
So far the most she's shown, other than an areola slip in a picture, is a handbra video.
Yawn. Let me know when she's masturbating.
She told me in her messages she shows them for customs. But oh man, $50 for a boob drop video, lol. This girl is crazy. Someone has got to have one they can share.
She told me that a pasty video is $200... thats insane.
the worst part about this is that if everyone refuses to pay it then obviously shell have to either give it up or keep on hoping for someone to fall for it. if someone pays it that makes her think its okay and shell continue to charge this amount.
I've got news for everybody. It doesn't matter if they have a pug ugly face, if they're ridiculously fat or skinny, have cottage cheese thighs and severe acne....somebody will pay to see them naked. Maybe not everybody, but some will pay.
>>187359 With such a small demand there is for this type of breast porno it troubles me to see these prices. It can only mean one thing, her work is not following supply and demand rules. This can be due to a whole host of reasons with namely that her vids content is so cheap that it costs next to nothing to produce being the most likely from what I can tell. I would pay her $200 for something very different and I would expect the works! Up the vagina, and toungue kissing for a 24 hours girlfriend experience! For somebody to pay $200 for a vid? momma that's some boobs she must have, wtf? With purple and green veins and shit. If you're real quiet you can hear her heartbeat. Wonderful. I remember getting played. What are those nerds thinking in Canada? Do they all have tiny dicks or what?
It's due to her not wanting to do full nudity or show her nipples. Dudes pay her because they are dumb. PPVS that pop up in my in box that are more than 50 bucks automatically go into the trash can.
you're right. someone, somewhere, will. theres a lid for every pot as they say.
I don't know where you're getting this supply and demand information. the supply has been overflowing for ages. theres a thing called pornhub. there are who knows how many ridiculously large breasted ladies on tiktok bouncing their breasts everywhere and getting videos pulled for them being inappropriate. she aint the only one. people gassing her up begging for an of got her thinking there was a huge demand and with that huge demand comes stupid prices. she could be using it as a deterrent thinking no one will pay that but I doubt it. and as long as she has random people buying it shell continue to charge it. I'm thinking that shell either keep on charging prices like this or shell find that people will refuse, she won't make any money and shell quietly quit.
most ppvs that are over $10 get ignored by me unless theyre over ten minutes. ill consider it if its around $1/min but a lot of ladies think theyre going to get away with charging $20 for a five minute video. I refuse to pay that. as for this lady, I don't even care if I see her nude but I surely wouldn't pay that much money for it. I cannot understand why women get on of which is known for nudity and refuse to strip. I understand having morals and all but if they really believed all of that of wouldn't be an option. I'm not sure what she's expecting of this but I doubt she has very many nice dms. shes on a nude platform. people want nudity and there are way too many other of out there for her to charge that much money.
>>187391 Fr bro fuck that. I would literally rather find a girlfriend that's way too much money. I want titty milk in my mouth for that much money I want to be spoon fed. I want to lick every inch of her body while she sings killing me softly to me and she's tied down with ropes or like on a leash. I want her to piss on my dick, fucking A, not watch her boobs all day! The pasties ain't going to cut it although I am sure they look fabulous. I am sure those boobs are fantastic. That's not even the issue. It doesn't matter. No matter what I will never allow her to lick my anus.
>>187401 You are out of your monkey brain if you think the demand for big beautiful boobs porn is greater than the demand for literally everything else combined. What are you a nut? The demand for ass porn alone far out weighs the demand for big boobs.

Actually in an ideal world where what you say is true the result would be a greater amount of big boob porno than there currently is, with an increase in the quality of the porno as well. While we're at it you could resonably suspect that most of the worlds problems would dissipate and there would be peace on Earth. There would be no more war and there would be more huge beautiful boobs than are even needed. That future, although possible, gets farther and farther away from us each and everyday. Much like the cosmos in its ever expanding infancy is seemingly pulling us closer to a dark never ending winter. The moon inching its way away from us and so too the sun.
no I'm saying people got her thinking the demand is there and it aint. she's got a couple people gassing her up as is she's the only big breasted model out there but thats just about all tiktok is these days. she isn't unique and she isn't the first to take their advice and go on of. I don't think she's the first to refuse to get naked either but they usually end up getting naked and then they've lost all the mystery and people won't care any more. these ladies really can't win. she would've done best to just stay in her lane on tiktok.
>>187480 (Cross-thread) Maybe but I was saying was about supply and demand in a free market. If the content production cost is zed and she makes 100% of the profits then she is likely to have another job that is her main source of income with this internet thing being extra money. Of course that is only the most likely scenario as there could be a host of other dealings behind the scenes.
Be rich people. So you won't have to nag about her all the time. Or you guys are like a bitch badmouthing another bitch.
I saw her on IG and knew someone would make a topic on her. There's no way any of you think she is hot or anything right? she's a 5/10, mid af, stretched tits to her stomach at age 25+ and huge belly too due to pregnancy. how desperate are you fucks to even consider asking for her shit.

