautiful ass. Just hope she doesn't allow the jealous women to make her get a reduction too early.
She looks like a female version of Charles Dance aka Tywin Lannister. Oh God, I can't get it out of my head! LOL!!!!!
On reddit seems to be more
How do you decode this? Sorry for asking if it’s obvious
Base64 encoded seems to be changed during posting, here's a new try
Nips are mad mid my dude
I wonder how far she is willing to go
You tripping she has beautiful titties. She has quintessential ginger tits with uber pink nipples and super pink areolae. Plus she has long chewable nips as well. You can tell not many men have experienced her which also adds to the appeal
>>195047 Have you ever even sucked a tittie? I heard your kind are booty lovers
if anybody wants to be a mod on reddit shoot me a message
anybody have clear audio of the lives
Lol yes bro my wife has huge beautiful tits everyday im sucking titties
im the mod of the off brand reddit page lol, its just a backup like a just in case, buzz_qs, shoot me a message so i can give people mods

Yeah okay. Sure you do. Fucking nerd. I'd believe you had you said that she was ugly, old, and poor. Oh, and evil as fuck.
Beat new tits here by a mile. Funny she said she wouldn't go nude and then shows those massive breasts for free on IG. Damn!
Nah it ain’t free. They were tipping her the whole time. She did say she won’t make an OF. If they tip we get tits
yeah through the hine sub
Her Tik Tok just got banned
She must’ve made another one then bc I just saw one of her TikToks
more the likely banned from live streaming
u r the mvp bro , and a lil msg for that dude who was dropped a tease and all that shit ..”its all about sharing here n all dat tease stuff STICK IT IN UR ASS! “
>>195130 Whoa.. Sometimes I wish I was a nutter.
Bro pls post that 30 min. I got most the good clips but having the whole thing would be nice. Dude dropped actual wins for you and us. So drop the whole live stream for us!
Did the subreddit get nuked?
yeah, it did
still have my subreddit up
I have it but the size of the file is to fricken big to even want to bother with it
try putting it on gofiles or mega and just post the link!
so boring
We gotta get some full body wins too cause her ass is also great
>>19498 (Dead)
Love when yall project your disappointment onto the rest of us lmao
manda, youngfreckz, now that uglyface, simps are happy...
is she llifting 630lbs??
I wonder how much she is charging
anybody got the full 30 minw
I fucking hate tiktok
drop some more nudes

>I fucking hate tiktok
Well, I mean, are you an old, dumb slut?
Any new on her?
and suddenly, no more money from simps, no more money at all! :D
Just from the simps though lol
Good! She's an evil witch and works for PC and phone hackers espionage.
Those pictures are old as hell. I doubt she's with him or else she wouldn't be spending her nights on lives talking to randos.
Bitch looks like a younger female Joe Biden rofl
>>195845 You think the president is cute?
What’s the point of posting 6-7 useless, tit-less pics? I don’t give a fuck about her Facebook or love life…get fully naked!
Wow good to see her candids. Shes absolutely gorgeous and its great to know she likes real men with beards
Great to know your mother has a chance.
Unnecessarily sick burn
Right..... Have fun being g, fellas. I wouldn't fuck her even if she wanted me to. You want to fuck her because she looks like she's Biden's daughter? Fuck that old fool. You're still sucking these American's dicks, bro? THEY'RE FUCKING USING YOU!!! They abuse you, use you, and when your no longer of any use they toss you out. But you want to be part of a team and I bet you would suck Biden's dick if you could. Fucking puppet.
>>195936 Just just just kill me. Fucking nutters. I hate all of you and America is a fucking joke.
Would be nice to see some better quality videos of her huge breasts and curvy body. Fingers crossed.
Her heart aint in it but we'll see what happens
anything new?
I tried to ear, but there was mo food, and I was hungry. My momma either "forgot" to buy groceries for the 5th day in a row or she spent her savings on lotto tickets and alcohol. None of this would be a problem if she didn't crash her car into the back of a parked car because she was too busy looking at herself through the rearview mirror, but that's a blessing in disguise because now she had the excuse to buy a brand new car. The kind with a camera and a touchscreen so you don't have to turn around everytime you put the car in reverse. We really have to think for everybody and what about those poor short people with barely functioning necks? Rear-view cameras are not only a way to justify expensive cars, it's a human right.

