
She's mid fucking, they move independently
Pretty sure she just has uneven breasts (and even nipple sizes). Still fuckin glorious, would smash x100
Why y’all posting all these skinny bitches on a fat girl site?
her right tit is spectacular, but the left tit is underwhelming. a degree of assymetry is almost always present but for her it's more pronounced.. if the left tit was more similar to the right one, she would be a legend
this isn't /bbw/, I don't care whether they're fat or not as long as they have nice big tits
Stop being a gatekeeping cunt. It's /tits and I see tits.
The website is called BBW-CHAN you fucking mongoloids. Theres no gate keeping going on here. Just fat bitches with big tiddys. Take this skinny shit somewhere else you fuggin goof
i'll reach out to her and ask her to eat a sandwich
/booty, /ee and /preg aren't bbw exclusive by definition either. Don't like it? Hide the thread and stop trying to spoil our fun. It's so fucking simple I'm positive even you can do it.
This is tits ya fucking mook. She has only 1. The other looks blown the fuck out, you like lil boy bodies that’s on you, pedo, someone just post gore and get it deleted
Someone not had their cap'n crunch today? Awwww.
Waaaaaah! Girly not shape I like. Waaaaah!
Hey, you like lil kid bodies that’s on you. Pedophile
You think this woman looks like a child? You got some problems buddy.
Modders if for once you can be useful get this shit out of here.
You Reddit degenerates are sun else. Damn blown out tit ass hoe.
If you like this kind of shit >>178035 your as fuck up as those claiming they need to be addressed with a special pronoun.
Those thighs are super greasy.
Use your words. Do it slowly.
You people are not ok with young or flat chested women but this >>178278
>>178277 shit is no problemo.
The woman is fine. If I found her that offensive I wouldn't spam gore, I'd hide the thread.

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