
>>166603 (OP)
Absolutely stunning, post more as to make it a thread. What’s her TikTok/ insta username?
No one has been able to find the info since it was posted on Reddit and TIT...
Must be Romanian, that Aqua Carpatica bottle and the background give it away.
Them Romanian's really are built different!
>>166603 (OP)
Sweet God. The next lolosavo? That jiggle on them is insane.
fuck, nice tits
my god her fat tit bags look so soft, that jiggle got me hard af
I wish I had a woman like her in my life. Absolutely gorgeous woman.
>console warring on a tit coomer board
She just had a baby. Nips probably black. Kinda let down but still good looking.
yeah, cool how much her boobs grew though, they were significantly smaller before the baby
Guys, without makeup she doesn't ugly. Just see some of her videos on tiktok where she wears no makeup.
I mean she looks ugly without makeup. Sorry typo above.

Dude, that's basically all women on the internet. Somewhere between makeup, filters and porn we've completely lost track of what people actually look like...

She has nice tits. Let's focus on that
The miner teeth tho.
But yeah, boobs are decent, not the biggest or most revealing chick tho, nothing to go mad.
It's hilarious qnd ironic when basement dwellers and fat incels are picky about the looks of a girl they're seeing on the internet
I ain’t got a clue of what she said but she fire
This is a titty board, not a dental fetish board, and she is damn fine.
First Dominique Layla, now her. I don’t even fking notice it until you say it, you picky basement dweller
carefull, i sent her money on paypal but she gives nothing in return. i thinkshe's a scam
Did you talk with her about sending money for pics, or did you just send her money randomly? Because that wouldn't make her a scam, but it would make you an idiot.
What’s sad is the fact you actually had to ask that because people really be that dumb
you mean "people 'are' that dumb" not 'be' that dumb. Funny calling somebody dumb when you yourself use poor grammar. this ain't tha hood yo

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