if any of you consider putting even 5 bucks at any of these chicks, instead, buy a gym subscription and get yourselves some good clothes, some physique and you can pull some tail. this shit is getting as mediocre as tit at this point, where nerds beg for shit on ugly ass chicks that not even the nightclubs could save.
>>187419 She has to be 23 or 24.

>>187416 Nag her about what? All I want is just to suck on her boobs. Literally nothing more. Clearly, you don't know me.

Besides, all I was getting at was that the overpriced $200 per vid is unsustainable. She will try to sell to the lowest common denominator among us. While mostly failing she will pocket a small amount of extra money for doing next to nothing. Not a bad gig.
you must not be rich. I know rich people and they are the very definition of stingy. they wouldn't drop $5 on an hour long video so this lady here wouldn't get a dime.
she's cute. I wouldn't say a 5 but she's cute. I like the huge breasts and I don't mind a big belly. I'm still not paying for that video.
she may get a few people that pay but I doubt this gravy train will last long.
>>187423 Gravy train? She does banana floats sundaes? Well, hold on now. Depending on what we're talking about here then yeah I can see a vid costing $200 if there's extra GRAVY coming out of the OLD WITCH'S POT. If the BANANAS are FLOATING, I mean, the sky's the limit at that point but..... Others things like depending on the length I mean.... I've watched a Canadian chick eat dog poop live.

I wasn't aware. That could explain the prices. Women aren't for everybody, you know? Titties aren't for everybody and yeah love isn't for everybody.
Im sure that none of us are new to this and the kinds of games models like to play. we've all seen someone like her come and we've seen them go. we can pretty much tell her how this is going to end but she isn't going to listen because no one ever does. she wants to make the most money with the least amount of work. I don't blame her for that. she probably doesn't want to go nude. I don't blame her for that either. once she does that the mystery is gone and she may lose half her subscribers on that alone. she isn't about to start doing actual videos, customs, dildos, any of that. she isn't some celeb or well known porn star that can get money doing whatever she wants whenever she wants. she's a random tiktok model whom thought of would get her a fortune and signed up. I doubt she knew that some of these people actually work for their money nor the fact that just showing breasts won't make you rich. she's going for the people that wanted this so badly. they may drop $200 for a hand bra video a couple of times. that would be a gravy train for her. if you get five people dropping $200 for hand bra videos for a year or so then you're looking at something like $300+/mnth without showing your breasts. that aint bad for a short video right? but thats going to get old. those 'fans' are going to get tired of paying that much and theyre going to want more or theyre going to find someone else thats cheaper. this period will not last forever so if she's making that money I'm happy for her. I hope she's saving it up somewhere. maybe for her children college fund or for her to go back to school because she's doing this of thing all wrong.
>>187432 You shouldn't have wasted your yime writing such a lengthy boring post. I think I must have read like 2 sentences. I doubt anybody else will even read one. Trh practicing uour writing skills instead of emulating others and focusing on writing styles. You seem to be a visual learner which does not translate well to writing skills but hey that doesn't mean you should necessarily give up, right? Look at me and I got beat by a girl can you believe it? A whole dcholarship down the drain I said fuck rich people, I don't need them All they are are a big bag of lazy stupid thieves anyways and everybody knows it. Against my better judgement I left those fools behind and well here I am today standing before you a much stronger and wiser man. Get up and try again is what I always say.
Yall really need to shut the fuck up with all the fucking paragraphs worth of shit and start posting media.
I subbed for a month and none of it is worth posting and I to be honest don't even know why theirs a thread on hee
>>187513 (Cross-thread) Please just a little bite babygirl. Fuuuuuuuuu, I want to suck on those titties so hard. You remind me of my great white buffalo that got away. My penis is not a micro penis but if you want I can use a strap-on instead. Whatever it takes.
There is not a single titty in this thread what the fuck is wrong with yall
Personally, I just scroll past the all the bullshit
Focus on getting wins. Stop bickering and put your heads together
Bro all the people who could actually hit these chicks up and get nudes have peaced the fuck out of places like this. Plus with the way simping and only fans is going it's not like you're just gonna give some lonely bitch with 30 Instagram followers some attention and get her nudes like that. Anyways this chick isn't doing shit with her life but popping out babbies so it's probably only a matter of time until the titties come out.
>>187856 The community became toxic. Since the beginning the only threat was the community itself. They were white knights (haters) that pretended to be doing a most noble cause (for muh lady) until literally the entire planet realized all that was being achieved by these white knights was earning the hatred of muh lady the world over. Do you understand how a virus operates? Their only weapon is the lie. They confuse the weak into doing their bidding. It's only a matter of time until they make themselves extinct. Such is the fate of the lowly parasite, and from the ashes of this ruined civilization is where I will build anew. With my lovely bride at my side. Or more than one bride. It is yet to be seen.
Hey, stop with the autism and post pics.