My head hurts and I'm not sure why, but I'm hungry and there's no food to eat.
Are you okay? Are you in danger? Are you on drugs?
This is a safe place. Just show us some titties and we'll get to work helping you
She just posted on insta nd tiktok great vid of her jiggling tits, not nude but good vid
lmao this bitch has a hairline worse than my 80yo gramps and WTF are those eyebrows LOLOL!!!!!!
I heard she plans on getting a hair transplant soon with the OF money

yup people certainly give a fuck about her hairline . Thats why we are all here.
Yeah these dudes kill me with that extra shit, when they could just move on to the next thread smh
I know what you guys really want is my drug dealer's name, but I'll tell you that it's Paul. He has dreads
LOL a mod deleted my post about her fugly receding hairline and fucking awful looking eyebrows. Why'd she shave half her eyebrows off and why does she have a hairline worse than Lebron LMAO
Possibly because you sound like a jealous homosexual, but I can't be sure.
I'm a boomer and I have a better hairline than this lard bucket, LMAO. Ain't nuthin' to be jealous of!!!!1
I agree, but your posts are unsavory.
She looks good here. Still hoping scoreland picks her up. At least for XLgirls.
she's trashy. its like she tries to mimic what it must be like to have class and intelligence and its cringe. and she just has this look about her that she's addicted to something. like she's got dead eyes and missing teeth. idk. idc. just trash.
That could work. They've done hundreds of models that I would never fuck. This model is fuckable.
I think missing teeth can be hot on a pawg depending on the pawg.
Mods come back and clean this shit up some more. We’ve got a lunatic off his meds in here babbling
Lol that guy a nutcase. Amanda is as good as it gets terms of natural hotness and pure huge boobs. She is a sweetheart and has showed titties for us boob addicts without the emotional fuss. Not many can say that. She has all her teeth and has the most beautiful clear loving eyes I've ever seen.
Totally fuckable and she seems the type to make a nice scrumptious sandwich afterwards. Win win
I've gone without eating for weeks at a time. I'm much more interested in eating her ass.
Why would anyone "eat an ass"?
>>197150 Probably because they're not homosexual and don't want their girlfriend to leave them for another man. Or maybe it smells good. But if I had to guess I'd say probably it's because girls like it unfortunately. It's a tough job for a real man. If it's not you somebody else is going to do it for her sooner or later. You might as well do it. The next dude isn't going to be able to do as good a job as you can. That never happens. Mighg as well enjoy it while you can.
Soo you've done this???
You forgot to mention the deleted post about how she looks like biden rofl.
LMFAO, WOW. "She has all her teeth" What fucking standards, you faggot. Enjoy fapping to this bald bitch LOL
Is she gonna make an OF or what?
if you don’t like the model then just fuck off to the next post.. this thread has had almost 200 comments of random babbling bullshit ive deleted with hardly any content being posted
If y’all are so disgusted by her looks then why are you on this thread waiting for nudes. Is it because she turned you down? Are your feelings hurt? Go jump off a bridge and get off the thread.
Thanks for the clean up
She deleted insta. She said on a TikTok live she was getting too many inappropriate messages.
I mean she did pull em out on insta and people want too see em she should have been ready for the attention those titties bring.
She'll be back in less than 2 weeks

She loves the attention
100% and prolly with an onlyfans
shes accepting subscribers on tiktok, whats that about?
Has she got OF?
(138 KB, 1080x1920, 2C2724E0-02BE-4E57-95C1-E8169C29F126.jpeg)
Been following this thread since it started and the excitement leading up to wins was amazing, though since it died down I’ve began to realize how much she reminds me of the gas station food loving burn-outs in my home town. Just me? Still lurking and waiting for wins though woooooooo
I wish I was back like you. And cool.
You do know by saying dumb shit like that she’s never giving any wins… you are ruining it for people those of us who appreciate her beauty. Maybe you should go back to your hometown and get the fuck off the thread.
Or maybe I will do exactly what pleases me. That is the thing we have to keep reminding you nutters. How many times? I have the right to say whatever the fuck I want, and if I don't then we will have a war on our hands.
You also have the right to go kill yourself. So go war on yourself bro. You come on here like you cool and wanna insult a good woman.. a beautiful one at that and then say but im still gonna lurk though for nudes… you either like her body or you don’t. Get the fuck outta here. Go back home to your garbage gas station girls
Fucking autists. Get out of this board. All of you.
>>2 (Dead)d757f
Y’all are funny as hell. I’m sure she’s a nice lady or whatever but she just reminded me of people who I grew up with that didn’t really set the world on fire. If she didn’t have big ol boobies and if her face was more crooked you probably wouldn’t care about her to begin with so who cares if she’s a kind of a water head lmao
Guys, why are you arguing over this average-looking woman who isn't even showing you anything?

