
>>173252 (OP)
Take this thread to TiT with the rest of the old coomers
Why don't you just fuck off if you don't like it?
I would like to thank my dad for leaving around his hidden porn stash back when I was a kid. Thats when I first discovered the goat Lindsey 😅
Bring it on! This “coomer” welcomes it.
They honestly don’t look to bad. Her before was epic but still looks good now
Linsey Dawn was truly amazing back in the day. It's a huge shame that she had breast reduction. Her enhanced breasts don't look good. But at least we can still savour how incredible she was as an all-natural goddess.
(668 KB, 900x1200, LINSEY 007.jpg)
Her rump was also impressive.
I'm old enough to remember the countdown to her 16th birthday when she finally went topless. Feels creepy now but back then when I was more her age it was so exciting.
Anyone have earliest LMD stuff
omg do you have more?
Does anyone have copy of that photoshoot she did when she was underage?
Not sure such a thing exists. She was only underage when she streaked, I think. You can certainly get photoshoots where she's barely legal, though. Quite a few of those.
I would like to see her early, overage work in HD…
Maybe the strip in pub or the work for „electric blue“!
>>173393 yes this is what we want please
At one point in Britain, it was legal for a girl to shoot topless photos once she reached the age of 16. But it was made illegal back in 2003. So it's probably not a good idea to post that shit, even if you can find it. It might not be illegal, especially if the law does not work retroactively, but it's still skeevy as fuck to go after photos of a 16 year old on a technicality.
Then again, it only matters if the servers that host BBW-Chan are in Britain. If it's illegal wherever the servers are to post UA photos and videos, then it's illegal regardless and needs to be taken down.
However you paint it actually requesting underage material as he did is creepy.
That's true. There are a lot of pedos and desperate/porn-desensitized men in this space.
"Back when I was a kid". Are you illiterate? Or just purposely being dense just to ask troll questions?

More concerned with her face being mangled
shes 16 in the photos dipshit
Who gives a fuck how old she was.... She was underage!!! I grew up to Linsey... But you wouldn't catch me dead looking at her underage bull shit right now. Or asking. This feed got disgusting when it should be honoring a LEGEND in LDM
u r right
age of consent should b 21
Hell of a leap there buddy.
Yes the newspapers actually did a countdown for both linsey's 16th (can show her boobs in a photo) and 18th (can have sex) birthdays. They did bikini photoshoots with her in the paper when she was still 15 to drum up interest.

There is a lot of photos and videos of her when she was 16-17 and it isn't normally specifically labelled as such. There is a video of her 18th birthday photoshoot as well.

So if you're concerned about having ancient underage linsey on your pc, probably don't download any pics from a set where you don't get to see her pussy.
It was rightfully pointed out that it was a bit creepy. No one claimed it was equivalent to ritual child sacrifice.
spannkbangg. com/3oxjj/video/ldm+howard+stern+show
Lol@pedo accusations. Except for the guy in all-caps, who is blatantly taking the piss.

The age of consent/pornography seperation has always seemed daft to me. So I can legally fuck a sixteen year old, but I can't look at a naked picture of them. Makes perfect sense.
Laws and morality don't always coincide. It doesn't always make sense but specifically requesting material concerning a minor as is what happened is dubious at best.
anyone have a link to a day with linsey dawn mckenzie video cant find it anywhere
Where are the early photos then
Are we meaning underage in the amerimutt sense of not 18 or in the actual sense of not 16 yet?
16 is the age of consent in the UK, not 18
Why are we splitting hairs? Someone went out of their way to seek underage pictures. The word used was underage and as such the request was made knowingly.
(295 KB, 1000x1412, 1999888copy.jpg)
Dude, nobody is going to post sub-18 LDM. If it wasn't against the rules they already would have. Have some 18 year old Linsey
More pls 😍
Anyone have the, A day with Linsey Dawn McKenzie video?

Ask and you shall receive

I didnt realize I had the video lmao
No wait, that’s The wrong one. That one’s called Busty Wet Dreams with Linsey Dawn. That’s a different movie.
My bad, try this one

Thats odd, It gave me the wrong video. I thought I did it correctly. I select a Day with Linsey but instead it was Busty Wet Dreams
Where to find the early stuff
hi fellas im new here, i dont know what i have to do after using base64 to decode :)
Check your windows folder and see if it says system32 , you’ll need to rename it to system64 so you can see it, your PC is in 32bit mode it needs 64 to read base64
dont do that, its gonna brick your personal computer and you wont be able to access the interwebs anymore
This also allows you to triforce, fwiw
Bitches can eat shit, die and go to Hell after this butchery. Then I erase them from my memory bank.

Even the great LDM should've fucking known better.
that female gremlin was a lovely little slut
(300 KB, 918x1404, cc.jpg)
incredible woman
YES (.)(.)❤️❤️❤️
Same pic is above but they mirrored it and terribly erased the words from the magazine

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