Beautiful girl. She makes my heart sing. Too many children there, but I also love a married woman. 🤔 I don't know. I am not hypocrit but I would never pull out either. This thread is like a juicy vagina sfter foreplay that you try to penetrate but the walls are squeezing so tight, pushing from either side that you have a slow time making your entrance. Once inside you cum within 10 minutes. Fuuuuuuuuuuuu, I'm hurt. I need the titty.
another never nude. another single mom who doesn't want to work. another simp bait.
I too have been involved in love affairs, as have most dudes my age in the city. It's not something I am necessarily proud of, but shit happens. I can tell you stories that would break your heart. Some dudes are mental. Like I once got caught but without evidence all the dude could do was suspect something had happened and even then he showed up to my job to invite me to have a drink with him. I was cool because I know I covered all my tracks and he didn't have anything on me but at the bar he said to me that he knew it was me and that he doesn't really care because he had been fucking women behind her back too the whole time "just in case". I was fucking rolling but he had photos right on his cel so I was like how does that work? Anyways, obviously it's not something I would ever recommend and if you can save yourself the headache then do not EVER get involved with a married woman unless she is a 10/10 like this hoe atleast has huge boobs, other than that it's not worth it. That's what I learned.

There are way too many fish in the sea and more efficient ways of obtaining high quality pussy. I didn't know that at the time, obviously. But look we are all different and it also depends on what you want out of life. Maybe some people don't want a sexy 18 year old party girl and prefer something else for a stable relationship. I would say that it's kind of stupid but yeah I could see that happening. But look if you don't mind dance clubs, and if you have an "entourage" of friends who can be your wing men, and if you can fuck young horny girls in one night stands and get by without issue, then you should definitely do that option. I highly recommend it. I couldn't recommend it enough, actually. Zero stress. Pure pleasure. 100% of the time. It's the way it's ought to be, and it can be had. It's all on you.
(873 KB, 576x1024, lyla01.mp4)
Major hottie huge titties
lol is this shrink fetish content?
No just the retarded intersection of tiktok and that particular sickness.
Is she related to Manda?
forever tease. boring
Yeah..... The users on this site are just dumb, boring, nuts, and it sucks.
>>189621 They are.... somehow, more beautiful than I imagined. I admit though I have been a sucker for large milky breasts since forever and the nipples.... I expected them to be 4 times larger. But it was worth the wait. Now all I ask is for Milena Velba to return from retirement.
milena won't be back ever, and her tits are gone, chopped off!
Obsessed much? You're like the Candyman.
Do you guys think her husband is white or black?
Not even her. I'm subbed, she hasn't sent anything like that in DMs.
Son of a webcam whore.
Who cares. Being married is being married regardless of what color you are or who your with
he's white. she used to dance at beef baron in London Ontario. He's a hick who likes trucks.
she didn't really dance per se. she more waddled around with her underwear high up on her stomach like Steven Urkel to cover her stretch marks
those are not her tits. her stomach is covered in stretch marks while these ones aren't. she has a sister too with smaller tits whose also married.
>>190013 Everyday this place feels like the worst episode of Big Bang Theory to me. Sometimes it becomes difficult for me to believe how nerdy most of you probably are very likely to be. It leaves me with a strange sense of confusion as to the type of person that would choose to be a g nut.

