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i have had a heavy hand since starting and it seems most posters understand where the board stands now. going forward this is what to expect.
1) racism, gore or jb/cp/etc is a permaban, no exceptions.
2) threads must have either 1 video link or 3 photos. 24hr ban & thread deletion for non-compliance
3) bumping/necrobumping without new content will also result in a 24hr ban & post will be deleted
How long does a thread have to be dead for a bump to be considered a necrobump? I know the easy answer is post content and you won’t have to worry about it, but I’m curious.
i haven't really seen any clear definition by my cohorts on this topic, so it will be a case by case basis. loosely i would say up to a week old without any new content i would say falls under this category. if it's someone thanking another poster within that time frame I'd probably leave it up and just warn them. anything older than a month being brought back up with no new content whatsoever will likely be archived.
Damn finally this is honestly great news cause I love this board but it was becoming so toxic at times. Appreciate the effort
In other words stop uploading shit that you pay with your hard earned money to this site and start using a VPN when using this site because that can't ban an ip address when they don't know where it's coming from. Iam all for rules but titsintops can stay the fuck over at titsintops. That's what this has pretty much turned into. Every play nice. Shove it up your ass
They most of got a new mod cause he's deleting even harmless comments compared to the usual shit posts and some of you are enabling it.
I'm all for this. Content is king and everything else is worthless and needs purging. Politics, opinions, all of it. Wanna chat? Take it elsewhere.
A community without chatting isn't a community, it's just a gallery. I can find all this shit myself if I just wanted the content.
at the end of the month, that new mod will go away. too much work here to clean.
We have the tools to be our own mods. It's baked into the board.
No I want to know about the history of the models or other topics as long as it's not overly political. I'm one of the biggest leakers here and if I can't say what I want this site will become as boring as TiT. New mod needs to lose their ego and you need to learn to ignore the autism on these boards.
Blackmail it is then.
Based Ahti jannie
>>171409 (OP)
I can 100% understand 1 and 2, but someone care explain how points 3-5 are going to help this board?

Most of these broads don't even upload daily, let alone weekly, so how will their threads stay up if you can't talk about them?

Will we need to recreate their threads and post all previously leaked content on a weekly basis + add the new 1 image each time she posts something new?
It's not. What's going on here is that have a new mod that has no clue how this forum works. This forum depends on content that people buy themselves that may not be available through a regular internet search. She's try to get people to play nice with each other mean while the people that never upload shit to this forum are praising the new rules while the people who upload shit all the time are taking it on the chin. This new mod obviously has no fucking brains in her head
what ive taken to doing is deleting older posts once they’ve moved up a bit from newer posts and leaving the new posts so the thread moves up in the catalogue. primarily the comments being purged are just things that add nothing to the conversation like schizo posting, older bumps, posters opinions on how good/bad the model is, but anything that is actually relevant will remain up such as info about the model, info on pricing, whether or not they’re active, etc.

the main point is to keep as much thread open for content as possible for when it gets archived.
>>171505 (Dead)
Yeah so upload your paid for content so this site can keep going. Any only say what she wants you to say because you know without new content to upload this site will become irrelevant pretty fast
please explain how not being able to be a racist or be an asshole to someone is making you “take it on the chin” im curious what your thought process is? how does any of these rules impact your ability to buy content, upload it to a website and post it here for people to see and thank you for?
I don't know my man. Anonymous/-chan sites are known for being shitposting hubs, but at the same time that very environment also makes them the places where the leaks and drops happen. Simps/"play nice" people consume the content, but usually its the ones people call "bastards", "incels" or "mygogenists" that actually come thru and leak stuff.

