
Someone posted a big win a few months ago on bbw... Damn I wish I saved thst image.
I am very sure that the first image is a video, although I have little hope that one day I will see it
Why the hell isn't reddit blowing this up? Anyways thanks! - OP

Second picture is Photoshop
Ah, the classic photoshop comment. I'll ask again. Photoshop of what? Do you have the original picture?
Compare that fully topless picture to the picture of her holding a container between her tits and the picture with whatever those things are covering her nipples.

Her tits in those photos are a lot firmer and fuller than in the fully topless one, her areolas are smaller, and her nipples in the fully topless one are far more down her breasts compared to the one where her nipples are covered but higher.

Either way, something doesn't add up and considering her audience and how long she's been known, I wouldn't trust either.
Either way. The OG picture still hasn't been provided by anyone calling it fake.
Don't want to be a buzzkill at all, but isn't the allegedly photoshopped pic from before she was 18? I remember there being a whole ordeal with her being a minor in some content. I could be wrong, but I don't want anyone to get into trouble.
And if it's real, assuming she was underage when she took the photo, then everyone who saved it possibly has CP on their hard drive.
Nobody's stopping you from collecting or keeping whatever you're going to collect or keep. Not unless you get caught in a honey trap.

But at least don't be stupid or desperate about it. Or a shameless edgelord seeking attention Or stupid enough to post the content on a public, highly visible imageboard
lmao imagine taking this opportunity to come off edgy. kids are so desperate.
You people are desperate for a reaction. You cant tell me you actually care that she’s 17 in that. And you’re so schizophrenic that you think you’re now on a watch list
>Do I think I'm on a watch list?
>Do I think my ISP is tracking everything I look at?
Yup. Because they're selling information. Information which the police can access with a court order. Which happens when anons get the wrong attention put on them from the dumb shit they do.
>Can I convince you that I don't collect UA content?
Nope, because you wouldn't believe me. Just like I can't force you to delete whatever's on your hard drive. The only thing I can ask is that you or anyone who thinks like you to not be stupid or attention seeking or desperate about things or at least have the decency to keep it to yourself and not post on public imageboards and forums.

Just basic self-preservation.
Admit you like 11 y/os
Post the original then.
Anneris trash. Fuck her
Very similar, but not enough to prove photoshop
(62 KB, 720x520, z6jul7s9h9791.jpg) (236 KB, 1125x1992, 44g114t35mu71.jpg) (206 KB, 1350x1800, 300x300_e21205ae0813bc6645fab4acc179c18c.jpg)
So I went digging like a passionate man would, here's the facts.

I could not find any picture of rachel's which resembled the room that anneris was in, but there are pics of anneris which confirm it was a picture in her room, those pics of anneris in that room are not many, it is safe to assume she keeps that more private.

Notice how rachel's room has no similarities, also the tits shapes are clearly different despite a resemblance of nipples and coloring.
I believe the anneris picture is real but the room has nothing to do with it u weirdo lol
Ye, you're right on the rooms. Good work anon. And tbh, those tits are what I'd expect to see. Who knows what the fuller tits are up to
if she unveiled them, then they'd go to or past her bellybutton
tldr but those are very clearly rachel's tits photoshopped onto anneris
Original still has yet to be discovered. I wouldn't say it's a fake that fast if that's the case.
the goku poster tells its rachels room
I will say that the red nails one is real because she wears them in one of her tiktoks
Rachel Galvan? Are you guys fucking stupid or something? The name is on the pic!
lmao this guy is braindead
Or you cant notice sarcasm.
brah you can never be sure with the people on this site
Didn’t she have an onlyfans
Such beautiful face. Such beautiful body
Such beautiful face. Such beautiful body.
New. Videos of Rachel?
(4.7 MB, 960x720, Rachelglvnm.mp4)
I got ya. Rachel has alot more to see than @nneris is going to show us
You're right about the rooms.
But it still looks exaclty like Rachel's nipples.

Someone could've just paid for an "exclusive photo" of her, than photoshopped rachel's tits on it.
More.. videos
You're a braindead idiot
What is this from from? Who made it?
I'm sure considering she's not very tall for 18 , her tits must be a bit saggy ! beautiful but less than those of Milena Velba.....

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