Is this the type of shit you guys do for "fun"? Are these TikTok models getting commisioned to make these videos? Is that why these vids and accompaning art are the worst content produced in human history? Is it because of money and nerds having found a surplus of expendible money that they can throw away on hoes on the internet? Why would you not use that money to party with and fuck actual $500 prostitutes everyday? So nerds not enjoy sex with women?

You also don't get pay for typing this shitty long shit. So why bother? We enjoy things differently. Stop bitching about it
Yea the audacity of these clowns lol they think everyone has to think like them 😂
>>190028 What are you talking about? Your culture is one where in an echo chamber you guys send eachother messages of hints and clues. That has nothing to do with "thought". Thought would require you to be an individual capable of using your own brain instead of thinking for one another like a pack of wild nuts copying eachother and howling at the moon. Don't get mad at me because the whole world hates you nerds and makes fun you since the invention of the television. I'm not saying it's right but it's not my fault that you guys literally choose to fuck everything up everytime. You're fucking up right now. You are the single most hated people in all of human history, but you love to talk about the "them".

Instead of talking to me and gossiping about what individuals do in privacy, why don't you tell me about what all of you as a group are choosing doing every waking hour and in secrecy. You don't like to talk about that, darkness. Then stfu.
>>190026 Btw I have never payed for pussy in my life, and I would rather fuck ugly hoes in the hood for free or get girlfriend and marry her, but that's just me.
You never paid for free pussy? Who asked? Lol
You're too desperate to see those titties
>>190044 You are right. I love titties. And I love her.
You think pussy is free when you get married?
>>190047 It's free even if I'm not married! You must be fucking the wrong lass. You've never had hoes literally beg you to let them suck your dick, clearly.

It feels good when women beg you to fuck them, but it's even better when it is mutual. When you both love sex with eachother. Maybe you don't find the right person yet.
Not a coomer weirdo like a lot of people here, but I can answer these:

>Is this the type of shit you guys do for "fun"?
>Are these TikTok models getting commisioned to make these videos?
Sometimes, but usually not.
>Is that why these vids and accompaning art are the worst content produced in human history?
>Is it because of money and nerds having found a surplus of expendible money that they can throw away on hoes on the internet?
>Why would you not use that money to party with and fuck actual $500 prostitutes everyday?
Because fantasies will always be better than reality and the virgins here have given up on themselves.
>So nerds not enjoy sex with women?
They might, but they're too self-hating to think they deserve it, or they are genuinely misogynistic and would rather aggressively objectify them from afar to avoid any real consequence of their mistrust and hatred.
>Because fantasies will always be better than reality.

What a fucking nut
Ever suspect your time would be better spent on literally anything else? We swap content here. Not psychoanalyse.
I've been married for 10 years and I enjoy having sex with my wife but the sex ain't nowhere near free. So keep fucking dreaming. FYI I've subbed to her onlyfans for a month already and she has no fucking wins and on top of that she doesn't show her face which is odd because everyone knows what she looks like
>>190100 If your wife charges you money for sex then your a fucking idiot. My wife used to beg me for the dick. That is how she became my wife. I know there's plenty of idiot Americans though as I understand it.
If your waiting for so called wins your wasting your time. No full nudes and the topless ones are over the top expensive with pasties
Thankfully, her kids will have a father at home.
Another one bites the dust guys what that’s like the 100th girl who doesn’t get nude but making money off guys smh when will we learn
She said that she might show nipples, but imma hold out on her Birthday which is the 23rd

It's not like she hasn't been braless so she's comfortable showing them more than Freckz or Manda
>>190312 (Cross-thread)
When I renewed she messaged back to say she may show her face soon. Did she say the same to anyone else?
PPV doesn't have face and it's like 200$+ for vids with pasties. No thanks
>>190752 Yeah....... She's cute. It's too bad literally none of us will ever taste that titty. She reminds me of my great white buffalo that got away. Such a sweet girl. What was I thinking being having a wife and trying to be faithful. If it wasn't for love that girl would've kissed my anus. Years later she grabbed my dick and made out with me for like 4 seconds. I was happy as fuck and when I looked at her she had tears in her eyes. I tried going in yo make out with her again but her cousin came up and started tounging me and interrupted the whole moment we were sharing. After that she turned around and yhe ladt thing I saw was her hair in slowmotion, her ponytail flipping in my direction, and her back. She had such a great body holy shit. Sort of athletic. I never saw her again after that night. If it wasn't because of her stupid jealous cousin I would've at least fingered her. She was a cutie with a nice smile. Always smiling. I should've chosen her instead, but I fell in love. I fell in love hard, hard, hard, harder than my dick is right now.

