
Lol thought the same thing
>>182596 (OP)
It's tallyyberryy you idiot. Her content sucks
>>182609 i’m pretty sure he wasn’t asking for the name
Requests are thataway, faggot
She charges 50$+ for her PPVs and she doesn't even show her tits yet, she DMCAs fast everywhere and the mods here take down her threads fast cause her simps flag everything and cause she dating a black dude.
Already off to a bad start and yes her content is crap
It shouldn't matter who she's dating. The fact she charges so much for non nude why is this even a Thread like there's any wins please delete this bullsh!t thread and don't being it back.
>>182658 can you just post the rest you have so we get rid of this shitty thread
Nah, yall need help obsessing over a boring bitch who shows nothing. Just stop bumping and find a new bitch here.
It's bbw-chan's favorite busty amateur! I can't wait to see how this tread goes!

Seriously though, I can't understand all the hate.
There's a lot of people here that actually pay for PPVs and Onlyfans subs and they're always getting burned by these hoes that don't ever think about them lol
Can't remember the last time I saw something here worth paying even 3 bucks for, maybe the gcupbaby titficks and that was yrs ago.
I will never understand that logic of these titty girls...u can see the whole tits, but that little nipple is a massive problem? Going to hell, if the nipple was showed?

Just dumb...
yall retards need to understand the reason why she ain't showing her tits is because she can afford to. same reason apple aint giving yall a charger in the box. she's running a goddamn business and not a charity, if her stream in revenue dips she's probably gonna show more but that won't happen as long simps are paying top dollar for non nudes. shit aint rocket science.
drop the entitlement to see every girls tits and talk to some real women you fucking incels
Yeah either way your spending money my guy.
>>183105 I agree, real pussy is awesome. way better than squeezing a nut out. I'm like a young pee wee herman, just waiting for the right moment to come along so I can pull my bbc out. It can be difficult depending where you work if you work too many hours.

Though I will admit that the dating scene just isn't what it used to be. I have some younger family members that have never even kissed a girl, and others that had to drive to towns a couple hours away to loose their virginities. No girlfriends ever. Not even one. The club scene is something I don't even want to think about. Probably mostly women in their 40s and 50s with huge humongous asses. There are many factors at play here, but it's not impossible to fuck, neither is it difficult, you just have to know what you are doing. We are living in a time where the divorce rate, child-bearing out of wedlock, single motherhood, and more are the highest they have ever been in human history. The fact that there's so many virgins in their 30s around here puzzles me. I could probably find some pussy within a week if I tried my hardest. I think I would rather wait for a nice chick although I wouldn't want anything too serious either. But it would be nice to have a cute friend to share my time with occasionaly. Most girls I knew don't have facebook because I've checked so there's no quick way to get pussy from a previously satisfied aquaintance. Their probably married and divorced by now anyway and I don't know if I want to get into something with children involved I mean.... It's not my type of shit. So as you can see the number of available women for me greatly decreases quickly. The most succes I had was with some young skinny white chicks, but those never got anywhere. They are the type that loose interest once they see that you don't want to take the relationship to the next level, and most of the time they simply moved, or found a boyfriend. It's as easy as pie for them. I too feel sometimes like there's no point dating if you never intend on getting serious, but at the same time I love to fuck and I lust the company of a female friend. When I get bored or when I'm in a rut that is when I feel I need a girlfriend most. Marriage is scary though. I don't even like thinking about it. Unless i'm married to a victoria secret model, ofcourse. That's no problem to imagine. Yeah, vagina is good though.
i agree so stop posting paragraphs like this is your diary and get back to the tits
it’s not that serious
no one is spending enough time to read that
>>183130 I do like tits, but probably not as much as some of you do. I think I have said that once before. Do you like small boobs or big boobs?

>>183135 In my humble opinion, the most annoying type of cigar is a cigar that thinks it's very clever. There's many different types of cigars though and they're not all made of tobacco.
I'm a black dude who just turned 28 and still has his virginity. Any tips on how to meet girls? I've had two girlfriends in the past, but they were both long distance. First gf lived in Korea and covid stopped us from ever meeting irl. Second gf I met a few times irl but we grew apart after a year.
Learn to talk to people in meatspace, go out to bookstores or sign up for some college class, and just interact with people. It will happen if you try, anon.
What are some settings where it's appropriate to talk to strangers though? Aside from the ones you mentioned.
a fucking goddess in fact bros shit
(152 KB, 306x325, John__Soap__MacTavish_MW3.png)
Haven't seen this one posted here yet. Nothing special.

Can wait for her forever. Her regulars are that damn hot
* Her regulars are that damn retarded.
Stop using this fucking website when there are so many alternatives that aren't covered in ads and viruses
use an adblocker retard
I'm with him, even with adblock this site is cancerific
any certificated updates?
The only time she does shit like this is when her sub count is decreasing
Exactly, if the simps could have some fucking self control for a few months and not pay or subscribe she might actually show something
Can anyone inform us of anything new?
How can I open that?
Theirs no vid to this pic at all. It's a trap
what does she do in the rest?
She'll show his dick but not her nips still, lmao this hoe is too much

I'll tell you what it is. It's g. She's been of those types of models that have a tendency to do everything wrong.

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