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The naggers are conducting a reign of terror by committing massive amounts of violent crime around the globe, and the joos have their back.

We will not live in fear of naggers, nor will we be governed by joos.

The joos and naggers are working to take people's minds through an overwhelming stream of disinformation and propaganda.

The liberal culture we see in the west is a jooish fabrication.


The joos own the governments and media in the west.

The joos use their power to pass anti-white laws, run anti-white media, censor black crimes and intensely promote miscegenation, LGBT and diversity.

The joos are funding massive illegal migration in USA and Europe.

Joos genocided 60 million people, fabricated the holocaust as a distraction, framed Hitler as the bad guy, and then took over the education system to prevent people from finding out.

The gas chambers of the "holocaust" are akin to the WMDs of Iraq, a farce used to justify military action.

The jooish holy book says that non-joos are the same as animals. How would joos feel if people were instructed to consider -them- as animals?

Should they be setting our laws and choosing our education?

As traditional terrorists call white people "infidels," jooish terrorists call white people "goyim" or “gentiles.”


We are in a situation where we cannot rely on or trust the governments and the elections are not in the hands of the people.

Each nagger costs taxpayers approximately $750k (in welfare alone) over their lifetime.

Naggers say they attack whites because of “slavery” but most slave traders were jooish and the average joo was 40x more likely to be a slave owner than a white person.

Besides being a mostly jooish phenomenon, the number of enslaved naggers in the USA was extremely small and is obfuscated by the joos for rhetorical effect.

We move forward by sharing this information, awareness is essential.


See https://naggers.net for more!

Join the REPORT MY POST at: https://naggers.net/REPORT MY POST

>>186703 (OP)
Think you might be gay bro
Hit me up if youre looking for some dick to suck
>>186703 (OP)
Source: voices on my mind.

Stop spreading that bullshit.
You're trying to justify your shameful hate and prejudice with nazi stupid theories of Aryan supremacy, wich are ridiculous and 100% non scientific.
The nazis funded archeological expeditions to try to find an explanation for their idiotic thinking, only to discover that they are idiots.
I mean, the caucasian is superior in what?
Imperialism, exploitation and slavery?
enter a synagogue and shoot 50 people?

Any jackass with a gun can do that.
You are one of the cancerific cells of our society.
A sick minded loser behind a keyboard saying dumb shit.
Make a favour to humanity, kill yourself.
Somebody delete this retarded thread, please?
yup yup

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