
Good to see another thread of her after last one died. Thanks for your contributions dude
That is one ugly ass nigger
That is one desperate af troll
That's a lucky dude, but I bet she's a handful to manage.
ALL women in the U.S are a handful to manage rn lmfao what's new these bitches are all crazy, u just gotta pick the one it's worth it for.
That sounds like something my uncle told me after 30 years of marriage.

"They're all fucking crazy. Just pick a pretty one."

I thought it was misogynistic at the time. Now, 20 years later, I understand.
They’re all a bit crazy in their own way, but most women aren’t breastfeeding on tiktok and selling nudes.. you’ll be okay. Trust me I’ve been married a couple years now to someone who’s actually shy and dresses with full modesty.
Faggot chain yourself up to your bed and ingest the key
Sounds like you speak from experience, Sally.
Sounds like you’re gay and have totally original comebacks.

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