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Any videos/pics of her enormous juggs?
It's hard to see her content leaked around.
She got some fucking huge tits, i hope someone has new content to share.
I have a folder full of old content if you are interested.
Please share what you have
Thanks appreciate it
Thank you sir!
Does she really have green eyes?

Yeah. You think black people cant have green eyes or something?
That the possibility is slim and that's something of note, yes.
Not really that common you dirty nigger
some pretty nigger with big boobies and green eyes
its rare to find a green eyes nigger like her
It's hard to find a racist trash like you, with more than a couple of neurons.

No one loves you. Enjoy dying alone
>>194743 Uou knwow hat? I may just do that. We'll see, won't we? The way you hate me only inspires me. Your hatred fuels my aleeady perfect life.
Your life ain’t perfect😂 you hate your life and yourself. You’re coming on to a boob fetish porn site to then say racist things, do you know how low and pathetic that is? You wouldn’t say any of that to anyones face. People like you live in sorrow and despair which why you’re so bitter and angry at the world. You’re most likely a virgin as well lol what female would date someone like this lmao

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