
>>190399 (OP) What are you talking about? She was a tease and everybody hated her for it, amother of four, and happily married.
(5.5 MB, 456x740, 666.gif)
Is there a mega out there of all her stuff?
One of the greatest tragedies of this year is her never getting them boys out and then quitting all socials.
We got all we were going to get. Just remember the good times.
She kinda looks like a clown, but I'll accept it
That guy fucks so much stuff up.
I'm always surprised that is not in jail yet
Wait im missing something here who is bq?
some creep from the titsintops forum, he's a moderator there. don't waste your time on that shit
More info? I'm happy to read hearsay haha
>>190674 Hearsay: a form of gossip that does not come straight from a reliable source, e.g. an eye witness, making it thereby noncredible.
Not that I really care but what is the proof that her goin MIA and pullin all her content was a direct result of the shmuck on TiT? I mean how do we know he actually did anything outside of just a bunch of gossip?
Also be real careful about where y’all post her stuff. She’s been DMCA’ing the shit out of sites and a ton of posts all over Reddit too. Or it’s her husband but someone is layin the hammer down hard. Pretty sure that’s how poster skipstoneonglasslake got banned. Just my guess.
For y'all trashing TiTs, most likely it was because you were Banned.

And, the reason for it, even after a temporary Ban, you exceeded the number of acceptable Rule violations.

Had you abided by the Rules, you'd still be a member there.

Why don't y'all trash talking assholes don't use your username from TiTs?

Don't have the balls? Or, are you a coward?

I have NEVER harassed any girl/model anywhere!

If she left, it certainly wasn't because of me!

However, for those girls/models because of DMCA regulations, and the servers being in the USA, we have to comply with the girls' Takedown Request.

BreastQuest, aka BQ
Sr Site Admin
I talk shit about you because you're an old man moderating a porn site and a shameless pedo.

That you run women off and let other members of your site run women off is just the nugget of corn in the pile of shit that is BQ.
Stfu and go crawl back under your rock you slimey piece of shit. You’re a loser that has zero real life and spends all day and night on a faggy forum full of nasty old men bitching about tattoos. Stay on your lane bro. I bet you don’t have the balls to post your real name and address. Fucking pussy. File this in the correct forum you lame piece of shit. You have no power outside of your faggot site that’s full of child porn in the vip section. Get a life
>>190 (Dead)y96 What is wrong with being an old man? What is wrong with beautiful young women?
>>190699 I recommend uou stop being a hoe. It's not a good look for a man from the west to be such a massive pussy.
Yeah, you should've just stayed away from her(e) man
>>190713 Are you out of you monkey mind? I will destroy you.
That TiT place is effing cancer. Bunch of simps, cucks and white knights. Check the DNP thread on there. Embarrassing.
Has one of the nicest milf bodies ever
Wow. Just when I thought that site couldn't get any more ridiculous...
Imagine how gay you would have to be to go onto another site and try to defend yourself, even singing your name at the bottom of a message with your url knowing you foster pedo content behind a paywall
Hey can y’all quit bitching about what a deplorable shithole the internet is, and just thank 190442 Anon for being an absolute unit of a person for that God-tier share?

Just, you know, it being the holidays and all.
Don't you have some UA hoarding to do in your VIP section? Get outta here chump, your words carry no weight here.
So what insults y'all got for me, we go through shit this every 6 months or so cause y'all bring us up, let me hear em. Do your best.

Who are you lmao. gtfo bitch
you got so many people to quit the site lmao I contacted the FBI btw for you guys posting minors eat shit nigger you're a fucking creep eat a gun i'm in the vault and watching you and i'll be sending more screenies to my fbi fedboi contact building a case against you pedo fuckheads
why delete my post
Instead of just banning dudes, you should just delete this whole thread. Nothing's being shared because there's nothing to share.
Hey BreastQuest, I've been a member of TiT for over a decade. I love that place and I love coming here too. But I have to say, you come across as one of the worst assholes ever. Sorry to say but you really are a frustrated piece of shit man, and trust me everyone on TiT thinks so. You have a great day now.
Can we please take the batching about TIT and people there somewhere else and focus more on wins of this absolute milf?

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