
>>185134 (OP)
What's her name? Post her name so folks know.
>>185134 (OP)
why yes thanks for asking friend they are pretty decent god bless
Last girl is Sarah White. That's not this other girl at all.
Scammer. Took money and stopped responding. The first wins might be all we get.
I reached out on insta but they never responded. who ever got a response?
sorry to hear that bro , its cause those wierd americans keep snitching on wins to her thinking theyre gonna get brownie points but she ends up blocking em and we loose out on wins , blame the fucktards this degenegrate world of bursted condoms produced, wouldve loved to see those tities clap
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Just another big tit council flat whore with mental problems, it's always the ones we wana smother that seem to be so funked up, she doesn't know how to cash in on those juggers that's why these hoes need pimps because they're mostly wierdos dumb or emotional psychopathic self centred poptarts with that said I managed to find out who her mum is she seems like just the type to raise a bird brain like this hoe who doesn't even give value for money or time
Don't give her no more money because she's not ready to help the bros out with content seems she's still emotionally scarred from a bad breakup with another poptard in her council estate so until then she's just gonna keep posting silly dance videos on tiktok and the occasional titty grab pic which for me is way better than sending her money to practically get blocked ignored or mildly entertained, she ain't worth is she's not all that anyways she's just a new idea to have a wank about and until she drops some really amazing shit which is highly unlikely considering how boring and plain English bishes are nobody give her a dime , also the mod bot bum lickers will be reporting shortly to their mistress
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A few moments later the trash bunny did the easiest thing a whore can do to get away from being exposed. Unfortunately fellas this is what the generation of poptards are doing and we can't defeat them by continuing to finance their habits
Sooner or later someone is gonna get that bitch for us all it always happens, she'll get her karma and she's gonna get the shock of her life tryna play with our cocks like that
looks like she blocked you for being an idiot
nah simps just make it the norm for these girls to go in "business" and feel entitled to ppls money while cranking out shit quality at a snails pass. At escargot prices too. Im cool with 15 seconds. But gd at least let me know what im paying for. A thumbnail or something
Finally someone with sense, she's blocking almost all the legit call out bullshit spotters, seems she's enjoying her newly found fame this one's gonna take some taming but like I said the Internet always wins against these hoes
Its too bad she has such a shitty attitude while trying to make money off her tits. One thing is sure as long as she has those juicy titties she will be gladly accepted around these parts lol
Don't know if this shit is legit but if it is then there's wins out there we just need the tampon boys to come off their period soon and drop the wins
Funny thing is it says 2 day free trial but then asks for bank details lol seems like someone's cashing in on this retard while she's busy ignoring potential meal tickets in her council flat lmao, all boobs no brain
She's at 40k on Instagram now sooner or later she's gonna drop content of her big floppy bags getting tackled chiellini style with a fat load of you know what splashing all over her retarded face
She finally replied to my DM today asking to buy content from her, but after seeing this thread I’m not gonna take the risk buying. Sucks she could really make a good amount of money selling content but chose the scammer route. Hope she decides to become legit soon or start an onlyfans or something
what is she offering custom then?
Most bitches that scam us don't sail off into the sunset my man, there's a karma rule that catches up on em sooner or later, they either get depressed and bloat up becoming unrecognisable or end up meeting a guy who fucks the shit out of them and spends all that money they think they stole, nothing they do ever works out, I mean look at that bitch jessikawolves see how she turned out, in the end the money can't stop karma baby so it's either she plays this game right or face the consequences of messing with our emotions. One other bitch grew a cest in her stomach had a surgery and disappeared lol some on visible man is looking out for us chaps these bitches think it's all fun and games out here
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The fact that she looks like a sloth tells us all we need to know about this one here she's gonna waste our time and if she does drop anything it won't be without dragging her feet I mean when u look at her tiktoks she doesn't seem to be the brightest.
(366 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20221119-204005_Instagram.jpg)
There you have it peeps it's over for us now she's got so much gas blown up her ass it's gonna be virtually impossible to squeeze wins out of her now
is it that serious though? I've been scammed for hundreds so I know the feeling. I was furious but I got over it. I mean, I look at the model now and heres the sad part. she's known as a scammer. she's still out there. she's high profile. but she is known as a scammer and a lot of people can't stand her. she's also known as a lazy bum. I wish no harm on her. I only wish shed get her life together and find another line of work.
a minute ago everyone wanted her nudes and now people are insulting her. thats a real bad look.
I dont know that you all pay attention to anything these models say but I think you should. before you start rapping pay attention to their tiktoks. the majority of them aren't very smart and are severely damaged from something. I want to say traumatized but that may be offensive. I'm not trying to offend. I'm trying to say that these ladies usually aren't very smart and they've all gone through something somewhere that made them go this route.
Look at the url, it's an obvious scam.
You can always dip your toe in and buy like two pics and see if she comes through.
I would if her prices were cheap but they aren’t. And plus if I pay after seeing multiple other people get scammed then I’m basically just asking for it
Great tits, but she looks like the retarded "Nothing like it" woman on Tiktok.
Finally got a response but she said there are only pics. Asked for vids but cant even get a response.
I will never understand you people. Just post content and share. Going turboautist and spamming these girls and their simp army is pants on head retarded. Not even /lit/ is this bad
Damn, I tried messaging her but she didn't respond. Those tits are so damn good.
Seems she's responding to the highest bidders, she's got 70k followers now so she's on cruise control with those floppy tits
scamming idiot. This is a screenshot from tiktok
And ur a silky cow to call me q scammer when I haven't asked for ur chicken peas won't share the vid thanks to you, there's an actual vid which I have , was converting the file to post but fuck it find ur own wins
Hi guys, ok last night I Black mailed her and as she was crying her fu**** eyes i managed to grab 20 full nu d e pics...I want $ 1,000 for the entire pack, I accept Bitcoin and crypto
Hyuc c it´s shame I don´t live near ya and know your location fag I´d personally would happily blow your f u c k i n g brains off in some 7eleven store and leave u there like a dog in the floor.
you'd blow his fucking cock right there and there in a 7eleven?
I don't know what's more cringe, the guy acting like he has a video, or the guy posing as REPORT MY POST to sound "cool".
The day will come, for I am waiting, and one day these nerds will leave my site and never return. They will not be missed even a little bit.
Thanks man all around the board its been a great day for wins. She hasn't got the attitude yet. Not sure she will. But certainly isn't afraid to show off her young ripe voluptuousness
Makes you just wana pillow hugg those tits and suck on em nipples like gugugaga mama milky milky, we need a big drop

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