
why is this bitch sucking a twc?
we're almost all here for boobs but some "guys" there prefer to talk about cocks...
Because she had the choice of this and yours and went with this.
nah man, any hoe who could get a taste of what us blacks are packing wouldn't go around settling for twc

That's the grossest shit I've ever read on this shite.
Guess thats why you only get hoes. especially gold-digging ones at that.

Don't judge me. Look in the mirror.
Are you blind? She's actually sucking a white cock? This IS any hoe.
Don't open your mouth and say stupid things. Then you won't be judged. as for the mirror, I looked and it didn't crack. So, its all good.

That shit was g. Don't watch me. You're fucking up. It's not all good, and one day I will be collecting my recompense for my troubles. Keep talking shit.

It's not crack anymore. it's heroin. Mind your own fucking business.
that's the point man, this poor hoe didn't even get a chance to make the real choice and suck down on one of our big black dongs
*air wanking motions* Keep fantasizing about tomorrow because you failed to do something better today.
You think she believes you're mythical? What a racist.

What a bad mother.... Your children must love you.

I blasted hard as fuck today to the biggest breasrs I have ever seen in my entire life. She didn't even have to take her top off. She was gorgeous. Seethe.
Premature ejaculation huh? So sad.

Yeah good one. You want to talk about my hairy BALLS next? Fucking nerd fucker
I wouldn't talk about your balls. You might cum.

Very unlikely. Highly unlikely. I'm not a nerd.
You do have premature ejaculation though. She didn't even take her top of man!

I know I guess I just love tits that much.. As soon as I was there and I saw her I said in my head "Oh shit. I'm going to fucking cum hard", and I did. I did cum hard.
Congratulations. You must be so proud.
I couldn't care less what you did your bedroom, even if you tied up your todger with exposed copper wire, plugged it into a light socket, wanking it with your right and with your left shaving your balls with a cheese slicer, while whistling "O Come all Ye Faithful."

Based on what you continue to say, just makes another disappointment in a long list of disappointments in the history of humanity.

Go to bed, get up tomorrow and do and be better.

I took one look at her and I said to myself, "Holy shit... I'm going to cum hard as fuck today." and you know what? I was right.

I have many achievements to be proud of but these days, I have to tell you, that I am proud of my love for bbc most of all. My love for bbws and "beautiful women" in general is enough to keep me satisfied in a world filled with so much hatred and stupidity. I am proud of myself for being capable of doing the right thing, and loving truthfully and faithfully against all odds and all forms of divisive oppression, with a firm heart. It is only now that I can say "My heart is true." after I have been tested. My heart is stronger than ever. My intentions are pure, and my willful good is brave. As brave as a lion.

I can say that I am proud of my love for tits.
what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

As soon as I saw her I just knew that I was going to blast hard... And I did. I did blast away hard. I was so right. I came hard today.
any vids?

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