
>>185980 (OP)

This is one of the top 10 best threads I have seen all year on tits all and I commend your achievements, captain. For your remarkable demonstration of competence I hereby proudly promote you to the rank of lance corporal.
It's an honor. Glad to be on board!

My efforts are exemplary and the pleasure is all yours.

I just found out today that somebody made a chan all for preg. I think they believe themselves to be very funny. If you can find out who and convince them to not be so wasteful with the pussy while on this planet I will appreciate you moreso. Either you want the pussy or you don't. Come on. Like you either love the pussy, or you don't.
FYI recently there are more and more such random posts like this. someone must be playing with natural language generation models and spreading spam on this site. mods be alert
Glad someone else noticed
I'm sorry, I'm missing the message, but what did you mean by "natural language generation models"?
AI that is supposed to sound human or "natural"

Imagine this 8.6/10 doing you up the butt. then afterwards she makes you a sandwhich, big dawg. Big dawg..... that's what the knuckle head accross the street sometimes calls me. I've always wondered what it means. These things are possible and they could be had but it depends on you, big dawg.

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