
(55 KB, 420x777, avatar.jpg)
M!osot!s-Vids She finally made an onlyfans she just started it but looks like it's gonna be a good one! Twitter is up too.Now Drop All Wins YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdWJXVmthV0ZtYVhKbExtTnZiUzltYVd4bEwzWjRiakY1Y0c1Mk5XdHZNM2hqTnk5TmFXOXpiM1JwTVRaZlQyNXNlVVpoYm5NbE1qZ3hKVEk1Vkc5d1lYcGZRVWt1YlhBMEwyWnBiR1U9
She looks like she lost a lot of weight.
I lost interest when she started looking like Bill Cosby.
What happened to her face

thats just a very unflattering angle for a face pic. It squishes chin to look fatter and also gravity and lack of shadow. Test it yourself.

people who body build and professional models know exactly how flattering (or unflattering) the photo angle and lighting can be.

Also, age gets us all. Mortality beats a mighty drum

never mind the virgin cunt bags who insist on wasting their time on a forum full of women that they are not attracted to. Says more about how little they value their time than anything else.

As for me, I wouldnt pull out of this beautiful woman.
Anyone have the link to it?
She was one of the best back in the days and it's sad, that she stopped doing porn, but she looks so unbelievable dumb right now
kind of off topic but it'd be nice if kristina milan kept all that pregnancy weight on. not sure if she has an of or not but she does cam and she's very thin these days.
Anyone got a collection of her videos with M@j@ M@g!c? Quite some time ago I found a mega on this site with her stuff but I never saved it and it's gone

She may have put on a bit of weight, and some of it got to her stomach and face, but holy shit her tits got even more gigantic and I love it
Your efforts in this realm will not be forgotten, brother.
Don't mention it broham!
does she ever shows her pussy?

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