I wonder where she is now. How she's doing.
😂 lucky mf what her mouth taste like?
cool story bro, but please, just die
The great white buffalo with the huge boobs and the pretty face. Long dark hair. She was so in love with me. They told me be careful with her that I don't break her heart. All over town friends of ours told me that she was always talking about me and that she talked about me like if I was the only perfect man. Another girl that was there with us that night had previously told me that she secretly had a crush on me since we met but I was engaged and she had a boyfriend, then as the years passed she noticed that I was sort of doing my own thing so it became an obsession for her to always ask about me and want to hang out with us. That girl said to me, "I like you I want the dick but that girl is crazy. I don't act that way all in love with you and I've actually sucked your dick." She lived too far away from me so she ended up getting pregnant and married with somebody else, but when she told me that about how she acted when I wasn't around they said she would go wild and dumb, that was when I started realizing that this girl was slightly more serious about me than I had previously anticipated.

So I stopped taking what they told me as exageration. I began getting more cautious or careful around her. Trying not to be too intentionally sending mixed signals. I know that she had a boyfriend at one point then I guess they broke up, and that was when that final opportunity struck. That fateful night. I will never forget that look on her face. I blew it.
>>190783 Oh.. I don't know. There was 5 of us having a get together at the house. Every girl that has ever sucked my dick, I have kissed, and every girl that I've kissed, their mouth tasted good. But she was the second girl I made out with and like I said all 4 of them and I were all together on the same bed. I don't remember much about tastes of saliva, but I do know that the girl that told me that she was "too crazy" about me, the girl that got married after that, she had the wettest pussy I have ever fucked in my entire life. That shit was like a monsoon under her panties. I don't know if she was just really horny that night but I guess that her pussy is like that. When I say the wettest vagina and that her vagina held a monsoon of a thick lubricating liquid I mean that it was many times over the wettest pussy I have ever encountered. Period. An abnormally wet pussy. When I reacted to the wet pussy, I said "Holy shit!" and I laughed. She looked emberassed, kissed me, and said "shhhhh", whispering into my ear, then she held me close putting her arms around me.

That was moments before the great white buffalo made her move and kissed me, a few minutes after that, but her pussy was so wet I don't even know if I would've been able to burst anyways. I was trying to concentrate to keep my cock hard because I had no friction what so ever. It was like being suspended in outer space, or maybe getting a boob job by some J cup titties. The bottom of my shirt was drenched by the time I got home soaken wet and I know that it was her she did it. Maybe not the tightest pussy, but almost certainly the best pussy of my life.
She said she might show nipples soon.

It's kinda dumb she doesn't show em because in some PPVs she literally can't cover them up because they are so big and areola ends up showing.
>>191421 mf Fuck you I know who I am
Can we stop trying to pass other people's pics as hers? That topless pic isn't her.

that's right - the nude one is Cbear
cant wait till this bitch let them fat milk bags drop, shes been on my radar for a long time
(6.2 MB, 958x480, ImpishSolidPorpoise-mobile (2).mp4)
Right. Me too man. And the way she has gained more confidence in her appearance is fascinating. She literally blew up over night. Going from 5k followers to almost 200k in less than 2 months. That's without nipples. So you know she gonna be a millionaire once she breaks the net with her full titties
Where tf are those nudes already!!!!
it'd be even better if she had a site where she had milk content.
We want more milky tiddies for xmas
She’s said she’s not doing topless and I believe it, because simps are still paying $40-200 for a video of pasties
>No nipples
Can’t care
Alot of girls and some of them have no kids as well
Can name at least 5 chicks who look better than this bitch. Tits as big if not bigger and faces that aren't fucked up.
3/8 goats. no milk. nobody cares. stop wasting our time
Thanks man she has huge plump titties. Hope she reveals the nipples soon because the way she handles them is really a sexy thing to see
Huge hangers! Very soon guys!
Those tits are balloons man and her wins are gonna shock the internet. She's doing a wonderful finesse job taking her time building up her name and clout. Wont be surprised if she boosts the price thereafter to 50 bux
She said she has 3 kids, idk if she was joking. For someone so young, 3 kids is much like a horny girl who hates condoms. 🤣
Dude with 3 kids the only place she's going to be queen of is the empty space between her shoulders
Her head dumbass. No your right her airfield lungs?
You clearly don't understand irony. 12?
How many goats? Let's get a show of the goat's milk

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