I'd say points 1-2 will already greatly improve the place. But take away the shitposting/chan culture from this board altogether and you have a TiT/Reddit 2.0 - "play nice" written everywhere, but no actual content since leakers gravitate towards non-hugbox communities.
Noone is trying to be racists on here except trolls on here and most of the gore on here is posted by Sarah rae and that's only to get her threads taken down. People post gore on here to get threads taken down that they don't like that's it. Your rules aren't terrible but this is a place where people can come and say whatever they want but are willing to share content with people that are willing to listen to them bitch and they may not necessarily even be pissed at you personally. If someone calls someone a gay but is willing to share a vid that costs 50 or 100 dollars or let you have access to a library of good content then why not. I just think the previous mods should have explained to you how this site really works before they let you take it over that's all.
>>171409 (OP)
Honest question, can I ask in regards to Rule 5 why something like >>169946 (Cross-thread) is allowed to stay up? Like it goes a little further than just "I just don't like the content." Considering that this is the TITS board on BBW CHAN and this person very clearly is neither a BBW nor do they have impressive tits, why would this be allowed to stay up? I understand there's a lot of subjectivity here but then what stops us from posting any woman of any size provided that they just have breasts?
ok these are entirely fair points. i will relax some of these rules but outright toxicity will still be subject to deletion. you’re entitled to your opinion on anything you want, but immediately replying “who gives a shit” to a new post is something else. thanks for the feedback
honestly, it was missed. there’s a lot of posts and im only one person, which is why I rely on the community for reports when things fall through the cracks like this. I will remedy this
I got some more of cayenna wiley onlyfans shit and if I can say what I want then iam not uploading shit someone else can buy it and upload it
Several of the rules will not be enforced, because if they are, this site will die soon, as many say much of the content can be found outside of this site, many come here to have fun commenting and bullying others, removing that will make this site like a porn library, boring after 2 minutes.
So we can finally purge those trolls that to do nothing but call ppl the N word, Faggots, and any sort of derogatory word just b/c they dont like their opinion? Thats pretty much every thread on here.
I hardly doubt it's Sarah Rae posting them. She's probably got a simp doing that for her.
Whats a Necrobump?
So what of the people that find simps offensive? It's all very subjective.
Sounds like Communist China.
i can't call momokun a decomposed ass lookin zombie on my bbw-chan? literally 1984
regardless tho open up the rules for discussions that aren't necessarily inflammatory, whats an imageboard without gossip
aight i see it's been addressed above, great
You should be able to say whatever. It's really not your problem if the offended party has low impulse control and is unable to find the filter ID function before they've picked up their lance posted a rebuttal.
Being able to say whatever is why the racists, shitposters, and racist shitposters were derailing threads or posting bait threads like T@llyB3rry.

If some anon wants to shitpost or racebait or just post some flagrantly stupid shit, they're going to do it regardless of the rules. That's why the rules are there, to minimize the level of fuckery they can get into so that threads don't spiral into racebaiting and shitposting and edgelords saying their favorite slur for attention.

And if you really need to say whatever you want and not get checked for it, go to 4chan and see how it goes.
It's not even about that. Honestly most of that shit is done by trolls but if iam going to post a video that cost me 50 bucks and share it with everyone for free I want to be able to say whatever the hell I want. I mean what's better getting something for free or buying it yourself. I've never been racist on here or posted gore but I've told plenty of people to fuck off so their.
You do now this is the same position as the people that complain about models right? I don't like it so no one should enjoy it.
Did that $50 go towards server costs? Towards storage costs? Are you paying the mods?

You shouldn't be shitted on for posting something you pay for, but unless you're paying for the upkeep to keep this place running, then you shouldn't get free reign either. Just because someone buys groceries for a house does not mean they get to break a toilet. There's a balance to it.

And there should be a bare minimum of standards and rules for models and consumers so that both know how to conduct themselves and how to produce a viable product to sell. Most importantly, to ensure that one side can't easily fuck over the other or harass the other.

That's the point of having rules and standards.
I think it's time people put their big boy pants on and used the site tools. We don't need our asses wiped.
Then be the change you want to see. Make a post pointing out what site tools we can use and how to use them.
Stickys can only be created by mods. How long do you think that thread/post would last? If you're here and posting then I don't think it's too much of stretch for the options at the top of every single post be explored.
So, in a thread being monitored by a mod, instead of asking the mod for help, your answer is to give into futility and say "anons should already know this?"

