
(220 KB, 900x1200, FCeLL6vXsAM8l4I.jpg) (241 KB, 900x1200, E5jTqbJVIBABt1q.jfif) (204 KB, 831x624, Screenshot_2021-11-12-02-34-51-284_com.android.chrome.jpg) (133 KB, 900x1200, 2316x3088_4f06d1f4a1d824c9a438c947557cd4e0.jpg) (302 KB, 1200x900, 1800x1350_8dcbfb3151c0878dae12ec53317163fb.jpg) (888 KB, 1284x968, 143D847A-ED4E-4969-BBDC-8CA6D4597161.jpeg)
Does anyone know why the last Penny thread was deleted? Either way, starting it back up again!
Bitch be lookin like Shrek in the thread pic
I don't get the obsession with her. Her tits look like shit.
Amen. She was cute 10 years ago when she was still living in Japan. With some fame she became rather crazy. Her Pictures and videos are also crap. Seems she shoots all the time in her bathroom.
Granted, even as a fan of bolt-ons, hers are a bit fo a fucking botch job.

Really what bugs me is her fucking bleached out meth addict hair, its literal fucking trash. To paraphrase Silky Johnson: What can I say about that hair that hasn't already been said about Afghanistan; It looks bombed out and depleted.
She still look like shit
Then why keep checking her thread?
Are there any other women built like her? Big and tall with big fake tits?
>>168713 (OP)
Anybody have a video collection of her various breakdowns with her crying? No particular reason.
That's a pretty fucked up thing to want, my dude.
New erotic videos yet?

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