
hey, I know her, now her breast is gone, chopped off, new husband (younger and rich), new life and she doesn't want to talk about her past life anymore as busty whore.
Ever get tired? You're giving the Abbi is boring guy a run for his money.
You are talking shit, what shows that you don't know her!
That comment was ment as a reply to no.166399 sorry!
If he really would knew Milena, he would know that she didn't had a breast reduction!
poor simp... your shit world collapses since you know her breast is gone I think. you can say it's wrong, but it's true. NO MORE BOOBS FOR HER! NEW HUSBAND. NEW LIFE. NO MORE LOSERS LIKE YOU IN HER LIFE NOW.
Yes, yes, chopped off. Nice. Do pop along now dear.
all simps of that whore are now on nina phoenix, it's the same level of comments with words like "goddess", "queen" or "I know her"... you have audience that you deserve I think
granny faced overrated broad
Well I've scrolled up and not really read anything positive at all. Sure you have the right thread?
u sound dumb af calling other people losers when u on this thread too stupid mf
All of you are fked. Mod please annihilate this thread
Yeah fuck off. The content is good.
milena has a flat chest now, probably full of scars. and has a new husband too and doesn't want to remember her past as busty whore, which is logical because she's not busty anymore... have a good day.
Fuck you, mods eradicate these idiots
If you can't see through the idiots to the content then there's no hope for you.
I have a lot of respect for Milena. she made me fantasize for a long time. She made a lot of money by showing her breasts. She cannot deny her past. So sad she seems to have made a reduction. However, no one has proof except for a written exchange...
Why did people post pictures when the link has all of her videos? 😅
Oh no! Too much content. Whatever will we do?!
If you believe, chop off your wiener! Never seen so many infants.
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Shut you fuck up, moron.
Take your tone.
We dont need to know so wide of this bitch.
And they paying money for nn.
Do you have any pics after her chopped?
Never got her popularity, tired of seeing her face all the time
The hide function works.
Are there any milking videos of her except of the Film she did?
Eager woman with huge breasts, slim-to-average body and ok-to-sexy face with lots of easily-accessible properly-shot content.
Sure, it isn't even full nudes most of the time. But lots of huge tit sucking and fondling and lactation and lots of variety in settings makes up for that.
(3.0 MB, 255x302, tumblr_os3ohbkc2U1w72oteo1_500.gif)
I loved Milena !.....i love Milena !.....and i always will love Milena !.....especially like this with a good girlfriend.....
(476 KB, 1085x1600, 6F46589.jpg)
How the fuck can you faggots be angry about huge tits
oh she likes this new guy so much that she chopped up her tits? nice he must be delighted
This better be sarcasm, because if you're really taking the word of some random anon at face value then you need to just turn off whatever you're using and walk away.

Only one person has made the claim she got a reduction, and provided no proof other than her word. Even if that wasn't the case, Milena has 18 years worth of content and most of it's online. Pick one and fap away.
Here he is look. You could almost set a clock to him.
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used to be a video out there where someone put together all clips of her laying down bouncing like she was getting fucked. anyone know what I'm talking about?
I gotchu:
(1.7 MB, 600x480, Milena V.mp4)
Milena can really afford not to wear a bra her tits are huge but gorgeous and they are not saggy like some.....
Anyone have a login for her site? I'll post a working login I have for Nadine's site if someone drops it

Would that by any chance be the samerch login?
Nah its a different one
there is a link to her entire site and more on reddit
People are so thirsty they didn't bother to look lol. The link at the top has all of her videos. On that page there is a playlist with even more of her videos lol smh
still some of the best tits on here

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