
This bitch put on some weight. Her tits were terrible before, went right to the floor. Looks like they've plumped up some.
Meh, her mum is hotter.
You probably don’t like black women anyway
Now she looks better. Like bbw )))
I agree .. she does look a lot more attractive as a bbw !
She looks good and tits got bigger
Great black mama
post more please of this cow!
Goddamn. Her tits got incredibly plump. They were flapjacks a few years back.
This bitch is hit and her tits suck. Please let this die.
Bro stfu and leave
Thank god, about fucking time. I remember finding her on IG a couple years ago when she was thinner, and then looking through her past posts and seeing that she used to be more of a BBW. She definitely, DEFINITELY looks better when she's bigger, and I remember commenting as such as getting a response saying "no, I'm hotter now because I'm thinner." Assuming that these are current pictures... yeah no, she's absolutely hotter when she's heavier.
Someone needs to be a hero for a mega link
Any hc vids?
She looked awful when she had short hair. Glad she's wearing wigs and gained some of the weight back
Anyone have videos with her and her mom?

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