You make no sense. It's being monitred right? It's been said right?
The point is to ask the mod to make the sticky thread. Or to make the thread and ask the mod to sticky it. Either one works, and at least it's being proactive towards something.
So, when does the DNP list start and the micro-moderating take effect? Couple of Mods fled TiT recently.
I actullay credit the mod with intelligence. If he's so inclined it will make his job easier to post a how to.
But i mean what is the overall upkeep for a site like this anyways? What exactly keeps people coming back to this site? I mean when you go to the grocery store and if that store doesn't have what you want your going to go to another store that does. I mean what is this site without leaks because most of the people that are agreeing with the rules are the ones that have never posted a goddamn thing. Moderation cost? I mean how stupid do you think we are. I mean with all the rules and a stupid ass possible dnp list you don't have to worry about bad behavior or good leaked content either.
My personal opinion is very black and white. Either hands off, let the posters police what they see and only intervene when CP gets thrown in. Hell, plenty of places work this way. Or no discussions. Nothing other than content. Maybe a thank you or directions can be posted without content. All other posts must contain a minimum amount of said content. It's either all OK or none of it is. Any other way and you're starting the end. It might as well be reddit.
It's an imageboard. You have no idea of who's posting content and who isn't, and you have no idea whether the people who want the rules are posting content or not. The ID code changes with each post in each thread, especially if they're using a VPN or Brave or any decent service that allows for some semblance of privacy.

Second, I don't think you're stupid. I think you're trying to leverage content you can't prove you've posted for a lax rule system which would keep things in place while pretending that things have changed. I think your entire argument is "everybody else but me" as though you are distinct and deserve to be favored for something you can't prove. And I think that is stupid and listening to you is stupid.

But you...I don't know who you are. You could be a MENSA member for all I know. The logic still relies on favoritism and the TitsinTops boogeyman to prevent any real change that might inconvenience your ability to shitpost however you want for whatever reason you want. For a promise of content you can't make or prove.
That first point really bends that second one over.
I've never shitposted a Damm thing and I have uploaded shit to this site many times. Leverage? I mean most people who upload anything to this site has leverage especially if that person has shit that Noone has been able to find. I am no better than anyone else on here but assume some are more ignorant then others
The problem is that you can't prove it. You can't prove that you did or didn't shitpost, and you can't prove that you posted content here or didn't. Hell, your id for the board might have changed when you made that comment, or you might be a brand new anon.

So if you were a mod or the site owner, would you really want to give an advantage to anyone who can't prove who they are or what they've done? Or give anons an opening they could exploit to their benefit that could get you in trouble with no proof or guaranteed method of compensation?

But its a good thing that you're verified to have done all of those things, anon. You are the special one and it's the other anons that would exploit that lack of knowledge and verification to their advantage.
Thank you for doing something about all the trolling.
Dude. You sad this place was anonymous, implied you knew who he was and then reaffirmed that you couln't know who he was. Those are some back flips right there. Just stop posting.
Way to miss the obvious sarcasm, anon. And the point of the comment made.
We all did = not obvious. "lol, it's just jokes y'all!".
When the point of the comment is "the mods can't give leeway to anons because of things they can't prove nor guarantee because it can't be confirmed that they do what they say or are who they are" and the comment is ended with

>But its a good thing that you're verified to have done all of those things, anon. You are the special one and it's the other anons that would exploit that lack of knowledge and verification to their advantage.

If you can ignore the overall point and miss the clear sarcasm in the last comment, then it's either because you are willfully stupid, desperately looking for a win, or just want to change the subject.

But yes, I'm sure that "we all did" miss the point. Because you can sure prove that statement true. Yessiree bob. You sure can.
Whatever helps you win the argument in you head friend. It was so clear that no one got it.
Welcome to the new TiT gentlemen. It was OK here or a while wasn't it?
What explains your first abut face in that post then? Bipolar?
TitsinTops ended up the way it did because their servers are in America, they didn't moderate worth a damn, and scared off so many women that the mods overcompensated.

