
How do women get the dark stain on their thighs? Never expected her to have it
Its from constant friction of her thighs rubbing together when she walks.
Google dark stains on inner thighs there are many plausible reasons, not just friction

A lot of women in porn bleach their assholes and I would image other parts of their body as well like their thighs to maintain a cleaner-looking aesthetic. Either porn has warped your mind on what real women look like or you've never been with women irl lol
You’ve never been with a real woman and porn has ruined your brain. Yes plenty of women don’t have this but most thick thighed honies do
bump for her OF rip
This nigga said “stain”.
Why are you making excuses for her? Pornstars do that because they, or rather their managers, realise if your job is looking good you should be investing in your appearance.

If my gf had this I’d be making her find a solution. Here is a girl selling on onlyfans with pimples, bad skin, stains, and gross looking pussy and you’re acting like he’s the one fucked in the head. Bro, she is a disgusting lazy slob for not fixing any of this while begging for money.

I love her body shape but she grossed me out tbh.
Flagship guy with a porn-ruined mind lmfao

"If my gf had this I'd be making her find a solution" that's why you dont got a girl bro
Dark stain around pussy in thighs is highly normal and shouldnt be looked down upon.

Acne is something that comes and goes. Unfortunately her cystic acne looks bad and painful but it’s hormonal and not much she can do except take accutane which ruins your body and mind.

You don’t have a girl and never will with this attitude. And it definitely won’t be one who’s got massive tits, unless she’s a REAL lazy fat slob
Titsint0ps has an excellent amount of material from her if it’s still up
she already did b/g scenes
Primarily doggy b/g. She will normally sell them for like 20 to 30 bucks depending on what they are. I primarily buy solo scenes which hers are legit.
She ruining her GND image. She ll get more and more desperate in time just watch. She was supposed tp be anneris competition. She was so hot when I 1st laid eyes on her but now shes sucking cock fucking on camera she has thigh stains and boob acne :(
I hope she wont do more tattoos
I have so much of her content already not sure if I want anymore
Share the pack brother ....
Dude I am not even going to attempt or take the time to upload every vid I have of her and besides I have so much adult content on my phone I legit would have to look for it.
So your going off this because she has huge tits and a vagina and you have no idea what kind if person she is what turns her on or what she smells like. Her vagjna could be the stinkest shit you could ever come across. Dude shut up and enjoy the show she gives because guarantee after fucking her a few times you would not be so enamored with her
Does anyone have new videos of her
Literally last week I deleted my ENTIRE STASH. Everything. The rarest most amazing stuff I’ll never have anymore. Couldn’t take it anymore. Too much porn, too much clutter. It’s literally just porn, why would I need to keep collecting tens of thousands of things? Just fap and move on, no more saving shit..
Dude I have some expensive as shit in my stash and alot of shit that is almost impossible to find anymore. Yeah probably not going to happen
You’ll keep telling yourself that just like I did and it’ll never happen, you’ll never kick the addiction; the obsession.
A good chunk of my stuff is actually impossible to find, but now that it’s gone, who cares, it’s just pixels on a screen.
24 now time to grow the fuk up. I even have a wife. No need to keep collecting. It’s a serious addiction/obsession.
Like weight off my shoulders.
I’ll still fap to nice content I come across, but no need to save, for my dick will still get hard AF next time I look up the words huge tits
For that reason I still enjoy rachelglvn, but won’t save anymore, and won’t cry when her shits gone.
Another point for you - money comes and goes. Dont ever spend it on porn lol. And you won’t care much once the porn is deleted. It’s just paying for gas, it gets burnt but in the end of the day it got you somewhere, but where this analogy fails is that you need to stop putting in the money for content.
^Mods will delete what u said bc their site is built on porn hoarding
I feel you tho I should just lurk and fap n call it a day
Yes Tit had most everything
It's so god damned hard to stop anon, did you just try to go cold turkey and delete everything or chunks at a time.
I tried deleting chunks at a time, but would catch myself still collecting and organizing. So I just said, “Man up” and deleted everything in one go.
Helped me to let go.
Now, I still browse porn, but I really try to not save anything. And it’s working so far.
Damn I had no clue she was doing hc!
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Nah this is actually facts. At this point I just try to remember names and sites that have their content, now do I very RARELY save or sort anything its too much of a hassle