Get a grip on yourselves, get some perspective.
It's not even worth the argument.
this is an interesting thread. this chick popped up out of nowhere and we all saw the potential of them titties and ass.

but after a while some of us realized that she really isnt attractive on many levels but yet still come back to the thread hoping to at least see some titty to make it worth it.

and then some of us chose to suppress their disgust and are now full in love with this chick and see her for her true beauty. most likely because they hope to see that titty meat.

threads like this will eventually die, turn into an "appreciation" only thread, or we might get to see some actual onlyfans level goods.

time will tell.
Every guy who's ever fucked a big Titty white chick LITERALLY looks just like her. Lol she's Normal as fuck..Big Ass Titties & Phat Ass yes indeed but I'm sure a large portion of you have had your way with someone like her..I got a lady friend that look just like her that chews my dick up regularly.
instead of talking put pictures of her ass and those thighs!!!!
We really need more videos showing her huge breasts, rather than stupid arguments. Opinions are fine, but there's no point being hostile. Big tits should make you feel positive. Chill.
She needs to spread those fat ass cheeks
Please post the video of the pic above showing her bending over. Is it from a live stream? Love her big juggs & ass.
Anyone got anymore livestreams to share haven’t checked if she’s gone live in a while
This chick has white poetry studios vibes with Natalie Kray bat shit xraziness mixed in...what. a mess with an epic bod. Such a waste!
There was a new tik tok live, whose gonna drop the stream?
She hosted another live on TikTok, whose gonna drop the stream?
I watched it, nothing happened worth posting. Her private insta must be where it's at.
(300 KB, 480x852, (12).mp4)
It’s actually crazy
Anyone got anything new?
She’s been laying low for a while now.I don’t think she wants to be known for spicy things because she is a beautiful kind person… But the cosplay stuff seems to make her excited so maybe that will be her angle into the spicy world! I hope so! I got some suggestions for her and she seems to be really thinking about it. I know she enjoys getting gifts and things! Every woman wants to be spoiled. It makes them feel good and in turn makes them feel wanted and more beautiful and sexy. So maybe that’s what we should all do. It’s worked with a lot of the women I’ve talked to who ended up with an OF or other links. It’s an idea. But it can’t just be me. And we can’t ask for content she seems to hate that! I watch all her lives and I think she wants to do more but wants to feel respected. But I guess only time will tell
She has no self confidence. And her “subscribers” send her everything thats said on here and tits in tops. We are a long way from spicy content if ever. It definitely won’t be public. Honestly a lost cause. If something leaks out, she’s gonna delete everything anyway
I don’t think it’s a confidence issue.
Definitely a confidence issue. Some dude on here said she looked like a blob and somebody sent it to her. Now she won’t shut the fuck up about it. She’s fucking scared to do content. She’s also a fucking weirdo
Then why are you on here? She mentioned the blob thing probably once. You seem hurt… did she turn you down bro? Or block you? stop hating on someone because you’re insecure. If she was so scared to show her body she wouldn’t continue going live or making TikTok’s.
>>203282 Listen. I have huge sweaty hairy balls and I don't give a fuck about nothing. I could be fucking many hoes at the same time. 3somes. 4somes. I would do whatever these hoes want.

I don't need you. You need me. Don't you EVER forget that shit again you fucking white monkey.
She’s not scared to go live. She scared to do the content we all want. The blob thing I have heard at least 20 times. Plus people are messaging her ex boyfriends and asking for nudes and sextapes. That’s why we don’t have more content.
No one gives a shit an about your hairy white monkey balls… no one needs you bro…your mama should’ve swallowed you! Anyone can have 3somes or moresomes you ain’t special! But keep telling yourself you are. But all you are is the small white dick they use for ass play so no one has to look at your nasty ass face.
>>203297 That's fucked up but I respect your opinion. I just don't like my work being stolen. I don't take kindly to it. I don't like it.

I didn't say I was special. I meant that I'm not gay. I don't care about your love life even a little bit.
No one stole anything from you! And you sound mad gay. You the one who started talking about fucking balls… so I suggest you grow a bigger pair and get the fuck off your high horse and this thread!
>>203302 Were where you yesturday? And the day before that? I live on this site. I breath my life into these boards everyday. I have worked tirelessly trying to do my best for these beautiful girls. If anybody should leave, it's you, and if anybidy deserves to stay, it's me. You are an angry nutter. You're angry at the world, but you don't see your bullying tactics. You need a girlfriend, so that she can show you how to love, and how to appreciate things that are beautiful enough to take care of them properly. You need to mature.
Mature?! You are the one insulting the woman this thread is about! So maybe you should take your own advice! And if you think she’s a lost cause and this is your thread get rid of it! Or shut the fuck up.
Can you get back in here to sweep up all the bickering between these fucking nerds
We all need to be patient. Amanda will probably make come good content over the next few months. She's been teasing people with her curves on Tik Tok -- and must know about the earning potential at OnlyFans -- so it's likely she's planning to take the next step. All we can do is wait and see what develops.
Doubt the Onlyfans will ever happen.
That velma bakery is next level. A woman this large and sexy has to go platinum. Plus she checks all the slut boxes and then sum. Love me a big ole snowbunny freak
Yup...I'd marry her

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