If anything, they were the website that you're looking for, and look at what it got them. One of the few advantages that BBW-Chan has is that it's harder to DMCA strike content directly posted here, which is why people go here in the first place. Even if things posted to gofile or MEGA get taken down, because the threads are still up people can still request content that was taken down and find other ways to avoid DMCA strikes. But that only works if people want to post, and that's not going to happen if this place turns into another imageboard filled with pedo posts, shitposters, and racebaiting threads.

All of the comments are above. Either you can prove what you're writing is true or you can't.
^ wtf this is definitely the same guy in the simp thread w/ these comments LMAO
Oh yeah. Armchair philosopher. His reasoning is sound but I wholeheartedly reject where it ends up.
You're a fucking idiot if you think the shit posters are as bad the losers who troll with CP. At least when people get in fights on a thread it's amusing half the time.
The only thing i have to say is, thank god, finally.
Yo, can we get a rule where mofos cant use a spoiler on the main image used to start the thread, kinda stupid to have a spoiler on a 1 image thats supposed to give u a hint as to what 'model' is being talked about. idk just thinking out loud here.
What the heck is CP?
I have no objection to any of this. Good move.
Thank fuck. The toxic shitheads just here to start shit have no business begging for porn from other people with one hand while typing out absolute dickbaggery with with other.

what are you, 12? go look it up on encyclopedia dramatica
Thank you Mister Politenessman
does sage even work here

well this new mod seems half-retarded, but I can also see the value of 3. There's still the occasional post around here that are just some thirsty stalker posting his classmate's tiktoks or FB photos spamming them in hopes her actual BF will leak some nudes and they just are obviously spamming it back up to the top every day. Or even chicks who have an OF/etc. that's clearly NN just bumping that shit constantly asking for nudes when they don't exist. It's not like it's every fucking thread, but it's enough to be obnoxious; that shit should die. 5 I feel like ties back into 1, if the mods can be fuckin' sane. Making actual comments about the girls or good-natured 'chan ribbing, sure, leave that here, but there's a lot of posts that really do contribute less than nothing when it's a guy going into the BBW posts just spamming 'fat ugly lol' on every thread just for a reaction.

fuckin' agreed. I get if you're trying to dodge bots/filters, but just make it SFW art in the first image at least. Sure they can see through that, but if their shit is that sophisticated, they'll also see through you just 1337speaking their name, too, and can probably read text within an image, so fuck it. We live in an age where any random jackoff can download crazy James Bond-ass spy tech to their phone for free, so yeah, the occasional thread is gonna get fucked, and I think that's just a reality we gotta accept. What's clearly VASTLY more important is not wasting the time of horny assholes like me who can't be bothered to click on a thumbnail to decide if this chick is in our wheelhouse or not
tbh, that stupid pic in this thread annoys the hell out of me.
Maybe not but hiding threads and IDs is certainly a thing and should be encouraged. Don't like it? Block it.
>>171409 (OP)
oh fuck off another site gone to shit first tits and tops and their redicously dumb dnp list then no oppai loli and now this is there any site/community that isn't fucking retarded?
>wtf I can’t be racist or a pedo?! Fuck this place!!! Fucking liberals!!!

this is how retarded you sound

Oops apologize had it in wrong the thread
>I am too ignorant to filter the posts I see so everyone must express themselves in the manner to which I agree with.

This is how you sound.
You're free to leave if it hurts that you cant say slurs or look at lolis. It costs you nothing
As are you if you're unable to navigate an imageboard. Here's a tip - I tend to look at something else if I'm not happy with what's presented me.
Why is it some people are desperate to control how others speak? Has it ever dawned on you that your expulsions are equally disgusting to people?
Not everyone wants to be politically correct and boring like you bro. I assume you're over 30 and you knew when the internet wasn't so heavily moderated and people minded their own business and if things did get too heated believe it or not the block button existed back then too.

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