Slightly out of topic but I wonder what else do you have in that folder. I wish you can share everything but the size is so big
I applaud your efforts mate!
Sometimes it hard.
back to tits and asses pls
I have the same problem. A hard disc with 2tb of porn. Big tits from all ages (only legal). So many models. Some in order, some not.
And its like a curse. One day i erase evething. And my soul be free.
It’s freeing. Even when I dropped it down to 50 GB it was still to much for my brain to accept. It had to go. If I need to fap, I just look up something relative, no need to be super specific. A man can cum to many things as long as it fits the preference.
At least people post constant content
Can you drop your best videos tho? Make other thread
Iam married to its became more of a habit then something I feel like I need to do. I primarily just jerk off to go to sleep to he honest. It just nice to have something new to get off to instead of old shit. I have to sex but that's primarily on the weekends or when I get a day off because I work so damn much. I upload content on this forum but what pisses me off is that you upload something then people talk shit when it's not the scene that they wanted
I agree with you, this page is about porn, to make pro comments and share porn content, not to discuss psychology and nonsense,
Nobody ever shares anything though on here. Do you know how many times I've shared shit on here and I'd be the only one thst has uploaded anything. Dude get a clue. Half of the people on here are just here to get free shit not share.
Why her tiddys got meth skin? Prolly an infection from that juggalo she’s fucking
Email password username. Just try again. Mods on there are retarded like here, but worse. I’ve had several deleted post but no ban yet
>>183578 you know what, i think you're right. She didn't always have these and they seem to be getting worse. I thought it was just sweat rashes from the bra and maybe the climate. I hope she can fix them. her tits a AMAZING
Anyone got the full video? Thanks
Hanging out with the wrong people will ruin you
Thanks bro! Anyone got the full vid?
Wouldn't hispanic her ethnicity and hispanic be her nationality
Good shit
Why does a 19 year old legit have pussy lips that stick 5 miles off her body?
This girl legitimately went from top 10 to disgusting…. In a year..
Not true. She is still ripe and smoking hot

why? she still has huge fucking tits
They are a bit scabby of late though aren't they?
Yes her skin has too many picked pimples that have scabs on them.
I don’t think it’s meth. I think she is shaving getting ingrown hairs. Hairs on her ass and tits can make boils like that. Someone said she is with wrong crowd. It could be a stupid guy who saw hairs and took his razor and shaved wherever he saw. Then with hands filled with weed and McDonald’s put baby oil and rubbed ass and….5 days later it looks like pimple popcorn.
She is really pretty. The guy has giant ugly stomach tattoo and shaved his pubic hair. Like all he would need is a giant penis ring to make complete. Girls like that seem hard to get but then get fucked by guys who don’t seem to be classless?
seem to be classes
That's because looks alone don't decide if someone is "hard to get". Go outside for once
(4.5 MB, 360x480, 4JELfk8S_720p.mp4)
What a dream she is would like her pussy every day
>>185621 Meh. She's alright. I can appreciate the fact that she is not hideous or ugly because that is what I am acustomed to. I have decided that if I don't find a date by Christmas or new years that I am going to simply fuck the first girl I can get with that has sufficiently large breasts. I am at the end of my rope here. I feel like I am going nuts or something.
Love you guys with your wise words explaining to the basement dwellers how they are scum. Good show.
looks alone don't decide if someone is "hard to get". Go outside for once.

I have been around the block and I would rate her an 8. I have had 10s and 9s but not without work .Most girls that are 8 and above want good-looking + good prospect$ for the future. The guys they are fucking in these videos don’t look like that. They don’t even look average, they look slimy like carnie working a ride at carnival. No offense to ride operators around the world.
Man it's just overflowing with studs in this place isn't it?
Haha yeah she's pretty poor at it. Doesn't impress in the other video either.
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Anyone got the second part of the nurse's scene where she get fucked?
Are there more hardcore videos?
little bumpidy
Please more hardcore content

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